Her på Skagen Fuglestations blog bringes korte nyheder i dagbogsformat om hændelser på fuglestationen.
Finally some sun :)
Very slow morning today… Pablo and I opened the nets at Jennes Sø, but only caught 4 birds on total.
Suddenly, the sun came out, which was a nice and warm feeling on our faces for a change. As soon as the weather changed there were a lot of visitors at the lake and we had a little talk with Peder and Jørgen. We were also happy to see Igor. Pablo and I had the chance to go for a little walk between the rounds.
When we came back from the ringing, we saw that the Red-Backed Shrike (Rødrygget Tornskade) we ringed yesterday afternoon, was foraging in the station garden again. Maybe it will be our friend for the winter!
Martin also had a quiet morning and missed three interesting birds while he was pouring a cup of tea. It was two Great Northern Divers (Islom), the last one could have been a White-Billed Diver (Hvidnæbbet Lom). He also observed a flock of Pink-Footed Geese (Kortnæbbet Gås).
Pablo saw a flock of 200 Waxwings (Silkehale) in town today.
Jeppe and Christina worked from home today. Christina worked on a video about nocturnal migration recordings and Jeppe was sewing the nets we used this season and that must be prepared for catching birds again in spring.
In the afternoon, Jeppe continued sewing the nets and I organized the pictures in our picture archive.
Grey weather again at the lighthouse...
While I’m writing the blog, Martin made some Glühwein for us and him, Pablo and Jeppe are playing a round of Wingspan. We have been doing that every evening for the last days and are really enjoying that game!
Ringmærkning (Jennes Sø):
Blåmejse – Blue tit: 2
Munk – Blackcap – 1
Rødhals – Robin - 1
Total: 4
Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området
People: Jeppe Overgaard, Pablo Macías Torres, Martin Grienenberger, Simon S. Christiansen, Christina Stinn, Peder Dannow, Jørgen Kabel & Igor, Amelie Zeller
Windy day with surprises!
Today we did not go to Kabletromlen. Instead we went to Jennes Sø. It was the first time that I went there, and I really enjoyed the place. However, we did not have that many birds in the nets. Only 5 birds (2 recaptures). The highlight of the morning was a Eurasian treecreper (Nordlig Træløber).
While we were ringing, Martin and Christina enjoyed the first hour of counting in at End World 3. After counting 500 razorbills and observing for second day consecutive the Horned Grebe (Nordiske lappedykker), they did not see that many birds during the next two hours. After that, Martin took a quick look at the waxwing in town, close to the cemetery, and he could spot a flock of 40 individuals. He even recorded them and made a SMS ringtone!
Christina worked hard today on the rodpoll session video and it is finally uploaded! Go and check it up, there is a lot of valuable information and a lot of work behind the video:
Part I:
Part II:
In the afternoon we had another surprise! We were imputing the data when Simon spotted a Red-backed Shrike (Rødrygget Tornskade) in our garden! We run and opened the nets hoping to catch it. Just a few minutes after, the bird was in the net! We were very happy to ring this unusual bird for this time of the year.
In the evening all of us sewed and repaired the nets, and later we had some cake (the one Christina did yesteday) while playing our favourite bord game (Wingspan).
Tomorrow we hope to get some more birds in the morning in Jenne Sø.
Ringmærkning (Jennes Sø):
Munk – Blackcap: 1
Nordlig Træløber – Eurasian treecreper: 1
Rødhals – Robin: 1
Ringmærkning (Fyrhaven):
Grønirisk – Greenfinch: 1
Rødrygget Tornskade - Red-backed Shrike: 1
People: Jeppe Overgaard, Knud Pedersen, Amelie Zeller, Martin Grienenberger, Simon S. Christiansen, Christina Stinn, Peder Dannow and Pablo Macías Torres
A Horned Grebe (Nordiske lappedykker) and lots of indoor activities
Pablo, Amelie, and Jeppe ringed at Kabeltromlen today and did not have many birds. The season is definitely slowing down, and it is starting to get colder now, too! In total, they caught 19 birds, including 8 recaptures.
A highlight was an online ringing session with Pemille, who joined in via video call with a class of special needs students aged 10–14 years. It was a great learning experience for them, and the students were very interested in hearing more about the birds and our activities here at the station.
Peder Dannow, a birder and photographer from Skagen, came to Kabeltromlen, which was also a nice treat.
