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Massere af måger og et Farvel og på gensyn

tirsdag 30. juni 2020
af Frederik R. Johansen

I dag blæste det rigtig meget, så vi kunne desværre ikke ringmærke i dag. 

Amandine, Martina og jeg tog ud for at tælle terner, og jeg besluttede mig for at tælle de rastende måger på stranden, for der var edermageme mange!

106294969_2634248480228202_5559194503880177899_n.jpgVi talte mindst 4960 rastende måger, men der var hele tiden nogen der fløj, så der har helt sikker været over 5000 rastende måger!!!!!!!80190560_2359427724353569_8080237770146849264_n.jpg

Mågeflokken bestod af:

Sølvmåge - 3722

Hættemåge - 146

Sorthovedet Måge - 1 (2k)

Ride - 3

Stormmåge - 427

Sildemåge - 427

Kaspisk Måge - 1 (måske en mere)

Svartbag - 233 (+en med en blå farvering)

Amandine og Martina talte:

Splitterne - 37

Fjordterne - 2

Rosenstæren var stadig på plads ude ved Grenen-spidsen, og den var lige så fantastisk smuk som den var i går!!!

106261355_1573148102860463_8565735084573552192_n.jpgJeg tog efterfølgende hjem, hvor Amandine kom 20 min efter. 

Martina tog ud til Kabeltrommelkrattet for at stramme nogen net, og sætte et nyt net op.83444416_330863304587057_3057222870588797770_n.jpg

Klokken 14.00 ca. tog vi på ringmærkningstur. Det gik fint, selvom vi ikke fangede nogen fugle.

I dag er min sidste dag heroppe på Skagen Fuglestation, og det betyder jo så også at dette er min sidste blog, lige foreløbig. Det har været et fantastisk forår, og på gensyn ;)

Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området

Folk: Amandine Doré, Martina Hillbrand, Simon S. Christiansen og Frederik R. Johansen.

A Rosy Starling (Rosenstær) in Grenen and a lot of raptors!

mandag 29. juni 2020
af Amandine Doré

Today, Martina and Frederik went opening the net, while I enjoyed an hour more of extra sleep and then joined them for the first net check at 4:15am.

20200629 072851

The morning was very slow, only a few birds were caught in the nets. However, someone spotted a Rosy Starling (Rosenstær) next to the tip of Grenen beach, which is also close to Kabeltromlen where we are ringing. We took turn and went down to the beach between net checks to see this Rosy Starling.  It was flying among a flock of Common Starlings (Stær), and fortunately, we all managed to get a good view of it ! Simon joined the ringing later on and also went to check this Rosy starling.

20200629 102513
Looking for the Rosy Starling

20200629 221153

20200629 221105Here it is !

The morning became even more exciting as Simon spotted some Black Kites (Sort glente), a White-tailed Eagle (Havørn) and a Golden Eagle (Kongeørn). A lot of raptors were flying around: Red Kites (Rød glente), Common Buzzards (Musvåge), Honey Buzzards (Hvepsevåge), Kestrel (Tårnfalk )….

In the early morning, Frederik also observed a Golden Oriole (Pirol) chasing a Sparrowhawk (Spurvehøg) !

After two net checks without any birds, we decided to close early. On our last net check before closing, we caught a very nice second calendar year male Grey Wagtail (Bjergvipstjert).

20200629 093821

Grey Wagtail (Bjergvipstjert)

20200629 093319

This morning that had started very slow ended up being very exciting !

Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen)

Munk – Blackcap – 3

Gærdesanger – Lesser Whitethroat – 2

Tornsanger – Common Whitethroat – 1

Kærsanger – Marsh Warbler – 6

Rørsanger – Reed Warbler – 1

Bjergvipstjert – Grey Wagtail – 1

Bogfinke – Chaffinch -  1

Grå Fluesnapper – Spotted Flycatcher – 1

Gærdesmutte – Wren – 1

Løvsanger – Willow Warbler – 1

Total: 18

People : Martina Hillbrand, Simon S. Christiansen, Frederik R. Johansen and Amandine Doré

Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området

Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen

Ringing, Pride Run and dinner with the Friends of the Observatory !

søndag 28. juni 2020
af Amandine Doré

Today Martina and I went ringing at Kabeltromlen. Frederik did not join the ringing as he had been out the whole listening to night birds with Simon.

