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Snow in Skagen

tirsdag 28. november 2023
af Mathilde Ducroz

I woke up an hour later this morning and realised as me and Simon were heading out that it was snowing. Thomas tried to warn us but his phone died before he could send the message so to migration count we went. Strong northernly winds, snow and negative temperatures did not make this the most comfortable count. We were happy to see that Thomas was still alive and not frozen to death when we made it to world end’s 3. When it came to bird activity, there was not much to observe. A nice flock of 7 Goldeneye (Hvinand) flew over as me and Simon set up and 2 Goosanders (Stor Skallesluger) flew over just before we started packing up. The main highlights of the counts was the snow blizzard though. Because of the cold and barely no bird activity, we communally decided on stopping after two hours and headed back to the station.


Once back at the station, Simon and Thomas opened a net in the old lighthouse garden and we took turns checking on them every 15 to 20 minutes. On opening it looked good with a Fieldfare (Sjagger) feeding on the apples, some resting Great tits (Musvit) and Redpolls (Gråsisken). Sadly, none of them ended up in the nets, we only caught a recapture Robin (Rødhals).


Otherwise, we each did some personal admin and smaller tasks for stations, including updating the picture archive and entering data. After lunch and closing the nets, we headed to the attic to sort through some nets and check whether they were still usable. Thomas went on a short walk to enjoy the lightly covered snow landscape. Me and Simon went out night-catching but only saw one Woodcock (Skovsneppe) which quickly flew off before we got anywhere near it.


Today’s observations on Dofbasen from observers in the area.


People: Thomas Weston, Mathilde Ducroz, Simon Kiesé.

Mallard Migration! A Blog Supporting These Underappreicated Ducks ;)

mandag 27. november 2023
af Thomas Weston

Today started off with a breezy NE wind forcing temperature below 0’c. The morning was cloudy, and many areas of freshwater were frozen, including Jennes Sø lake which was pretty impressive to see. With plenty of jobs left to do before the winter close, it was a rather busy morning.

Mathilde, Simon Jr and I awoke to Simon Sr making coffee in the kitchen. The plan was for the two Simons to collect snails for a university project whilst Mathilde and I completed migration count. Migration count was not massively busy, but within the first hour flocks of Red-throated divers [Rødstrubet Lom], a few flocks of Eider [Ederfugl] and my personal highlight, the Mallards [Gråand], were nice to see. In total we saw 18 Mallards [Gråand] in the three hours and I find it impressive how this species is mostly known for feeding on bread and coming super close in town parks and ponds, but never normally known for migrating and resting on the open sea! The second and third hour of the migration count were very slow with few birds seen moving. In the meantime, the two Simons successfully collected the required number of snails*, mussels, and water for the project. Simon Sr beat Simon Jr by numbers, but we don’t talk about that! Anyway, a great achievement after our many failed attempts recently due to the tides, low pressure, and high winds. Hopefully the university will find some interesting results regarding pollution and toxins in the water. *All specimens were collected with ethical approval and permissions.


Pic 1: Trying to catch Skærpiber. Photo by Simon Jr

After some lunch, we opened the old lighthouse garden net for some passerines and the potter trap to try and catch some Rock Pipit (Skærpiber). In between net rounds, Mathilde successfully repaired some of the bird bags which was much appreciated and both Simons completed some office-based jobs. I inputted the migration count data from this morning and helped checked nets which resulted in a few birds being caught.


Picture 2: Our regular Great Tit [Musvit] seeing us again! Pic by Mathilde

We caught a few birds which was nice, including a rather familiar Great Tit [Musvit] and a couple of new Redpoll [Nordlig Gråsisken /Lille Gråsisken] which were very nice to see after a few days of no ringing. However, the wind picked up after a couple of hours, the sun was quickly setting, and we decided to close for the day. Back inside in the warm, the evening meeting was completed once it got dark and Simon Sr and I inputted more of Michael’s ringing data. It’s looking like this year is going to be rather impressive on the numbers of birds ringed. Simon Jr cooked us a lovely meal and our evening plans so far are chilled.

