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Family Dat at Jennes Sø

onsdag 30. juni 2021
af Martina Hillbrand

It has been an interesting morning at Jennes Sø where we do the CES ringing once every 10 days. The goal of the CES is to have a monitoring of breeding birds which includes the breeding success. Today we saw the first signs of such a success as we did have several juvenile birds (born this year) in the nets. The best treat, of course, was a net full of blue tits (blåmejse), 4 juveniles with their mother.


Besides that, we also had the first juvenile blackbird (solsort). For all of these the juvenile plumage is quite different from the adult plumage so it is easy to identify them as juveniles. In other birds, like most of the warblers (e.g. gransanger, havesanger, kærsanger, rørsanger) this is not so easy. With experience you can still age those birds as well and today we had 3 chiffchaffs (gransanger) from this year, along with two adults but they were in the nets at different times so probably not one family. Seeing the many chiffchaffs singing everywhere you would also expect a lot more of them.


Just as we closed the nets for the day we also saw a family of crested tits (topmejse) but we did not manage to catch them. Looking at them was fun too, though.

Taima and Frank went to the cormorant colony later for the monitoring at Skarvsøen. The remaining birds are doing well and will probably start to fledge over the next few weeks. When you see all the cormorants flying back and forth and realize just how many weeks it takes for them before their offspring is ready to feed for themselves, songbirds do seem quite lazy in contrast because it usually only takes them about 4 weeks to raise their chicks. On the other hand, many of the songbirds do make use of the time saved by starting another clutch. A female blackbird that we caught today and who was obviously carrying an egg is proof for that. The first brood must have left the nests already and she just started the next right after that. Here is a juvenile we caught today:


When we got back we took the time to look at the moths we caught in the mothtrap during the night. There were some pretty ones, among them this:



In the afternoon Frank and I went out to fix the remaining nets at Kabeltrommeln in order to be prepared for autumn migration when it starts. For now, however, the winds picked up quite a bit during the day and will stay strong throughout tomorrow so there will not be any ringing tomorrow. We have other work to do for now and hope for better weather from Friday onwards.

Ringmærkning (Jennes Sø):

Blåmejse 5

Gærdesmutte 1

Gransanger 5

Munk 1

Kærsanger 1

Gærdesanger 2

Tornsanger 3

Solsort 3

Sangdrossel 1

total: 22

People: Frank Osterberg, Martina Hillbrand, Taima Lorentzen, Simon S. Christiansen, Bent and Lizbeth Sorensen.

Click here for the raptor summary for the Skagen area

Click here for today's bird observations around Skagen