Martin and I went to Grenen Sø to put up the trap for the water pipits again. Unfortunately, we didn’t catch any today. Martin went on to World’s End 3 to count migratory seabirds with Knud. They also had a slow morning, with only ~600 birds in total. Their highlight was a Horned Grebe (Nordiske lappedykker) in full winter plumage – oh, how I wish I had been there to see it! They aren't rare, but they are such beautiful birds. Martin and Knud also counted 55 waxwings. It appears they are finally starting to show up in increasing numbers, so we might see them up close again.
After setting up the trap for the water pipits with Martin, I returned to the station to edit the video of Simon’s session on Redpolls (Gråsisken). We will be posting it on Youtube tomorrow and share the link on Facebook, so make sure you check our social media channels in the coming days!
In the afternoon, Amelie went over recapture sheets with Simon. Jeppe studied up on how to identify Common scoter (Sortand) and Velvet scoter (Fløjlsand) in the field – which isn’t as easy as it might seem, especially on a sunny day. He also learned about sewing mist nets, which is a task all of us will be doing in the upcoming weeks. The more nets we fix now, the fewer need to be done over the winter or early spring. Jeppe and Martin also finished organizing the attic above the lab, which is looking quite nice by now. Martin then worked on the records for the Barn own in DOF basen, with two calls that he recorded during the night in early to mid-October. While everyone else was working on station-related tasks, I made a German sheet cake called "Donauwelle" in celebration of Martin's name day: St. Martin! As you can see, the topmost layer is chocolate. What you don't see is the cream layer underneath (with more butter than I will dare mention) on top of cherries, on top of a white and chocolate brown cake layer.
We also watched a video by Ottenby Bird Observatory on identifying Rock pipits (Skærpiber) and Water pipits (Bjergpiber), which isn’t easy, depending on the light and on which part of the bird you see.
Even their calls are quite similar. Martin, who analyzes bird call recordings during nocturnal migration, provided us with a few more details on the sonogram.
Tomorrow is going to be a windy day, so we will be going to Jennes Sø for ringing. Hopefully, we will get a few more birds there – wish us luck!
Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen):
Blåmejse – Blue tit: 3
Gærdesmutte – Wren: 2
Sjagger – Fieldfare: 2
Munk – Blackcap: 2
Fuglekonge – Goldcrest: 1
Bogfinke – Chaffinch: 1
Total: 11 new birds
Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området
People: Pablo Macías, Jeppe Overgaard, Knud Pedersen, Amelie Zeller, Martin Grienenberger, Simon S. Christiansen, Christina Stinn, Peder Dannow
Hvidnæbbet Lom, Silkehaler og Wingspan
I dag tog Pablo, Christina og Amelie ud for at ringmærke, mens jeg tog ud sammen med Knud for at tælle fugle. Martin var hjemme, da han i dag har haft en velfortjent fridag.
I dag var en langsom dag ved Kabletromlen. Der var ikke mange fugle der gik i nettet. På den femte rundet beslutter de at lukke for i dag. Kl.10.30 var nettene lukket og turen gik tilbage til fuglestationen.
Ude ved Nordstrand sidder jeg klar til at tælle fugle. Knud ankommer i selskab med Frede. Sammen sidder vi og tæller de fugle der kommer forbi. I dag var en god dag for andefugle. Vi ser godt med Sort and og Hvinand.
Indimellem tælleriet får jeg undervisning af Knud i artsbestemmelse af Alk (Razorbill) og Lomvie (Guilemot).
De to arter kan, for det utrænet øje, være svære at sklene fra hinanden når de kommer flyvende over vandet. Træning, træning, træning må derfor være vejen frem og Knud er den rigtige at spørge til råds.
For mit vedkommende gav dag i dag mig et langt bedre indblik i bestemmelsen af de to arter.
Dagens store højdepunkt fra Nordstrand kom flyvende kl. 10.50. En adult Hvidnæbet Lom (White-Billed Diver) i fuld yngledragt, på nær begyndende fældning på struben. Det var en oplevelse der gav varmen i den kolde vind og en god afslutning på dagens observationer.
Da jeg kommer hjem ringer en lokal, som har taget nogle billeder af en rovfugl, som han gerne ville have artsbestem. John kom derfor forbi fuglestationen og vi kunne artsbestemme rovfuglen til en Musvåge (Common Buzzard).
Amelie, Christina, Pablo og Martin skulle i dag ligeldes introduceres for dansk madkultur. Turen gik derfor ind til midtbyen for at besøge pølsevognen.