We had to open the nets one hour later because of the rain. Despite a cloudy weather, we caught quite few birds in the nets, and opened until 10, when it started raining again. After the Blackcap (Munk) wave of last week, today was the Lesser Whitethroat (Gærdesanger) invasion ! We catch new Lesser Whitethroats every day, which is surprising as we would expect them to be all ringed by now since they are resident birds. Some of them have starting moulting their feathers. 

20200628 055907Lesser Withetroat (Gærdesanger) moulting its feathers

We caught a nice juvenile Reed Bunting (Rørspurv), showing the species’ typical dark brown streaked pattern on the wings. Later on, we caught a beautiful adult male.

20200628 054159 001Juvenile Reed Bunting (Rørspurv) 

20200628 093233
Adult male Reed Bunting (Rørspurv) 

We also caught several Lesser whitethroats (Gærdesanger) hatched this year, and our first Common Whitethroat (Tornsanger) hatchling ! We are still waiting for the Blackcaps (Munk) hatchlings to be caught in the nets ! It should happen very soon!

20200628 084912Juvenile Lesser Whitethroat (Gærdesanger)

20200628 093814
Juvenile Common Whitethroat (Tornsanger)

After the ringing we went back home and got some sleep to get ready for the Virtual Pride Run Pernille, Martina and myself had enrolled for. We ended up running 6 km, it was nice and fun. 

Tonight, an outdoor dinner was organized at the Grey Lighthouse by the Friends of the Observatory. The weather was unfortunately not very good, and several showers interrupted the event, however everything turned out well.

20200628 173156 001

20200628 173651

The dinner was very good and had interesting flavours, using local ingredients such as different algae collected in the sea during the afternoon, as well as rosehips growing around the lighthouse. 

20200628 173645

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20200628 175643

Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen):

Gransanger – Chiffchaff - 1

Lille Dompap – Bullfinch – 1

Bogfinke – Chaffinch -  5

Havesanger – Garden Warbler -  1

Tornsanger – Common Whitethroat – 4

Munk – Blackcap – 13

Topmejse – Crested Tit – 3

Kærsanger – Marsh Warbler – 4

Rørsanger – Reed Warbler – 2

Sangdrossel – Song Thrush – 1

Gærdesmutte – Wren – 2

Gærdesanger – Lesser Whitethroat – 2

Solsort – Blackbird – 2

Rødhals – Robin - 1

Skovpiber – Tree Pipit – 1

Blåmejse – Blue Tit – 1

Skægmejse – Bearded Tit – 2

Bjergvipstjert – Grey Wagtail – 1

Kernebider – Hawfinch – 1

Lille Gråsisken – Redpoll – 3

Broget Fluesnapper – Pied Flycatcher – 1

Løvsanger – Willow Warbler – 1

Vindrossel  - Redwing - 2

Rørspurv – Reed Bunting -

Total: 39

People : Martina Hillbrand, Frederik R. Johansen, Simon S. Christiansen, Amandine Doré and Pernille Roed.

Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området

Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen

En Sommerdag

lørdag 27. juni 2020
af Frederik R. Johansen

Dagen i dag startede ud med at Martina tog ud til Jennes Sø, for at åbne nettene til CES-mærkning. Det gik meget stille under ringmærkningen med meget få fugle.

Imens Martina og jeg mærkede ved Jennes Sø, tog Amandine ud til Skarvsøen, for at tælle og tjekke op på Skarvkolonien. Det så godt ud, og ungerne ser sunde ud.

Klokken 10.30 cyklede vi hjem til fuglestationen. Martina og Amandine gik i seng, og jeg tog ud for at kigge efter en Ørnevåge, som havde været her i går. Det lykkedes ikke....



Hertil eftermiddag, tog Martina til Nordstrand for at kigge efter Store Præstekraver (især unger), men det lykkedes desværre ikke for hende. Hun så nogen fiskene Splitterner, som nok samler føde til deres unger.

