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Leaning into the wind

tirsdag 10. maj 2022
af Alice Scalzo

The weather is not with us today, but that did not stop Hanelie and Manuel from being the first ones at Nordstrand for morning observations ! Sea migration was quite slow, but they saw a Great northern diver (Islom), a few Black guillemots (Tejst), and a few raptors on the land, Hen harriers (Blå Kærhøg), Merlins (Dværgfalk).... And many more.


They came back around 10, Leona and I were already busy working on the laptop. Each of us entering the ringing data from yesterday while listening to some nice music. 

Leona also went out to try and see the Red-rumped Swallow (Rødrygget Svale) but unfortunately took the wrong path and missed it.


After entering all the data I worked on the picture archive, and Leona did some super crazy tasty chocolate crêpes for us to enjoy ! We also got some time to clean out optics, and repair them in my case. Afterwards Hanelie took care of entering the data they collected during morning obs. Rasmus came by the station. Tomorrow he will be sitting behind the radar.

Meanwhile Robbe went to Nordstrand to see some birds. He then had a tour with four visitors from the UK and Texas. They went on a walk to the cormorant lake and the tractor tracks. Although it was raining they were very happy as they saw new species. He also saw a Garden warbler (Havesanger) with Manuel, maybe the first one of the year here in Skagen.


The afternoon was pretty chill. We all continued on different activities, entering data, a power nap, a walk to find some nice species, making knots on a little trap, and for me some nice time drawing and painting. Robbe took out some dangerous invasive plant that was growing in the garden. We then all joined for a little wingspan game with cocktails (thanks Robbe) that was interrupted by dinner time. We had a nice meal that Robbe prepared for us, and had the evening meeting.

Our guests went to see the morning observations, and afterwards had some nice coffee in Skagen. They also visited the art museum which they really enjoyed. They went to grenen again for a walk.

Simon had some work planning the bird festival, he was with Rasmus for sometime, and also went out birdwatching 

Have a good evening,



People: Simon S. Christiansen, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Manuel Tacke, Robbe Cool, Leona Grottschallesoh, Lisbeth Drassech, Vilhelm Michelsen, Rasmus Due Nielsen.

With the beak wide open

mandag 9. maj 2022
af Manuel Tacke

After not being in Skagen for a few days, Manuel was even more looking forward to the observations on Nordstrand this morning. Beautiful sunny weather somewhat concealed the fact that ice was still visible on the bicycle saddle in the early morning.

Together with Knud and later Robbe, the keen birders enjoyed the just arrived and intensely singing Common Whitetroats Tornsanger in the dunes at Nordstrand. The migration was slow, but at least there were two Great Northern Divers Islom to marvel at. They are on the move to their breeding grounds in Island (and maybe North America?). It is really strange to see this large divers migrate with their beaks wide open. A phenomenon you rarely see in the similar Black-throated Divers Sortstrubet Lom and almost never in Red-throated Divers Rødstrubet Lom.

As the morning wore on, the raptors took off, especially Common Buzzards Musvåge and some Red Kites Rød Glente soaring high. There were already hopes as to whether a rare guest might mingle with the common species today. A somewhat atypical 2. CY Hobby Lærkefalk briefly put us all into some excitement already as it's a good time for Red-footed Falcon Aftonfalk...

Meanwhile, Leona and Hanelie opened the nets around Kabeltromlen at dawn. Together with Oluv and Alice they were able to get a Sparrowhawk Spurvehøg out of the net as one of the first birds. Very exciting. Otherwise it went well too and the nets stayed open all morning. At the end of the session they got no less then 85 birds out of the nets, a really good number. Among them no extraordinary rarities but Redstart Rødstjert, some Flycatchers Grå Fluesnapper and Wheatear Stenpikker are not daily catches and beautiful to watch them from close.


While we were preparing lunch, the rumour of the morning became reality: an immature Steppe Eagle Steppeørn was on its way towards the tip. A great species and a lifer for most of us. We sped off in all directions, Hanelie and Robbe had excellent views of the bird at Saftevandsbakken together with many other birdwatchers; Leona, Alice and Manuel managed to connect with the bird briefly afterwards. At least a short sighting. In the afternoon the bird hasn't been relocated, probably went southwards again. Maybe we will see it back with the next migration attempt the upcoming days?! This bird counts as the 11th record for Skagen!