Her stod den på fransk hotdog, ristet hotdog og Julehotdog i herligt følgeskab af en Cocio.
Vi fik en god snak med pølsekvinden der servede for os. Ligeledes talte vi med et par lokale som også kiggede forbi pølsevognen. Tilbagemeldningerne fra alle fire var positiv.
På vej hjem fra byen får Martin øje på en flok Silkehaler (waxwing) som rester inde ved kirkegården. Her flyver de frem og tilbage efter mad. Martin og Pablo anslår at der var ca. 150 stk. som alle sang. Dejligt at se en stor flok Silkehaler.
Eftermiddagen stod på kage og brætspillet Wingspan. Et ét til fem personers brætspil der omhandler fugle.
Jeg vil opfordre jer til at gå ind på youtube og se nogle videoer af spillet. Det er super sjovt især når man synes godt om fugle.
I morgen står på ringmærkning og observationer ved Grenen. Vi ser frem til endnu en dag her på stationen.
Click here to see today's observations entered in the Dofbasen by observers in the area
People: Knud Pedersen, Frede Jakobsen, Peter Dannow, Pablo Macías Torres, Martin Grienenberger, Simon S. Christiansen, Christina Stinn, Amelie Zeller, John Røge Richardsen, Jeppe Overgaard
Ringmærkning Kabeltromlen:
Blåmejse (Blue tit) 2
Bogfinke (Chaffinch) 1
Gærdesmutte (Wren) 1
Musvit (Great tit) 1
Solsort (Black bird) 3
Alt i alt (all-in-all) 8
Another record and a sea rescue!
Skagen was at its best today, and we have again great stories to tell !
Let’s start first with the ringing. Pablo, Amelie and Jeppe went to Kabbeltromlen for a day with unusual fluctuations. The numbers of birds were constantly rising and fallingbetween the rounds, with a few birds on the first, around 20 on the second, low on the third, and so on… The diversity was quite good, and the highlight of the day was a Bearded Tit (Skægmejse) again. We never get tired of ringing these gorgeous birds! Migration was quite entertaining as well with a good activity overhead, led by a flock of 20 Waxwings (Silkehale) and quite a few Whooper Swans (Sangsvane).
Christina and I went migration counting to World’s End 3. On our way down the beach, we stopped at Grenen Søen to set a trap to catch Water Pipits, which unfortunately wasn’t successful. But we are dedicated ringers and we will try again!
As a starter for the day, we had the chance to admire both Kattegat and Skagerak at their calmest. The water was so still and the wind so low that the whole surface was flat and beautifully reflected the clouds. In such a setting, we enjoyed unusual but great views at the resting birds, including a Great Northern Diver (Islom). The morning was quite busy for us since our talented Alcid identifier and counter Knud wasn’t with us today. We counted almost 4,000 of them with a lot of them conservatively left unidentified.
The real show started at 10, when suddenly Whooper Swans (Sangsvane) appeared to be flying everywhere in our field of vision. It began with the biggest flock of the day, no fewer than 68 birds flying in a V-shape, quickly followed by big flocks over both Skagerak and Kattegat. As good flocks were still coming in from the sea and the total numbers were already quite high after our regular end time, I decided to stay until the stream dried up. I spent an extra hour and a half, sitting all alone at World’s End, which was really wearing its name today without anyone visiting the tip. This moment is one of those while you feel blessed being there, experiencing all by yourself the beauty of bird migration in such a marvelous location.
The total number for Whooper Swans today reached 672 birds, which represents the new daily record for the autumn season. The precedent was counted on the 06/11/2008 with 575 birds.
In the afternoon, Rie Voetmann called us with concerning news. She was looking at a bird struggling in a fishnet at Nordstrand, which appeared to be a Red-throated Diver (Rødstrubbet Lom), and she thought about us to rescue it. We directly went there to help her. Christina was the brave one, going into the water on such a cold day. After having some difficulties, she cut out the bird still entangled so we could rip all of the strings from around its body. We finally released it so it could fly away again at sea, looking strong and healthy !
Jeppe and Amelie went to town today, and Jeppe strated dreaming about owl catching when he saw that cage.
