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Gull Day: Caspian "Kaspisk måge”and Mediterranian Gull "Sorthovedet måge" in the Obs

søndag 4. september 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu

Good evening everyone,

I will start with this blog in the last hours of yesterday as some of us were nightactive again last night. Simon drove Frank, Solenn and me to Aalbourg yesterday evening. First we went to Simons mums place and learned to know the house he grew up in to meet Lisa there. Then the five of us went to Simons dad and his wife and we had a delicious barbecue. Tak for mad!

Afterwards we went to the fields around Lindenborg as the goal of this night was catching Great snipes (Tredækker)! Simons dad joined us for the first hours of nightchatching and also Oluf joined us at Lindenborg. On the first round on the field we caught a Common Snipe (Dobbeltbekkasin).


Ringing Common Snipe (Dobbeltbekkasin)



Common Snipe (Dobbeltbekkasin)

After we ringed it, we went on the fields again but we just had four Skylarks (Sanglærke). We didn´t see any Great Snipes (Tredækker) and decided to leave earlier than in the last nights around 2.30. Simon and Lisa went to Simons familys summerhouse after nightcatching, Frank, Solenn and I had to take the train back to Skagen. While waiting we sat an hour at the train station in Aalborg, doing bird quizzes on the phone.  I managed to sleep in the train after two nightshifts in the last three days. When we arrived at Skagen, it was soon time to leave to the morning observations for Max. He joined Knud this morning, but came a bit later, so he missed the Mediteranian Gull „Sorthovedet måge” Knud observed at sunrise. But later they had a Caspian Gull (Kaspisk måge), and also the young Pallid Harrier (Steppehøg) showed up, that has been around the last few days.


Caspian Gull (Kaspisk måge) in a flock of Gulls

While Frank Solenn an I were still sleeping, Elena went to town today, as she will leave Skagen soon and wanted to discouver it a bit more. She had a look at a few shops, that were open today to buy souvenirs for firnds and family, visited the harbour and Ankers house. Also, she had a nice fish in a restaurant. Max went to town today as well to enjoy a Faxe Kondi wihile enjoing the sight of a swinging picnic tabele full of gull shit.

Later in the afternoon, our new volunteer, Diana from Italy arrived. She had been visiting Copenhagen with her family bevore and had a long journey with Flixbus and train to Skagen today. Jørgen picked her up at he trainstation, Diana will be volunteering at the bird observatory until the end of the season at the 7th of December. Now Max is cooking dinner for the six of us, tommorrow, we´ll all be in the field again for ringing and observations! See you then!




Ringing (Lindenborg):

Sanglærke: 4

Dobbeltbekassin: 1

Total: 5


Observations of the day in DOFbasn from observers in the area

People: People: Max Laubstein, Frank Osterberg, Hanelie Sidhu, Elena Turac, Solenn Boucher, Diana Sciandra, Simon Christiansen, Lisa Vergin, Jørgen Kabel, Knud Pedersen, Oluf Lou, Gunnar Simonsen