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Slow down Nature !

lørdag 9. juli 2022
af Nathan Delmas

Today was a very windy day, which means no ringing for us..

But we always have side projects that need to be done and that is what today was about. Early this morning, Martina and Max went out to do some seawatching. With that much wind, they did not count that many birds but they manage to have a better look at roosting gulls and read one or two color-ringed ones that we are hoping to get more information on soon.

A bit later, Alice went out to take some pictures of the wildlife for our archives.

In the meantime, Rita and I took hedge trimmers to do some much needed maintenance around the misnets and the paths that we use everyday.


                                                         Before and after trimming the bushes around the nets             

To prevent trees to overgrow the area and damage the nets, we need to clear the area every once in a while. Too much vegetation so close to the nets also significantly reduces their ability to catch birds.

The wind should down by the end of the week and we are all excited to resume ringing and keep you updated about the birds we catch or observe !

In the meantime have a great day !


Local Observations of the Day in DOFBasen

People: Rita DeLucco,  Alice Scalzo, Nathan Delmas, Max Laubstein, Martina Hillbrand , our guests 

Blåmejse, Musvits, and various tasks

fredag 8. juli 2022
af Max Laubstein

Today began at approximately 2:30 am for Alice and I, as after a brief hiatus from ringing over the past few days due to foul conditions, it was our turn to open the mist nets.  The rest joined us soon after for the first round of net checks.  Early on, it rained a little bit -  bad for ringing - but thankfully it did not last long and we were able to get in a full morning of fieldwork, despite having to close a few nets due to wind.  Overall, it was a pretty standard day of ringing, with no exceptional species.  However, a blue tit "blåmejse" and a large number of great tits "musvit" in the nets were highlights.  WhatsApp_Image_2022-07-08_at_09.01.05.jpeg

Great Tit "Musvit" & Blue Tit "Blåmejse"

After returning from ringing we all had some lunch and got some rest.  Rita and Nathan spent some time in the attic repairing damaged mist nets.  Martina went to Flagbakken to look for raptors, but unfortunately did not see any, though she says the view was quite nice!  Alice spent some time exploring the local area with a camera in hand.  Conditions made birding hard, though she had a nice encounter with a Roe Deer "Rådyr."  The net in the lighthouse garden was opened very briefly in the afternoon as well, and a singular house sparrow "Gråspurv" was caught and ringed.


Alice's photo of a Rådyr

We had a lovely dinner afterwards, and our guests joined us for our evening meeting to recap the day's events.

Unfortunately, the wind conditions for the next few days seem too bad for ringing, so we will not be ringing tomorrow morning.  However, Martina and I plan to do a seawatch / seabird count in the early morning tomorrow, and the others will do some much-needed maintenance of the mist net lanes later in the morning. 

- Max

Ringing Totals:

Kærsanger (Marsh Warbler): 2

Rørsanger (Reed Warbler) : 1

Gærdesanger (Lesser whitethroat): 4

Tornsanger (Common whitethroat): 4

Munk (Eurasian blackcap): 4

Gransanger (Common Chiffchaff): 1

Blåmejse (Blue tit): 1

Musvit (Great tit): 5

Rørspurv (Reed bunting): 1

Gråspurv (House sparrow): 1

Total: 24

Local Observations of the Day in DOFBasen

People: Rita DeLucco, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Nathan Delmas, Max Laubstein, Martina , our guests 

She will be back

torsdag 7. juli 2022
af Alice Scalzo

We left you yesterday with the Nightjar (Natravn) tour. They managed to see two nightjars quite late at night. 

Hanelie left the station early this morning, she stayed here the longest and we will miss her a lot ! But don't worry she will be back in August.

WhatsApp_Image_2022-07-07_at_19.51.09.jpegThis morning Max, Nathan, and I went out to world's end 3 for morning observations. It was their first time staying there to count the birds passing by. Unfortunately we didn't get many birds, only a few Common Scoters (Sortand), and Red-throated Loons (Rødstrubet Lom). We also enjoyed a Razzorbill (Alk) resting close.

After two hours we left. The morning was followed by some computer work.

In the afternoon both Max and I went to the cormorant lake, we enjoyed having the Red-necked Grebes (Gråstrubet Lappedykker) feeding their three chicks.

_7070091.JPGMartina arrived in the afternoon, she traveled all day to get here.