Ringing totals

Ringing (Fyrhaven)

Blue Tit






Redpoll spp

Nordlig Gråsisken/Lille Gråsisken


Common Redpoll

Nordlig Gråsisken



Total: 4

Today’s observations on Dofbasen from observers in the area

People: Thomas Weston, Mathilde Ducroz, Simon Kiesé, Simon S. Christiansen.

Great Nothern Sunshine

søndag 26. november 2023
af Simon Kiesé

This morning we, the last the volunteers standing, went out to a World's End without wind or clouds. It was truely amazing! When the sun popped up over the horizon it shined greenish, which only can be seen under really good conditions and without pollution in the air. A bit later even a sun dog showed up, what a morning!

None of these phenomens, but in anyway a beautiful sunrise in this picture from today:IMG 8071

The Little Auks (Søkonge) decided, that they have already migrated enough yesterday. So instead of 27 yesterday we just had two heading northwest and two, which decided that eating some fish at Grenen is even better. In anyway, we enjoyed these cuties and appreciated every second we could see them. The day was also good for Great Nothern Divers (Islom). We had really good views on two birds, which decided to land on the water, too, and steel all the fish from the Little Auks. Just a joke - as both species specialise in different foods, they avoid competition. Evolution was clever, wasn't it?

Two Scaups (Bjergand), 5 roosting Black-throated Divers (Sortstrubes Lom) and even a unbelievable flock of 14 migrating (and landing) Mallards (Gråand) were other highlights. Erik came to say Hi, which was really nice. 

We used the afternoon for various activities and we were very productive. Thomas and I enjoyed the Little Auks (Søkonge) at the harbour, which dived today much more than yesterday. Then we went shopping. When we came home it smelled super nice like cinnamon. Thanks Mathilde - it will be tasty!

Now we hope to see some Nothern Lights again. But we don't know yet, if we will able to see them today due to its changing activity and some more clouds. Just in case the weather is good - dear reader - go outside (where no lightpollution is) and have a look in the Sky in notherly direction. I wish you good luck! If there are no Nothern Lights today, it is maybe better to stay inside and enjoy those pictures from last night, I processed before I went to bed last night. Have a nice evening!

IMG 8062The lighthouse and aurora borealis. What a beautiful evening!

DSC 8824

DSC 8794The moon made the Nothern Lights concurrence.

Today’s observations on Dofbasen from observers in the area.

People: Thomas Weston, Mathilde Ducroz, Simon Kiesé.

A day of As: Auks, Adders and Auroras

lørdag 25. november 2023
af Mathilde Ducroz

The day started off to a bad start as Gustav left us but he stayed with us all day through spirit. We were all very touched by the message you left in the guest book, the station will feel very different without you.

For us still here, the day started off as usual with migration count for Simon Jr and Thomas. As Simon put it, the 30 first minutes were punishment, for what I’m not sure, but it was out to get them. I stayed back to cleaned for the first few hours and joined for the last part.The Kittiwake (Ride) migration slowed down today with only about 2,000 individuals which was nothing in comparison of yesterday’s 10,000 but still some nice views as some flew over the beach and observation point. Some nice views of Whooper swans (Sangsvane) and Greylags (Grågås) flying right near our observation point which is always a treat especially for goose master, Thomas. A big flock of Snow bunting (Snespurv) with two Lapland bunting (Lapværling). Hiding in between them kept flying around us as they were foraging. A Great northern diver (Islom) flew by to keep Simon Jr and Thomas happy through the cold wind. Jørgen and Igor popping in to check on Thomas and Simon Jr was also very appreciated. But the highlight of the migration were the amazing views of the Little auks (Søkonge) flying in close to the beach and in between some of the visitors of the tips unaware of rare little bird flying around them.

We came back to the lighthouse slightly early as the stuffed birds from the museum are going to another home until the lighthouse’s reopening in spring. Niels Eriksen arrived around 12:30 and brought us some apples.