Click here to see today's observations entered in the Dofbasen by observers in the area
People: Jeppe Overgaard, Pablo Macías Torres, Martin Grienenberger, Simon S. Christiansen, Christina Stinn, Amelie Zeller, Jørgen Kabel & Igor, Rie Voetmann
Ringmærkning Kabeltromlen: 35 new birds
Blåmejse (Blue Tit) | 12 |
Bogfinke (Chaffinch) | 3 |
Dompap, Lille (europaea) (Bullfinch) | 1 |
Fuglekonge (Goldcrest) | 1 |
Gærdesmutte (Wren) | 2 |
Grønirisk (Greenfinch) | 2 |
Jernspurv (Dunnock) | 2 |
Munk (Blackcap) | 4 |
Musvit (Great Tit) | 1 |
Rødhals (Robin) | 5 |
Skægmejse (Bearded Tit) | 1 |
Solsort (Blackbird) |
Flying Penguins
Another sunny day of ringing and observing! Jeppe enjoyed a good morning with Knud at World’s End 3. Jeppe is very happy about getting private lessons by Knud how to distinguish Razorbills (Alk) and Guillemots (Lomvie).
Meanwhile, Martin, Christina, Pablo, Simon and I had a good ringing morning with quite a lot of birds. We caught some Blue Tits, Great Tits, Robins, Blackbirds, a Redwing and a Brambling. Flemming and Christel also came by for a visit.
Unfortunately, our guests Lone and Lars had to leave today. We had a very nice week with them at the ringing station and at the observation point. They told us some amazing birdwatching stories they experienced and showed us “magic stones” that light in the dark. We hope to see you again!
When we came home, we started cleaning the attic and organized it, so everything is prepared for the new season in spring. During cleaning, we found this game and of course had to try it out ;).
After that, Martin and Pablo went for a refreshing swim in the sea and caught a Rezorbill (Alk) with bare hands! As the bird seemed to be weak and unhealthy, they released it back to the ocean. We hope that it will get well again.
After sunset, Jeppe and I made our way to do some night catching. The conditions seemed to be very good to catch some Woodcocks (Skovsneppe) and we actually almost caught one twice… Tomorrow we will give it another try.
After our tour we were happy to be welcomed with a lovely dinner from Pablo. He made tortillas for us, which is a Spanish omelette with potatoes, delicious!
Click here to see today's observations entered in the Dofbasen by observers in the area
People: Jeppe Overgaard, Knud Pedersen, Pablo Macías Torres, Martin Grienenberger, Simon S. Christiansen, Christina Stinn, Knud Pedersen, Erik Christophersen, Flemming & Christel, Lars & Lone Madsen, Amelie Zeller
Ringmærkning Fyrhaverne:
Blåmejse – Blue Tit - 1
Grønirisk – Greenfinch - 7
Skovspurv – Tree Sparrow – 1
Total: 9
Ringmærkning Kabeltromlen:
Blåmejse – Blue Tit - 21
Dompap, Lille (europaea) – Wester European Bullfinch - 1
Gærdesmutte – Wren - 2
Musvit – Great Tit - 6
Rødhals – Robin - 2
Sangdrossel – Songthrush - 1
Solsort – Blackbird - 3
Vindrossel – Redwing – 1
Total: 37
Learning about Redpolls (Gråsisken) and a good ringing/counting day
After two days without going to Kabeltromlen, today we went there ringing. However, Jeppe did not come ringing but instead helped out Knud with the migration counting. He had the chance to learn about seabird identification and they even had a counting record for the season: more than 2000 Common guillemots (Lomvie)! Also, Jeppe spotted a group of 10 Long-tailed ducks (Havlit).
At Kabeltromlen, Christina and Amelie opened the nets and Martin and I came for the first round. We caught a Ring ouzel (Ringdrossel) and it turned out to be the same individual at we ringed the 1 st of November. It was good to see you again!
In the end, we all had a nice morning ringing and right before closing the nets and we were fortunate to get some beautiful Bearded tits (Skægmejse), one for each!
Once back in the lighthouse we decided to open the two nets in the garden for one hour. We played some bird calls close to the nets which were enough to attract one Greenfinch (Gronirisk) and one Chaffinch (Bogfinke) into the nets.
In the afternoon we all attended a masterclass about Redpoll (Gråsisken) taxa identification. Simon provided us with some valuable information regarding ID, ageing and sexing of Redpolls that you will also be able to watch in a video that will come soon (keep an eye on our social media). We even put into practice what we learned with one quiz for ID and another for moulting, so you can also challenge your birder skills. Now we only need to catch some in the nets tomorrow.
Our guests, Lars and Lone joined us both ringing and counting enjoying a big flock of 125 Snow buntings (Snespurv).