Rita and Nathan made some delicious vegetarian burgers for us.

Our guests also went to see the nightjars, they were very happy, also it was a first for them. They went for a walk along the coastline.

Have a good evening,


People: Rita DeLucco, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Nathan Delmas, Max Laubstein, Martina , our guests 

Orchids by day and Nightjars by night

onsdag 6. juli 2022
af Rita DeLucco

The past few mornings have been riddled with poor weather for ringing, but like most days everyone at the station was prepared with a different activity in their back pocket if this morning turned sour. Around 3 AM it was once again decided that ringing was not in the cards due to the wind, so Hanelie headed for cormorant (Skarv) lake to conduct some observations where she spotted great cormorants and their chicks (Skarv), red-necked grebes (Gråstrubet lappedykker), and common greenshanks (Hvidklire). I helped Esben do the necessary data checks, and Nathan continued sewing mist nets in the attic. Around 9AM our work was pleasantly interrupted by Knud’s arrival at the station, and Nathan, Max, and I quickly gathered our things and headed out to a nearby field where we helped Knud continue his survey of the three prominent orchid species: Dactylorhiza maculata (Spotted Cuckoo-herb),Dactylorhiza majalis (Purpur Gøgeurt) and the white Platanthera bifolia (Bakke-Gogelilje). By the end of the survey, we had angered some cows and calves, Nathan and Max had discovered a new area and beautiful orchids, and Knud informed us that the total number of orchids counted in the area officially exceeded over 20,000 individuals, a new record!


Great Cormorant (Skarv) and chick at cormorant lake. Photo Credit: Hanelie Sidhu

Our afternoon was slow but allowed all of us to say goodbye to Esben who taught and helped us all so much during his stay here at the station. Tonight, we will be a bit more active as a couple hours after dinner Hanelie, our two guests and I will be joining a short nightjar (Natravne) tour conducted by Egon Østergaard . Although everyone is itching (not just from the thought of future midge bites) to see a nightjar tonight, Hanelie is especially hoping to see one as she will unfortunately also be leaving the station tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow we will be bringing you the results of the nightjar (Natravne) tour so stay tuned and see you tomorrow!

Observations of the day from birders in the area on DOFBasen

People at the station: Esben E. Hansen, Rita DeLucco, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Nathan Delmas, Max Laubstein, Knud Pedersen, Egon Østergaard and our Guests.


The challange of birding

tirsdag 5. juli 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu

 Hi everyone,

Today was very rainy. It was planned to go ringing and we were also at Kabeltrommle but the weather really did not allow it.


So we all went back to bed. Later in the day Esben had an online meeting with Simon. It is my second to last day here before I leave to Lista Bird Station, so Esben allowed me not to listen to Simon's wise words. Because at Grenen lake Jørgen had seen a Zitting Cisticola „Cistussanger“ in the morning. Unfortunately I heard about it only later and so I came two hours later and I did not find it. Disappointed I returned to the bird station and then was sewing nets was on the program and also Data checking.


My last blog for now ends with sewing nets as my first one started, I thought. And then came a zello call the Zitting Cisticola was seen again at Grenen Sø. And so I left the attic pretty soon to look for the bird again and this time there were several other Birdes here but we didn't find it again. Then it was time for me to return for dinner, our guests Jane and Hans-Peter cooked for us today. I still have tomorrow to see the Zitting Cisticola, then I´ll leave to Norway, but mid of August I come back to Skagen.

Have a good time, see you in August!

Observations of the day in DOFbasn from observers in the area

Todays ringed birds:

Solsort: 1

Total: 1


People: Rita DeLucco, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Nathan Delmas, Max Laubstein og Esben Hansen


Det regner

mandag 4. juli 2022

Mens jeg sidder her og skriver bloggen i sofaen på fuglestationen, blæser og regner udenfor. vi have endnu en kold sommer morgen der ude ved Kabeltromlen på Grenen. I ringmærkning var det igen første kalender års fugle som dominerede. Vi ser flere og flere af dem påbegynde deres partielle fældning af deres juvenile fjer til postjuvenile. Det vil sige den fjerdragt mange af fuglene vil haven indtil næste sommer, nogle vil skifte allerede til vinter.