Picture: Knud Pedersen

Skagen continues to live up to its reputation as a paradise for rarities (and their followers ;-)


Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i DOFbasen af observatører i området (Today’s observations in DOFbasen from observers in the area)

Sum of the raptors in the area based on observations typed into DOFbasen the same day

Ringmærket fugle ved Kabeltromlen (Today's ringed birds at Kabeltromlen):

Spurvehøg 1
Sangdrossel 1
Solsort 1
Stenpikker 1
Bogfinke 2
Munk 7
Jernspurv 1
Tornsanger 2
Rørspurv 4
Gransanger 5
Broget Fluesnapper 1
Rødstjert 4
Rødhals 5
Løvsanger 22
Gærdesmutte 1
Gærdesanger 18

Total: 85


People: Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Robbe Cool, Leona Gottschalkson, Jørgen Hulbæk Christiansen, Knud Pedersen, Oluv Lou, Lisbeth Drassech, Vilhelm Michelsen

It's coming it's real

søndag 8. maj 2022
af Robbe Cool

Today, I sacrificed myself to do the morning observations while the others could sleep a bit longer after the long barbecue evening we had yesterday. Surprisingly, I arrived 10 minutes before sunrise at Nordstrand. I had to start the morning observations alone, but Jorgen Hulbaek and Hanelie came to rescue me. Hanelie was still in here sleeping mood: apparently, she was still wearing her pyjamas when she arrived. We saw more birds than the last days with some thousand meadow pipits "engpiber" and nice observations of black-throated divers "sortstrubet lom". Big numbers of gannets "sule" were passing by as well.


Brun Sandspringer

We stayed a bit longer to enjoy the birds without having the pressure to count them and continued our day in Batteriskoven. There, we found many flycatchers, for Hanelie the first spotted flycatchers "grå fluesnapper" she saw. Earlier in the morning an Ortolan bunting "hortulan"  was found and Hanelie tried to see it. Unfortunately the bird was only present for some minutes so by the time she arrived, the bunting left already. Once I came back, I took a nap and went through the nocturnal flight call recordings, but there are still a lot of mysterysounds the analyze whereby Manuel will help me. Before I could answer all the data, Leona called me because a red-breasted flycatcher "lille fluesnapper"  was found in Batteriskoven, a new species for us all. And this showbird made us all happy.


Leona was also happy to see the wood warblers "skovsanger" there. Alice spent her day on writing applications and taking care of the recorder for the soundscape project. In the evening, we were happy to welcome our new guests Lisbeth and Vilhelm.

Let’s hope that we can break the curse of the slow migration tomorrow!

Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area

Sum of the raptors in the area based on observations typed into DOFbasen the same day

People:  Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Robbe Cool, Leona Gottschalkson, Jørgen Hulbæk Christiansen, Lisbeth Drassech, Vilhelm Michelsen

Cormorant Lake and Barbecue Evening

lørdag 7. maj 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu
Good evening everyone,

this morning, Gustav and Alice took over the Morning Obs, today at Worlds End 1 because there was also the Tower Count there, which was taken over by Lars Grøn, Anders Bojesen, Søren Knorr Søndergaard, Carsten Bohn Søndergaard, Alex Sand Frich, Jørgen Hulbæk Chistiansen and others. They had 88 species from sunrise to 1pm.

Marion and Emmanuel also joined our two observers for a while. It was really slow. The highlight was two Grey Herons "Fiskhejre" attempting to migrate, but the wind was too strong so they just landed on the beach. Because of the wind, we could not ring either, Leona, Robbe, Raya and I stayed at home today. Raja slept late to prepare for a long journey back to the Netherlands. Leona also stayed late in bed, Robbe and I were up a bit earlier cleaning the kitchen. Soon Marion and Emmanuel arrived at the station to return the rented bikes and to say goodbye as they are going back to Aalborg today. Then Alice and Gustav arrived and Alice, Robbe and I went to the cormorant lake to count the birds and occupied nests. Robbe, our botanist, discovered afterwards a perfect place for plants on the other side of Cormorant lake.