For the first day in 30 years, there were no tourists today in the tip due to the new corona restrictions. We all hope you are safe and that you can visit us soon.
Ring marking (Cable drum + Lighthouse):
Rødhal - Robin - 2
Gærdesmutte - Wren -1
Skægmejse - Bearded tit - 3
Sortmejse - Coal tit - 2
Blåmejse - Blue tit - 6
Monk - Blackcap - 2
Vindrossel - Redwing - 1
Bogfinke - Chaffinch - 1
Grønirisk - Greenfinch - 1
Total: 19
Click here to see today's observations entered in the Dofbasen by observers in the area
People: Jeppe Overgaard, Knud Pedersen, Amelie Zeller, Martin Grienenberger, Simon S. Christiansen, Christina Stinn, Erik Christophersen, Lars & Lone Madsen & Pablo Macías Torres
Sunshine, wind and coconut macaroons
Pablo and Amelie opened nets to ring in the lighthouse garden this morning where Jeppe and I joined them a little later. We actually caught several birds, including a few Tree sparrows (Skovspurv) and even a House Sparrow (Gråspurv).
In between rounds, Amelie and Pablo checked all remaining sheets:
We closed nets at noon, and Amelie uploaded the volunteer recruitment video on Youtube. She also updated the ringing guideline with new information about the two subspecies of Bullfinches (Dompap) and their respective wing lengths. I baked coconut macaroons while everyone else went to the beach for a walk and to watch seabirds.
I went out afterwards and watched a couple of Razorbills (Alk) feeding only 20 meters from the shore - I'd never seen them that close before!
Jeppe had the opportunity to learn about the different bird species. They saw a Purple Sandpiper (Sortgrå ryle), a Long-tailed duck (Havlit), Common scoters (Sortand), Northern gannets (Sule), and Razorbills (Alk), which were actually quite close to the beach. They even saw a beautiful ringed male Eider (Edderfugl):
Afterwards, we all went to Gammel Skagen to enjoy a beautiful sunset over the horizon:
Simon had a meeting with the director of BirdLife Denmark today as well as a meeting with the financial director. A radio tag arrived in the mail which we will use to show to visitors on the next guided tours. This radio tag is different from the GPS tags that we put on the Blackbirds (Solsort) for the ICARUS project. There was another tracking project with Robins (Rødhals), which got radio tags glued to their back rather than put on as a harness.
Lone and Lars went out to visit Martin and Knud at World’s End 3. The migration count today was much better than it has been recently: They saw 2000 Kittiwakes (Ride), 150 Red-throated divers (Rødstrubede lom), a flock of Snow Buntings (Snespurv), as well as a small flock of four Coal tits (Sortmejse) coming in from the sea. The highlight was an adult peregrine falcon (Vandrefalk) that came in over the water as well, and it even had a color ring on it!
Photo by: Knud Pedersen
We are looking forward to going ringing at Kabeltromlen again tomorrow. The weather looks great for the next few days – fingers crossed that we get lots of birds in the nets!
Ringmærkning (Fyrhavn):
Munk – Blackcap: 1
Blåmejse – Blue tit: 3
Musvit – Great tit: 1
Gråspurv – House sparrow: 1
Skovspurv – Tree sparrow: 7
Bogfinke – Chaffinch: 1
Grønirisk – Greenfinch: 1
Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området
People: Pablo Macías, Jeppe Overgaard, Knud Pedersen, Amelie Zeller, Martin Grienenberger, Simon S. Christiansen, Christina Stinn, Lars & Lone Madsen
Det har blæst en halv pelikan
I dag har været en blæsende dag. Dette har ikke hold Martin og Pablo fra at tage til Kattegatbunkeren for at tælle fugle. I den første time var der nok fugle at se på, dog kommer der ikke mange fugle forbi de efterfølgende timer.
Eftersom ringmærkningen udgår grundet vejret, bliver Amelie og jeg hjemme for at arbejde på ICARUS projektet. ICARUS er forkortelsen for International Cooperation for Animal Research Using Space. Her på stationen påsætter vi skånsomt en lille GPS-sender på solsorte, som sender informationer til en antenne der bl.a. kan fortælle os hvor den pågældende solsort opholder sig.
Det lykkes os at få skruet og banket på nogle brædder, så vi nu har en flot ny antenneholder som er placeret ved Det Grå Fyr.