Om eftermiddagen var Hanelie og Alice inde i byen for at se om de kunne finde den tristram sortstær var blevet set til morgen, dog uden held. Om eftermiddagen havde vi nettene åbne i Fyrhaven hvor vi fangede en enkelt 1k (1. kalenderår) hvid vipstjert.
292173496_760535518623238_8359987956966947731_n.jpgTil sidst en fin Tornsanger fra dagens ringmærkning.

Ringmærking Kabeltromlen:

Grønsisken (sisken) 1
Gulbug (Icterine Warbler) 1
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) 6

Tornsanger (Common whitethroat) 5
Havesanger (Garden warbler) 1
Gransanger (chiffchaff) 2
Bogfinke (Chaffinch) 1

Ringmærking Fyrhaven:
Hvid Vipstjert (White Wagtail) 1

Total : 18

Folk på stationen:

Rita DeLucco, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Nathan Delmas, Max Laubstein og Esben Hansen

The error is Human

søndag 3. juli 2022
af Nathan Delmas

Today's story will be about another part of the job here at the Fuglestation. Most of our days consist in collecting a massive amount on data concerning birds in the region, but to be able to use these data, they need to be accurate.

That is why we constantly have to double or triple check every data entry, on paper or digital. It is a long but necessary process that ensure the quality and the veracity of all the data produced by the observatory. It is made possible by following specific guidelines and methodolgies that minimize errors but it is impossible to never make a single mistake.

That is why today we went through every data we entered for the last 2 weeks and made sure once again that no mistake were made at any stage of the manipulation. One of the goals of any observatory is to produce data that could be used by research teams to identify trends, elaborate conservaton strategies or help us understand these bird species a little bit more everyday.


With that goal in mind, here at the Fuglestation, we will keep making sure that the information we transmit will always be as accurate as possible !

Ringing Totals:

Reed Warbler "Rørsanger": 1

Common Whitethroat "Tornsanger": 1

Garden Warbler "Havesanger": 3

Blackcap "Munk": 3

Marsh Warbler "Kærsanger": 2

Robin "Rødhals": 2

Dunnock "Jernspurv": 1

"Gærdesanger": 4

"Gulbug": 1

Observations of the day from birders in the area on DOFBasen

People: Esben E. Hansen, Rita DeLucco, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Nathan Delmas, Max Laubstein

Ringing Ringed Plover Chicks

lørdag 2. juli 2022
af Max Laubstein

Hi everyone,

Today's adventures began at 3:30 in the morning, when some of us awoke to begin opening nets for ringing. However, the possibility of some rain on the forecast forced us to delay opening by another hour or so. It never did end up raining (save for a short drizzle several hours later), but it's always best to err on the side of caution in the interest of the birds! Myself, Nathan, Alice, and Esben left the fuglestation at 5 am to our ringing site at Kabeltromlen. Today was Nathan and I's first day of ringing here at Skagen, so Esben and Alice showed us the lay of the land and the local methods for opening mist nets. Rita and Hanelie arrived about an hour later to assist with the first round of net checks.

The ringing today was not exceptionally busy, but, it being my first time birding in Europe, I personally was quite excited to see species like Icterine Warbler "Gulbug" and Lesser Redpoll "Lille Gråsisken" up close.

We closed up the nets at 11 o'clock, but instead of returning home, decided we would attempt to ring Common Ringed Plover "Stor Præstekrave" chicks nearby on the beaches of Grenen. We managed to capture and ring 3, while the adults tried to distract us with their "broken wing" displays, effectively saying "Don't eat my chick, eat me! I'm easy injured prey!"


Roaming the beach searching for chicks camouflaged and huddling amongst the pebbles, I stumbled across the corpse of an Atlantic Puffin "Lunde", and we additionally came across an ill-looking Sandwich Tern "Splitterne", perhaps suffering from bird flu.

Overall, it was a wonderful day, and a very exciting introduction to ringing here at Skagen Fuglestation.