Cardamine pratensis


Alice meanwhile went home to prepare lunch for us. I went to Batteriscoven because Marion had found an excuse to say goodbye again, which of course pleased me - I don't mean because of the goodbye but because we met again before she left: she still had the bike key. When I got back to the station, Alice had already prepared lunch and Leona and Raya were in town to visit Axel Thorenfeldt's exhibition. You have to hurry, it's the last day  tomorrow and the exhibition is really worth seeing!

Robbe arrived and the three of us ate together. Afterwards, Robbe and I each had an online meeting in the afternoon. Alice entered data and had a short nap. Later I worked on the picture archive and Alice and Robbe placed the recorder for the point count and went shopping for our barbecue in the evening.

Last but not least we should not forget our guests Lisbet and Carsten, who dedicated their day today mainly to the culture of Skagen.

And now we're finally enjoying the barbecue I´ve been suggesting since March!



Enjoy your evening as well and see you tomorrow!




People:  Simon S. Christiansen, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Robbe Cool, Leona Gottschalkson, Raya Mathiak, Carsten Math Iversen, Lisbet Harms Lavsew, Lars Grøn, Anders Bojesen, Søren Knorr Søndergaard, Jørgen Hulbæk Christiansen, Carsten Bohn Søndergaard, Alex Sand Frich, 

Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger and Emmanuel




The dandelion Wagtail

fredag 6. maj 2022
af Leona Gottschalkson, Raya Mathiak

Today there was no ringing due to the strong wind.  We joined Gustav and Hanelie on the seawatch at Worldend 3. We had a White Wagtail, White Wagtail ssp. yarrellii, a Yellow Wagtail and a Yellow Wagtail ssp. thunbergi.

Obs_panorama.jpgMorning observations at Worldend 3 - Photo by Raya Mathiak

After the observation I was finally able to go check out the town with my friend Raya. I bought Puffin and Herring Gull Socks!

Haneli, Robbe and Gustav went to Batteriskoven to see a Wood Warbler, which was a lifer for Hanelie. Also they saw a Pied Flycatcher. After checking out some other places for birdwatching Haneli went back to check if the nets were still in good condition because of the strong wind. Meanwhile Alice send out some applications for universities and cleaned the birdbags.

In the afternoon we cleaned the station bikes and put oil on the bike chains.

Robbe decided to cook with natural ingredients today, so he collected nettles and dandelions. We then ate chips while extracting dandelion petals.


Extracting the dandelion petals while eating chips - Photo by Leona Gottschalkson


The finished Nettle- Dandelion Risotto - Photo by Robbe Cool

Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i DOFbasen af observatører i området.

Sum of the raptors in the area based on observations typed into DOFbasen the same day

Persons at the station:  Simon S. Christiansen, Jørgen Hulbæk Christiansen, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Robbe Cool, Leona Gottschalkson, Raya Mathiak, Gustav Nyberg, Carsten Math Iversen, Lisbet Harms Lavsew


Fugle der pjækker!

torsdag 5. maj 2022
af Gustav Nyberg

Dagen bød på endnu en ringmærkningsdag. En dag fuglefolkene havde store forhåbninger til efter gårdagens massefangster i nettene og observationer af store grupper af småfugle i de levende hegn, men fuglene havde andre planer. De pjækkede fra ringmærkningen og smuttede i storcenteret. I nettene var de I hvert fald ikke og tilbage stod Alice, Robbe, Leona, Raya og Simon og trillede tommelfingre.

På trods af det, holdte Raya sin første fugl. Det blev en Løvsanger. Det var hun vældig glad for, og hun nyder at få lov til at se fuglene helt tæt på.


Imens de andre ringmærkede, skød Hanelie og jeg med laser ved Verdens ende 2. Vi håbede på nogle store flokke af rovfugle, vi kunne skyde og som samtidig ville dukke op på radaren. Det er ikke altid, de to ting lige spiller sammen. Det viste sig at være vanskeligt, da trækket mod nord kun præsterede enelige spurvehøge, der fløj uden for radarens rækkevidde.