In the afternoon, we headed to the harbour to try and find the earlier reported Little auks (Søkonge). We had a stop on the way when Simon Jr saw a small Adder on the cycling path. The snake was very small and very late in the season to be still active. Hopefully, it goes into hibernation soon and survives the winter. Simon Jr was very excited to hold the snake like Gustav had taught him, taking over the torch from him.


Once at the harbour, we looked out but saw not much apart from the roosting Cormorant (Skarv) (116, counted perfectly by Thomas) and a few bigger auks but not the wanted Little Auk (Søkonge)! We were heading back when we saw a man with a nice camera and stopped. Right decision! Three Little auks (Søkonge) were foraging right by the side of the seabreaker. Simon Jr went right down and got some very nice shots as you can see from the picture. A Razorbill (Alk) also wanted to see what was going on which allowed for some close up shots too. The sun setting sky colours also looked very pretty against the big bright moon.


Photo: Simon Kiese 

And the day ended on a perfect evening looking at the Northern lights. Thank you to Simon Jr for showing me how photograph on my camera, which took a while to figure out but worth it!


Today’s observations on Dofbasen from observers in the area.

People: Thomas Weston, Mathilde Ducroz, Gustav Nyberg, Simon Kiesé.

Fuglerigt Farvel

fredag 24. november 2023
af Gustav Nyberg

I dag drog vi alle af sted til træk-tælling ved Verdens Ende 3. Der var blevet lovet blæsende vejr fra V-NV, og det skal jeg da så sandelig også bekræfte, at det blev. 4 mand stærkt sad vi der på sandklitten og spejdede ud over havet. Jeg besluttede at tælle Sortænder, Rødstrubet Lommer og Rider. Jeg fik travlt. Da den første time begyndte så det ganske normalt ud på fuglefronten, men efter nogle minutter blev det tydeligt, at en art i dag vil blive dominerende. Riden. Den ene efter den anden Ride kom susende ud af Kattegat efter at være blæst derind de seneste par dage. Efter de 4 timer havde vi alt i alt talt 5516 Rider, hvilket var helt vanvittigt at få lov til at være vidne til. Efter vi stoppede tællingen, kunne vi blive ved med at se den ene store gruppe Rider efter den anden kom susende ligesom de mange før dem. 

Selvom det var blæsende og sandet kom ind alle vegne, brændte solen sig igennem og dagen i dag endte med at blive en helt vildt skøn sidste dag at have her ved Grenen. Jeg kommer helt sikkert til at savne, at have mine daglige gåture ud til Verdens Ende 3 eller Nordstrand, sætte mig ned sammen med Knud, Thomas eller Simon og tælle de mange fantastiske havfugle, der er derude.


Efter den begivenhedsrige morgen tog vi lidt frokost og så stod den ellers på nedtagning af ugle-net og justeringen af et andet i Fyrhaven. Der er forhåbninger om at ringmærkning vil kunne fortsætte i det små henover slutningen af november og starten af december. Efter det tastede jeg data ind i DOFbasen fra observationen i morges. 

Resten af dagen hyggede vi og spillede spil. Særligt et spil har vi fundet særligt sjovt de sidste to dage. Shuffleball. Et spil stations Simon præsenterede os for, hvorefter han vandt over os alle. 

Ellers fik jeg sagt farvel til de andre, og at jeg ønsker dem al held og lykke fremover. Jeg kommer jo nok herop på et lille besøg i Marts, hvor Simon og Hayley vil være at finde på stationen igen. Tak fordi I fulgte med her på bloggen, det var alt fra mig for denne gang. Ligesom alle de fugle jeg har talt trækkende ind og ud af Skagerrak og Kattegat, skal jeg nu trække sydpå i morgen. Det har været en fornøjelse at have været en del af helt fantastiske efterårshold, og jeg er blevet tusinde oplevelser og venner rigere.

Ses derude!


Storm Conditions

torsdag 23. november 2023
af Thomas Weston

After a change in the wind direction today to the SW, as well as gusts between 30-40mph, it was rather mild and felt like the warmest day we have experienced for a while. The morning was cloudy to start but soon broke up leading to a very sunny day. It was lush!