Ringing Totals

Common Ringed Plover "Stor Præstekrave" : 3

Dunnock "Jernspurv": 1

Reed Warbler "Rørsanger": 2

Icterine Warbler "Gulbug": 2

Lesser Whitethroat "Gærdesanger": 3

Common Whitethroat "Tornsanger": 4

Blackcap "Munk": 1

Willow Warbler "Løvsanger": 1

Blue Tit "Blåmejse": 1

Great Tit "Musvit": 2

Lesser Redpoll: "Lille Gråsisken": 1

Reed Bunting "Rørspurv": 1

Total: 22


Observations of the day from birders in the area on DOFBasen

People: Esben E. Hansen, Rita DeLucco, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Nathan Delmas, Max Laubstein




Night catching in the fields

fredag 1. juli 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu
Hi everyone,


this blog starts again in the last hours of yesterday, because we were once again night active. This time we did not go to the forest to catch Nightjars "Natravn" but in the fields, south of Skagen. We got permission from a friendly farmer to catch roosting birds in his fields. Lars Bo had scouted out the day before yesterday that there are many there. So Esben, Lars Bo, Rita, Alice, Nathan and I set off yesterday around 9pm, nets, poles, rings and all the equipment in our luggage. Max rested a bit from his two-day trip from US to Skagen and stayed at the station to be able to start top fit tomorrow. 



Unfortunately it was without succes. Even though we also tried to go nightchatching with thermal binocular and net on the beach. The light was beautiful at the beach though



At sunrise we were back at the Station again. Maybe next time we will have more success. Then we fell tired into our beds and not soo much happened today. We slept late, I was at the hairdresser and cleaned up the Lab, Esben was grocery shopping and cooked for us, both courses 100% Danish cuisine, at our request. Alice did some computer work and Alice and I showed Nathan and Max some stuff for the Bird Station on the computer and also Lab and Birders Club. After such a slow day, of course things need to pick up tomorrow, we will go ringing and hope for a good morning. See you then, take care!





People:  Esben E. Hansen, Rita DeLucco, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Nathan Delmas, Max Laubstein, Lars Bo Jacobsen


Two new heads at Skagen and news from a shark

torsdag 30. juni 2022
af Alice Scalzo

This morning it was Esben and Rita's task to open the nets. Joined later by Hanelie and I. It was a medium ringing day quantity wise, but it was perfect for Rita to start ringing and practicing the aging and measures to get more comfortable. A lot of young birds are now visiting our nets, and today we had our first Great tits (Musvit) juveniles. We had the visit of Charlotte and Sørens family, former guests at the bird station and members of BirdLife Denmark and Danish Bird Protection Foundation, they got to see some of our birds, and Esben explained then how it all works. Soon afterwards we were closing the nets. Esben showed us his method of rolling the nets, so it was quite nice to practice something new.
20220630_084709.jpgWe came back to the station, ate some lunch, and then it was napping time for most of us. I entered the data, and prepared the keys for our new volunteers arriving today !

Yes ! Two new heads coming to the station, Nathan from France and Max from the United States. They will stay at the station until beginning of August and mid September respectively. They traveled the whole day, and Knud and Lars Bo were kind enough to pick them up at the station.

Unfortunately Nathan discovered that his suitcase got lost. Hopefully the airport will find it quickly !

Rita is cocking for us, and it already smells delicious !

And Esben had the great idea of including a picture of our beloved shark, he said that many former volunteers will be pleased to see it ! So here you go, the shark is living his best life ;)

WhatsApp_Image_2022-06-30_at_19.09.29.jpegOur guests went out biking the whole day, they got lost along the way and had to bike a long way to get back in track. They also went downtown, there is a lot of music and activity down there now. They also enjoyed visiting the art museum. It was their last day here, we enjoyed their company and wish them a good trip back home.

Tonight we will be night active again ! We will go out to try to catch some Quails (Vagtel) with Lars Bo. It is the first time we try, let us hope for it to be a success ! We will update you tomorrow !

Have a good evening,


Ringmærking Kabeltrommeln:

Gærdesanger (Lesser whitethroat) 5

Gulbug (Willow warbler) 1

Gransanger (Chiffchaff) 2

Rørspurv (Reed bunting) 1

Bogfinke (Chaffinch) 1

Musvit (Great tit) 3

Kærsanger (Marsh Warbler) 1

Tornsanger (Common whitethroat) 1

Munk (Blackcap) 5

Total : 20


People:  Esben Hensen, Rita DeLucco, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Nathan Delmas, Max Laubstein, Lars Bo Jacobsen, our guests, Charlotte, Søren, and their family.

FORRIGE     1  |  ...  |  73  |  74  |  75  |  76  |  77  |  ...  |  226     NÆSTE