Foto: Erik Christophersen

Senere tog jeg til Batteriskoven I håbet om, at der skulle være en Hvidhalset- eller Lille fluesnapper. Heldet var ikke med mig denne gang, men det skal nok ske. One day.

Til slut kan jeg dufte Alice’s mad. Det skal nok blive fremragende. Tak for I dag og velbekomme.

Ringmærket fugle ved Kabeltromlen:

Gransanger - 1

Løvsanger - 2

Munk - 9

Rørspurv - 1

Bogfinke - 1

Sangdrossel - 1

Total: 15

Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i DOFbasen af observatører i området.

Sum of the raptors in the area based on observations typed into DOFbasen the same day

Personer ved stationen:  Jesper Pedersen, Simon S. Christiansen, Jørgen Hulbæk Christiansen, Oluf Lou, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Robbe Cool, Leona Gottschalkson, Raya Mathiak, Gustav Nyberg, Carsten Math Iversen, Lisbet Harms Lavsew.

2 New Species and Full Nets

onsdag 4. maj 2022
af Leona Gottschalkson

Today we were able to ring again. Haneli, Raya and me opened the nets at Kabletromle and weren't disappointed. The nets were full of Willow Warblers (Løvsanger) and Lesser White Throats (Gærdesanger). The Highlight of today was 2 new species. We had the first Tree Pipits (Skovpiber) and the first Common Whitethroats.

IMG_1738.JPGFirst Common Whitethroat of the season

IMG_1715.JPGFirst Tree Pipit of the season

While ringing we could hear the Cuckoo (Gøg) which was singing between Kabletromle and World End 2. It is really early this year.

Manuel and Carsten joined the observations on Nordstrand. After that he left us because he will visit Hamburg to meet his family and for the upcoming Birdrace. Because Manuel had to leave earlier Knud took over the counting.

Robbe and Alice went to World end 2 to laser shoot.They could see a flock of 40 Buzzards. We still need to adjust but every day we're making a bit of progress. It is still hard sometimes to find the birds on the radar due to technical settings that need to be refined. With the laser binocular we get better at following the birds. Robbe and Alice were able to follow a Buzzard for 4 km today.

On the way back from the laser shooting Haneli and Robbe saw a Little Ringed Plover.

Later right after our Moult lecture with Simon, Gustav arrived. He will stay here until Saturday. He took a 4 hour walk and saw a lot of Pied Flycatchers (Broget Fluesnapper), Willow Warblers (Løvsanger) and Wood Warblers (Skovsanger).

Lisbeth and Carsten were a great help today because they did the groceries and cooked a delicious meal for us.

People:  Jesper Pedersen, Simon S. Christiansen, Knud Pedersen, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Manuel Tacke, Robbe Cool, Leona Gottschalkson, Raya Mathiak, Carsten Math Iversen, Lisbet Harms Lavsew


Ringed birds at Kabletromle
Sangdrossel: 3
Gulspurv: 1
Rørspurv: 9
Bogfinke: 2
Lille Dompap: 1
Munk: 15
Gærdesanger: 12
Rødstjert: 1
Broget Fluesnapper: 1
Løvsanger: 61
Tornsanger: 1
Rødhals: 12
Gransanger: 15
Skovpiber: 2
Gærdesmutte: 2
Grønsisken: 1
Lille Gråsisken: 1
Engpiber: 1
Total: 139

Today's observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area

Sum of the raptors in the area based on observations typed into DOFbasen the same day

Sum of the raptors in the area based on observations typed into DOFbasen the same day

People:  Jesper Pedersen, Simon S. Christiansen, Knud Pedersen, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Manuel Tacke, Robbe Cool, Leona Gottschalkson, Raya Mathiak, Carsten Math Iversen, Lisbet Harms Lavsew





tirsdag 3. maj 2022
af Manuel Tacke

Early in the morning, Leona (who joined the station's team the day before yesterday) and Manuel stood in the wind on the northern beach. Together with our guest Carsten and some other observers, we enjoyed the stormy sea and the Gannets Sule flying close to the beach. Also quite some Fulmars Mallemuk could be observed. Otherwise, there was very little going on. This was quite convenient for us, because afterwards Hanelie and I wanted to head to Grenen for our laser project and stand at World's End 2 from 9h.