Antenneholderen er boret sikkert fast med antennen i toppen. Fremtiden vil fortælle os om vi har bygget den høj nok til at opfange de nødvendige signaler.
Christina har haft en fridag, som hun har brugt på at færdiggøre en ny video om fugle som trækker om natten. Den bliver udgivet i den kommende fremtid.
Vores gæster Lars og Lone, kom forbi med en død Lomvie (Guilemot) som vi tog et kig på. Den bliver en del af de andre døde fugle som vi opbevarer i vores fryser.
Hen på eftermiddagen gennemgik Pablo vores indsamlet data for Dompap (Bullfinch). Det viser sig, at siden den første august i år har fuglestationen fanget og ringmærket over 150 Dompaps. Dette er rekord for stationen.
Jeg tager selv på en cykeltur rundt i området for at finde rønnebær, dog uden held.
Derfor vil jeg gerne komme med en lille efterspørgelse. Hvis I derude, stadig har rønnebær i haven, og gerne vil donere lidt til fuglestationen siger vi gerne ja tak. Vi vil bruge dem til at indfange Silkehaler (Waxwing) som vi gerne vil ringmærke. Man kan komme forbi fuglestationen med dem og hvis vi ikke er hjemme, så lig dem gerne ude foran døren.
Sidst på aften holder vi et møde om dag-i-dag samt planer for i morgen. Efter mødet var der personlige beretninger om gode fugle oplevelser.
I morgen forsøger vi med ringmærkning ved Det Grå Fyr og der vil være folk ude for at tælle fugle.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området
Personer: Simon S. Christiansen, Knud Pedersen, Christina Stinn, Martin Grienenberger, Pablo Macías, Lars & Lone Madsen, Amelie Zeller og Jeppe Overgaard
3 essential things for a ringer
There’s no better introduction than how Jeppe summarized how he felt this morning : “I’m very tired, but I need a coffee, some fresh air and a bird in my hand and I’m happy.”
The team started the day with such a feeling for a cool and sunny morning. Although the numbers of new ringed birds were quite low, the ringing team enjoyed a good quality time. As always, Simon shared his precious knowledge which was particularly appreciated by everyone, including our guests Lars and Lone. The guys played a little game of how many birds they would get on the first round and the winner was the one with the closest guess, which ended up being Jeppe!
1st bird of the day: Fieldfare - Sjagger
Since our tent at Kabeltromlen is broken, the guys managed to bring back to the lighthouse al of our stuff there and it was a hell of a ride !
They closed the nets due to the weather and few birds, only to come back to the lighthouse and open the garden nets! They had only 8 birds but that still included 5 species, such as Greenfinch (Grønirisk) and Tree Sparrow (Skovspurv). It was the occasion for Lars and Lone to take an active part in the station: while Lars took over the net supervision and helped taking care of the GPS-tags, Lone helped Pablo with writing down the ringing data on the data sheets and gave a hand to Jeppe with closing the nets.
Meanwhile, Simon and Christina went to John Pedersen’s. John generously gave us the bike from the late Mogens Fed. It will for sure get a new life like before, when Mogens used it for birdwatching in Skagen.
They of course stayed a bit at John’s enjoying a coffee (black for Simon and with milk for Christina if you care ;-) and talked about birding in Skagen.
On my side, I went as usual to World’s End 3 with Knud looking for some migrating seabirds. As the previous days, the numbers of alcids remained low in comparison with those we had 2 weeks ago. But still, we enjoyed a very nice morning with a rather good diversity and some nice of those nice moments I love on migration spots when each spotter is announcing flocks coming from almost everywhere in front of him. And we did indeed, with several nice flocks of Geese, Whooper Swans (Sangsvane) or Hooded Crows (Gråkrage).
The rest of the afternoon was spent doing office stuff. Simon even had some help from Chris the Elephant!
Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området
Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen+Lighthouse):
Bogfinke - Chaffinch - 1
Gronsisken - Greenfinch - 3
Blåmejse – Blue Tit - 4
Dompap, Lille (europaea) – Eurasian Bullfinch - 3
Skovspruv - Tree Sparrow - 1
Munk - Blackcap - 1
Sangdrossel – Song Thrush - 1
Vindrossel – Redwing - 1
Sjagger – Fieldfare - 3
Total: 18
People: Simon S. Christiansen, Knud Pedersen, Christina Stinn, Martin Grienenberger, Jeppe Overgaard, Pablo Macías, Lars & Lone Madsen, Amelie Zeller