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Grå Fluesnapper og Vandstær

fredag 2. juli 2021
af Frank Osterberg

Hello all!

With over 40 birds in the mornings ringing, it was a busy session! at around 07:30 we had 24 birds in the period of one round, mostly consisting of juvenile first years which, apart from the odd rare and migrant, is what we hope for this time of year. With families of whitethroats, common and lesser (Tornsanger/ Gærdesanger) and Great tit (Musvit) along with some lone first years it was nice to see them be so successful and all in good condition. After the mandatory power naps, me and Taima did some data updates for the freezer list with Simon and went up to the juvenile Dipper (Vandstær) that had been found feeding in the ditch along Bøjlevejen. Luckily, it was very inquisitive coming very close on some occasions watching it feed along the sides of the bank.P7021984.jpgP7022014.jpg

Bent and Lizbeth went up to the cormorant (Skarv) colony and saw the nesting birds including the nesting red-necked grebes (Gråstrubet lappedykker) then they went for stroll around Grenen and into town for a coffee for a relaxing last day here at Skagen, they also then joined us for their last meal and provided the ice cream. Martina cooked dinner, a Potato, leek and spinach Strudel which was very nice and we're thankful for the extra portions which will be used the following day!

Ringing totals; 40

Solsort 2

Munk 2

Gulbug 2

Musvit 10

Blåmejse 2

Rørsanger 4

Kærsanger 2

Grå Fluesnapper 1

Tornsanger 5

Havesanger 1

Gransanger 2

Løvsanger 1

Click here for today's bird observations around Skagen