Together with Aarhus University, the exact migration routes of the birds are to be studied. For this purpose, a radar has been set up in the garden of the lighthouse and we have been equipped with high-tech laser binoculars. These can measure, among other things, the height of birds in the air and the distance to the observer. Together with Jesper, who sits at the lighthouse in front of the radar image and is supposed to find migrating birds, we started from the dunes at 9am, looking into the distance. We quickly found some migrating marsh harriers. Unlike the buzzards, which came a little later, the harriers actually made the strenuous journey across the sea, the buzzards in fact returned from the tip.

Therefore, we were able to "shoot" the harriers and transmit the data via Bluetooth from the binoculars to an app on a phone. This is really next-level-birding, isn't it? In the course of the morning, the wind died down and it became really summery. The many Barn Swallows Landsvale fund few Sand Martin Digesvale flying around did their part. Very beautiful!


While Robbe enjoyed some free time in Aarhus, Alice worked on her (exciting but busy) online courses and Leona picked up a friend and joined for a laser shoot, afterwards they spent some time on the beach. Lisbeth and Carsten took advantage of the sun later in the day for short walks around Grenen and in the town. There is something for everyone up here ;-)

Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i DOFbasen af observatører i området (Today’s observations in DOFbasen from observers in the area)

Sum of the raptors in the area based on observations typed into DOFbasen the same day

People: Jesper Pedersen, Simon S. Christiansen, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Manuel Tacke, Robbe Cool, Lisa Vergin, Leona Gottschalkson, Carsten Math Iversen, Lisbet Harms Lavsew

Alpine Accentor "Alpejernspurv" at Grenen Parking!

mandag 2. maj 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu
Good evening everyone!

Alice and I got out of bed early again this morning because we opened the nets at Kabletromle. Simon and Lisa joined us at the first round. It was supposed to be windy later in the morning, but in the early morning, the wind was perfect for ringing. And it was a very good morning. We had two new species for this year: a Reed Warbler "Rørsanger" and a Sedge Warbler "Sivsanger".


Sedge Warbler "Sivsanger"


The Reed Warbler"Rørsanger" was also a recapture from Belgium! We had a total of three foreign recaptures: a Brambling "Kvækerfinke" from the UK, a Lesser Whitethroat "Gærdesanger" from another bird station in Denmark and the Reed Warbler "Rørsanger" from Belgium. Although we had to close the nets at 10 o`clock, due to the wind, we ringed a total of 46 birds this morning! Carsten joined us at the ringing and stayed the whole morning with us at Kabletromle. He really enjoyed us seeing ringing and watching the birds from so close. After ringing we went back to the station. Once there, I started entering data. Then a Zello call arrived: An Alpine Accentor "Alpejernspurv" was found at Grenen parking. We all hurried there and we all saw it, although we wished to have seen it for a bit longer. But Leona managed to take quite a good picture of it.


Alpine Accentor "Alpejernsurv"


Many birders looked for the bird later, including Alice and me, but unfortunately, we did not find it again. Robbe left us after that, but he will be back tomorrow so we will be complete again soon. He is enjoying a concert in Aarhus tonight. Manuel and Leona went to Worlds End 2 after seeing todays highlight bird, to do the laser shooting in the field, while Jesper sat in front of the radar at Birders Club. But actually, nothing to shoot today though. While Carsten was up early today, Lisbet got a little more sleep and then went to town. They met for a coffee in Skagen, then had lunch, and in the afternoon Carsten and Lisbet went on a bike tour to Nordstrand. They saw a flock of Redwings "Vindrossel" and two deers on their way. Alice and I entered the data in the afternoon, Alice did the raptor summary and I had a nap in the afternoon. In the evening Manuel cooked us a good meal and Carsten and Lisbet joined us for dinner. Tomorrow it will be too windy for ringing, so we will do observations and laser shooting, and who knows, maybe the Alpine Accentor "Alpejernspurv" will still be around and we will see it a bit longer tomorrow? That would be nice. Well then, maybe see you in the field tomorrow.

