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Good bye

mandag 5. september 2022
af Elena Turac

Hey everybody,

Today was my last day at the bird observatory. It’s sad for me to leave as there are so many things I still want to do, so many things I still want to see or observe. But on the other hand, I started to fall ill and it’s good to have time to reenergize again and to hopefully come back at another time, fully regenerated and open to experience much more exciting moments.

Well, how have I spent my last day?

As I have wanted to gain again more experience in ringing birds, I decided to join the ringing team today. Unfortunately, the birds didn’t want to say goodbye to me… We caught only 9 birds in total and closed soon again. Too windy and too beautiful weather conditions with wrong wind directions might be the reason for this low number. The birds are probably using these good conditions and are not landing during their migration, or they are not migrating at all because of the nice weather or they are just not passing by, taking another route. As you can see, there can be a couple of reasons for the low catching and probably, nobody knows for sure.

Our little highlight was a juvenile Yellowhammer (Gulspurv) and a beautiful male adult Redstart (Rødstjert).


Hanelie and Solenn went for watching migration at worlds end 3. Unfortunately, there wasn’t quite a lot to observe as well, but it was enjoyable anyway. Besides the big flock of gulls (måge), in which eight color rings could have been read and the migrating Common Scoters (Sortand) , some Red Throated Loons (Rødstrubet Lom) and Velvet Scoters (Fløjlsand) were seen.

In addition, 4 seals, including two puppies, were resting at Grenen, which is always a nice sight. Unfortunately, they could not detect the orca, which was sighted at Nordstrand this morning.

We spent the afternoon cleaning the apartment, napping, data entry, playing bird memory and Hanelie started to analyze the Nocmig data. (The Nocmig is a microphone, which is placed outside during the night. The recordings give you an insight into which birds are around during this time.)

The past week Simon has been writing two articles to Netfugl.dk. Read them on these links:

Ringing of Quails

Color-ringed Red-footed Falcons

Finally, on the occasion of my last day, we went eating in Skagen at one of the harbor restaurants, which was extremely nice and such a beautiful goodbye (which makes it even a bit harder to leave).


All in all, I want to say THANK YOU to the Skagen Bird Observatory for all the experiences, for all the new things I have learned and for all the beautiful moments you enabled me to have. 


I will definitely come back!

See you then!!


Ringing (Kabeltromlen):

Løvsanger: 4

Rødstjert: 2

Gulspurv: 1

Tornsanger: 1

Blåmejse: 1

Total: 9

Local DOFbasen observations

People: Max Laubstein, Frank Osterberg, Hanelie Sidhu, Elena Turac, Solenn Boucher, Diana Sciandra