Her på Skagen Fuglestations blog bringes korte nyheder i dagbogsformat om hændelser på fuglestationen.
27 Years old, 27 birds
I write this blog a little bit older, but also a little bit wiser. Yesterday my birthday was really amazing, I also received some gifts! I want to say thank you again to everyone that gave me nice moments yesterday. :)
Today the day started with Simon’s call, to decide to open the nets a little bit later because of the weather. Me and Aksel went opening the nets at Kabeltromlen, soon joined by Lisa, Jørgen (Simon’s father), Lona and Lars, our guests. Simon’s father brought us a wonderful cake with cinnamon inside: this week has been the week with the higher variety of cakes for the volunteers. The sky was grey but full of the colors of the birds passing: also the Waxwings (Silkehale, picture below) stopped by, probably to say “Hi” to Lisa, that will leave soon to go to Germany.
The highlight of the day at the ringing was a beautiful female of Greenfinch (Grønirisk, picture below)! We caught in total just 21 birds, and 6 recaptures (so 27 in total, like my age).
At the observations Prescillia and Louis were lucky to see 50/60 Snowbunting on the beach, but it was in general a very slow day, with just 50 Razorbills (Alk). They saw also a Long-tailed duck (Havlit) close to the shore and a Great Northern Diver (Islom) very close and a Oystercatcher (Strandskade), so they were happy because of those species.
In the afternoon we decided to change the nets in the Lighthouse garden all together, also with the help of Lone. Later Aksel and Louis went to the shop while me and Prescillia were working indoor. Later me and Louis will go nightcatching with Simon and Lisa.
Today we received an answer about a ring that I read some days ago on a dead Sandwich Tern (Splitterne) found at Grenen. This individual was ringed as an adult the 06/08/2019, in Denmark (Agger Færgehavn, Nordjylland). We received back also the history of another Sandwich Tern (Splitterne) dead that I found with a ring; this individual was ringed when it was a juvenile bird in 2016 in Germany, Helgoland!
Ringmærkning Kabeltromlen:
Træløber, Nordlig: 1
Rødhals: 4
Munk: 4
Blåmejse: 1
Bogfinke: 1
Dompap, Lille: 1
Grønirisk: 1
Vindrossel: 3
Sangdrossel: 1
Solsort: 4
Total = 21
Today’s Observations from the area on DOFBasen
Folk på stationen: Aksel Y. Munkholm, Louis Kristoffer Poulsen, Diana Sciandra, Prescillia Lemesle, Simon Christiansen and his father, Lisa Vergin, Jørgen Hulbæk og vores gæster Lars og Lone.