Figure: My makeshift tripod for today, thanks Simon Jr for the photo.

Since Kabletromlen closed on Tuesday, Simon and I decided we would undertake the migration count. We were very keen to get out this morning and hoped for a nice range of species. The walk to Worlds End 3 was, as always, relaxed and Kattegat was rather calm which was odd to see after so many days of East winds. Three quarters along the beach and that sinking feeling that you may have forgotten something came over me. It was in fact I had forgot to pick up a tripod for the scope! By this point I had committed too much to head on back. However, when we got to Worlds End 3, I was able to improvise and even though it was a little unorthodox (see pic above), I still counted the auks successfully throughout the morning and saw everything else too.


Figure 2: Glowing.

The first couple of hours of migration count saw a nice passage of Razorbill [Alk], Guillemot [Lomvie], and Auk spp [Alk/Lomvie]. We had frequent flocks of Kittiwake [Ride] and a couple of flocks of Little Gull [Dværgmåge] that were rather nice to see. Between the second and the third hour we had quite a nice ten minutes where Simon Jr picked out a Sooty Shearwater [Sodfarvet Skråpe], 2 Arctic Skuas [Alumindelig Kjove], 2 Great-northern Diver [Islom] and his current favourite, the young Glaucous Gull [Gråmåge] that has been hanging around. The sun came out and everything glowed for a while which was lush (see pic above). Gustav joined us soon after in the third hour, but numbers of species and numbers of individuals had dropped by this point, so we did not complete a fourth hour today. Also, we were becoming part of the sand dune again, so we decided to head back.

Once back at the observatory we had lunch and spent the next couple of hours inputting Michael’s ringing data and the migration count data from the morning. A brief break occurred whilst Michael popped round to see Simon SC, but soon after we were back to inputting again. Gustav was in relax mode as he is leaving us on Saturday and Simon Jr began to watch a talk about Climate Change and the effects to Watermelon sweetness. Mathilde and I decided to head off to the shops by bike as we had run out of food. Strong winds and cycling don’t always work when you cycle into the wind, especially when it catches you off guard and you end up crashing into the other bike before falling sideways! Just my luck, but hilarious all round :0. A few laughs later and we eventually got to the shops. As with most shopping trips recently, cake was quickly added to the menu after a few days’ absence and the cycle back was very quick. On our return, Simon Jr was still watching his talk and had finally got the answer to the original question that watermelons will get sweater with climate change. Woop Woop! Just means we should all be enjoying some watermelon sugar.


Figure 3: Gustav migration counting recently (not taken today).

This evening I will be undertaking my session talking about Winter Warblers and the ageing of Blackcaps [Munk] and Chiffchaff [Gransanger]. In the meantime, Simon SC is preparing a leaving meal for Gustav. I can only speak from myself, but we are all going to miss Gustav. We have enjoyed his company, his laughs, his extreme hand catching skills, his self-proclaimed viking ways, and the fact that he is just a cool kind of guy. In the last three months Gustav has completed over 270 hours of migration counts which is dedicated to the extreme. I find it funny how cheese on toast was the most British thing I have made him, and his famous anti-cake period at the start of the month that lasted for three days! Good luck with the rest of your studies and travels.

Ringing totals

No ringing today.

Today’s observations on Dofbasen from observers in the area

People: Thomas Weston, Mathilde Ducroz, Gustav Nyberg, Simon Kiesé, Simon S. Christiansen and Michael Ancher.

the birds are back again

onsdag 22. november 2023
af Simon Kiesé

After a nice sleep until 8 Lasse prepared to head back to Germany. Simon Sr. picked him up and Thomas and I left now to join the migration count at World's End 3, which was already started at sunrise by Gustav. When we arrived, Gustav was happy to get some support, because in contrast to the last slow days there were super many birds. The strong wind out of southwesterly direction blew all the sand over us and the conditions were rather tricky. In anyway we managed to see many nice birds. After the count we had a total of several hundred Kittiwakes (Ride) and also many Razorbills (Alk) and a surprisingly high number of Guillemots (Lomvie). It was hard to pick out other species, because due to the cold air there was much noise over the sea. But after a short while a Little Auk (Søkonge) passed by. Then I found a young Glaucous Gull (Gråmåge) roosting with other gulls at the tip. What a beauty! It is probably the same bird, I have now seen twice before. But since I've never seen the species before, I am super happy about the several nice encounters with this fantastic species.