Take care,





Ringed birds at Kabletrommle


Sangdrossel: 1

Rørspurv: 3

Bogfinke: 4

Kvækerfinke: 1

Munk: 11

Gæerdesanger: 2

Rødstjert: 2

Jernspurv: 1

Broget Fluesnapper: 1

Løvsanger: 11

Rødhals: 4

Sivsanger: 1

Gransanger: 4


Total: 46




People:  Jesper Pedersen, Simon S. Christiansen, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Manuel Tacke, Robbe Cool, Lisa Vergin, Leona Gottschalkson, Carsten Math Iversen, Lisbet Harms Lavsew



A new arrival !

søndag 1. maj 2022
af Alice Scalzo

Hanelie and I went to open the nets this morning, then joined by Lisa and Simon. We had 50 birds, a very satisfying number after a few slow days.


Picture by Hans Christophersen

We caught again Pied Flycatchers (Broget Fluesnapper), Willow Warblers (løvsanger) and Reed Buntings (Rørspurv), highlight of our morning there, a Grey wagtail (Bjergvipstjert). Manuel joined the ringing some time after, followed by Robbe who came by foot because he forgot his keys in the appartement and was therefore unable to retrieve them after the door closed...


Picture by Hans Christophersen

Orcas (Spækhugger) were spotted in the morning, first seen in Nordstrand going east, so we also got to see them from Kabeltrommeln ! Manuel and Robbe ran to the beach to get a closer look and had a perfect observation of the animals.  After this nice sighting Robbe went on a walk in the dunes to try to see a few birds but didn't find much to observe apart from some cool plants. Lisa and I also got a nice observation of a deer walking in the water a few meters away.

Today was open ringing day, so we had around ten visitors at the ringing site. They got to see the birds we caught, the nets, and the ringing process. Hans had a tour with a few visitors, so he also stopped by the ringing station. It was a very nice atmosphere with all these people around coming to see us and the birds, and we also got a delicious cake from Simon's father !


When ringing was over Robbe, Hanelie and I had a little swim in the sea. According to me it was freezing cold, but Robbe and Hanelie enjoyed it a lot. Then the four of us had a nice ice cream at the lighthouse. Manuel worked on the nocmig, already a few nice species were recorded, we should soon have the final results, so we will keep you updated !

Simon worked a bit on the raptor GPS tagging project, and collected the recorder from the chairman who used it last night. He also went to nedermose to see if there were any raptors flying around but he only saw a Golden eagle (Kongeørn) so it was not worth installing the nets there. He also enjoyed some birdwatching. In the evening he went to the station to pick up Leona who just arrived ! She is our new long term volunteer. Leona started her day ringing at Blåvand, they also had an open ringing day there so they saw lots of people. They caught Chiffchaffs (Gransanger), Willow warblers (Løvsanger) and Redpolls (Lille Gråsisken). She then said goodbye to everyone there and took the train to join us. We had a late evening meeting when everyone was finally at the station, and an even later dinner that Hanelie cooked for us, but it was worth the wait as it was really delicious !

Our new guests Lisbet and Carsten arrived in the afternoon, Robbe showed them around. They left Fyn in the morning and drove four hours. They will be here for the week and will be joining us on the field from time to time.

Hans and Anders left us today. We really appreciated having them here, and we wish them a nice trip back home !

Have a good evening,


Ringmæking Kabeltrommeln:

Rødhals (Robin) - 2

Bogfinke (Chaffinch) - 3

Rørspurv (Reed bunting) - 5

Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) - 1

Bjergvipstjert (Grey wagtail) - 1

Broget Fluesnapper (Pied Flycatcher) - 2

Munk (Blackcap) - 1

Sangdrossel (Song thrush) - 2

Gransanger (Chiffchaff) - 11

Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) - 21

Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) - 1

Total : 50

People:  Simon S. Christiansen, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Manuel Tacke, Robbe Cool, Lisa Vergin, Hans Christophersen, Anders Brinkmann, guests, Leona Grottschallesoh, Gottschalkson, Carsten Math Iversen, Lisbet Harms Lavsew

FORRIGE     1  |  ...  |  80  |  81  |  82  |  83  |  84  |  ...  |  227     NÆSTE