22112023 GN WE3 sunrise

In the meanwhile, Mathilde was very productive. She labeled nets and checked sheets with Simon Sr. When we came back, we had a tasty lunch. Thomas made eggs and nice wraps!!!

Then we went to the aethic. Together we started cleaning everything, decunstructing the stuck net pole pieces (it was really a struggle and tried everything possible to finally suceed), throwing old and broke nets away and checking the waders for holes. This stormy day was perfect for a aethic day. After this tough work, we really earned us a releaxed evening in the warm apartment. But you - dear readers - you know how it is here - there is always something to do and we definitly have to find out who will win in "Turnstone" today!

A link to today's observations from volunteers and local observers.

People: Thomas Weston, Mathilde Ducroz, Gustav Nyberg, Simon Kiesé, Lasse Heckroth, Simon S. Christiansen.

Lukket og slukket

tirsdag 21. november 2023
af Gustav Nyberg

Simon og Lasse tog sig af de første 2 timer ved træk-tællingen, hvor de blandt andet så Gråmåge og Sangsvaner. Ellers savnede de lidt fugle, da der var langt mellem dem i dag. Da jeg ankom for at erstatte de to, kom der en lille gruppe Sangsvaner, altid et velkommen syn. Mine to timer blev også uden nogen særlige store mængder fugle, men jeg fandt dog en enkelt Søkonge. Fuglemæssigt er vi gået ind i nogle meget stille periode både over havet, men så sandelig også over land. 

Thomas og Mathilde fik lukket og slukket ved Kabeltromlen. Her fik de pakket de sidste stænger og net ned og bragte det tilbage til stationen. Den sidste ringmærkede fugl ved Kabeltromlen blev en Dompap han. 



Hjemme på stationen fik Thomas og Mathilde checket nogle ringmærkningspapir, mens Simon og Lasse var i gang med ringmærkning i Fyrhaven. Jeg talte de sidste par dages Sortænder sammen, der skal bruges i den årsrapport, der kommer senere år. 

Lasse og Simon står for maden i dag, gad vide hvad sådan et par tyske gutter kan finde på at lave? 

Det skal også lige nævnes, at Simon og Lasse igen igen fik fat på en Skovsneppe under nightcatching.


Ringing (Fyrhaven):

Rødhals - 1

Ringing (Jennes Sø):

Blåmejse - 1

A link to today's observations from volunteers and local observers.

People: Thomas Weston, Mathilde Ducroz, Gustav Nyberg, Simon Kiesé, Lasse Heckroth.

Puffin under Guillemots

mandag 20. november 2023
af Lasse Heckroth

This day started early. Mathilde and Thomas went to Kabeltromlen to continue to take down nets. Luckily the wind decreased a bit over the night and they could open the nets. At least they could catch some birds like Blackbird (Solsort) and Bullfinch (Dompap).

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Simon and I woke up at 07:00 am. to head out for the migration count. Due to the east wind we went like yesterdat to Nordstrand to not be exposed in the wind. The first hour was quiet slow, but some Auks (Lomvie/Alk) were moving again. The second hour was much better in terms of species. In a group of 7 Guillemots (Lomvie) we could spot a Puffin (Lunde) heading east. Super cool to see the size difference between those species. I have never seen a Puffin doing this, funny. As a nice ending a Smew (Lille Skalleslugger) flew by. Really cool, I was missing this bird at Lista Bird Observatory.

Gustav arrived around 10:00am to count the two remaining hours. Unfortunatley, he was not lucky and except of the common species nothing special showed up. At least some groups of Whooper Swans (Sangsvane) flew over.

In the meantime we went back with a short stop to look at some Common Redpolls (Stor Gråsisken) which Michael could catch. Really beautiful birds. Then we continued our way back and we checked quickly the Gull roosting in Grenen and said hello to Mathilde and Thomas.

After lunch we went outside again. Simon and me tried to find the three Penduline Tits (Pungmejse), which were seen in the moring. Instead of Penduline Tits we could see Whooper Swans (Sangsvane) migrating and two flocks of Waxwings (Silkehale). After taking down some more nets it was time for the most interesting task: collecting snails. The first step was to make sure, we can identify the snails right, so we put on waders and went to the stones where they should be. We realized quickly that it was not that easy to find the needed one among all the snails. The waves and the wind were not helping really, so we had to stop. Mission snails failed - but we will try again!

Simon and me used the last light of the day for a quick jump into the sea with a warm shower after. Thomas went to the store to buy everything he needs for cooking while the rest did some office work. Then it was time to go night-catching again. We were also successful today with a stunning Woodcock (Skovsneppe).

IMG 7800 20112023

What a nice second day for me at Skagen. I really enjoy the time here although its only a short time at Skagen for me.

Ringing (Jennes Sø):

 Robin  Rødhals 1                    
 Dunnock  Jernspurv 1                    
 Common Redpoll  Stor Gråsisken 9                    
 Wren Gærdesmutte 1                    
 Great Tit Musvit 1                    
 Blue Tit Blåmejse 2  

Total: 15

Today’s observations on Dofbasen from observers in the area.

People: Thomas Weston, Mathilde Ducroz, Gustav Nyberg, Simon Kiesé, Lasse Heckroth, Michael Ancher, Jeppe Therkildsen Madsen.

A windy Sunday

søndag 19. november 2023
af Mathilde Ducroz

Gustav headed out for migration count for the first two hour shift at Nordstrand to try and escape some of the strong wind gusts. Not much to report on sightings. As usual, many Gannets (Sule) and Kittiwakes (Ride) were seen as flybys. Highlights for Gustav were the Whooper swans (Sangsvane) flying over and the Long-tailed ducks (Havlit).

I woke up at 8:00am, the lie-in was greatly appreciated by everyone! Simon and his friend, Lasse, from Lista bird observatory that arrived yesterday and is staying with us for a few days, headed out as the same time as Thomas and me to relieve Gustav on migration count and cover the final two hours. Not much action during the second half of the migration either. A lot auks were observed with around 300 Razorbills (Alk) and 50 Guillemots (Lomvie). A pink-footed goose (Kortnæbbet Gås) was also seen flying in between a flock of Whooper swans (Sangsvane) which caused some confusion to Simon and Lasse on the number of birds in that flock. They had some nice views as they landed on the sea in front of them.

Thomas and me headed to Kabeltrommlen, but not to ring, too much wind for that. Instead we got working on closing the site. The net after the ditch on the south side got mended, all the holes on the top shelf are now sowed shut. We also took down seven of our nets on the north side so that the work on Tuesday is not as long. Thomas had the ingenious idea of transporting back the pole using the front of the bike. And although the bike had a tendency to steer slightly to left, I think it turned out pretty good and was definitely quicker. You can make your own opinion based on this picture.


The afternoon was spent cleaning the flat and lab. I had a phone call, Gustav is finishing his videos to promote the station, and the others went on a walk. They went via the tractor track up to the point and saw not much in terms of birds apart from a few gulls (Måge) then walked back via the beach and watched two woodcocks (Skovsneppe) fly over. Now Simon and Lasse are out night-catching while Gustav is cooking.

Update: They were successful! Look at this sweet bird.


Ringing (Grenen): 

Woodcock - Skovsneppe 1

Today’s observations on Dofbasen from observers in the area.

People: Thomas Weston, Mathilde Ducroz, Gustav Nyberg, Simon Kiesé, Lasse Heckroth

FORRIGE     1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  ...  |  29     NÆSTE