Senere i aften tager Simon og jeg på natlyt. Vi håber på noget godt (Buskrørsanger mindst ;) ).

Folk: Amandine Doré, Martina Hillbrand og Frederik R. Johansen.

Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området

Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen

Water rails have fledged

fredag 26. juni 2020
af Martina Hillbrand

This morning we went ringing as usual. The night was not quite as long as the night before, so we actually did sleep before getting up at 2.30 again. However, it was a late night nonetheless, quite unexpectedly since we were all really tired  from the long nightjar night. But at dinner Simon informed us that somebody had reported an injured Gannet (Sule) on North Beach. It was ringed and he wanted us to catch it to be able to read the ring and if necessary take the bird to a rehabilitation center.

Amandine and I went with our guests Jesper and Anne went to the beach to catch the poor bird. After a short search we found the bird. We came up with a strategy to catch it but we did not know how mobile the bird was. So at the first try we failed quite badly, since the bird managed to escape into the water between Amandine and me. It swam only for a short time and then came back to the beach, also showing that it must be in rally bad shape. The second time we were better prepared, came from deeper in the water and managed to catch it quickly. Once we had the bird we saw the damage: it had a broken lower mandible. Clearly it couldn’t feed any more. This might have happened when the bird tried to catch a fish that was caught in a fisherman’s net. The bird was full of insects and it was clear that it was not going to survive left on its own so we called wildlife rescue. Unfortunately they could only tell that an adult bird like this with a broken bill could not be fed (and we did experience how vicious it was when we needed two people to hold it), so he advised us to kill the bird to not let it suffer any longer.  Jesper was so kind and do that for us as none of the women wanted to take care of that. We did admire its long, beautiful wings, though. It is such an elegant bird which makes it even harder to see it die this way.


On the plus side: we were able to report the ring to London and hope to hear soon how old this bird was and where it was born. We will keep you updated.


On the brighter side of life we had a nice sunrise again in the morning and opened the nets to a very warm day. Compared to yesterday the ringing was quite slow but nonetheless brought us some very interesting species. The biggest surprise of the day was a nuthatch (spætmejse). Some were seen to pass through on migration – probably first-year birds on juvenile dispersal and one of them ended up in our nets. We do not normally catch this species, so we were very excited about it.

2020 06 26 Nuthatch 9BA7186 1k 18

Another really nice bird was the water rail (vandrikse). We know that the species was nesting close to our nets because we heard them every morning. We also set out traps for many days specifically to catch the rails, however, it never succeeded. All the water rails we caught were caught in the nets. Today we caught a juvenile which, obviously, was already able to fly very well. The weird sounds that they make are misleading: they are actually very pretty birds.

2020 06 26 Water rail 62 84728 1k 12

For the rest we did not catch anything special, just the local and regional breeding birds. We are getting more and more juvenile birds in the nests now, so it is really nice for us to see every day a new species has fledged. Today we caught a juvenile chiffchaff (gransanger) and a blue tit (blåmejse) – next to the already known lesser whitehtroats (gærdesanger) and crested tits (topmejse).

In the afternoon we set up the nets at Jennes Sø so that we can do the CES ringing there tomorrow.


Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen):

Gransanger – Chiffchaff - 2

Munk – Blackcap – 5

Gærdesanger – Lesser Whitethroat – 7

Bogfinke – Chaffinch -  1

Vandrikse – Water Rail – 1

Blåmejse – Blue Tit – 1

Spætmejse – European Nuthatch – 1

Rørsanger – Reed Warbler – 1

Tornsanger – Common Whitethroat – 2

Sangdrossel – Song Thrush – 1

Topmejse – Crested Tit – 4

Total: 25


People : Martina Hillbrand, Simon S. Christiansen, Frederik R. Johansen, Amandine Doré, Jesper and Anne Sandfeld

Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området

Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen

Natravn, Vinsværmer og Korttået Lærke!

torsdag 25. juni 2020
af Frederik R. Johansen

Vores dag i dag startede faktisk allerede i går aftes. Vi skulle nemlig ud for at fange Natravne med Lars Bo! Vi drog afsted mod Sandmilen klokken 21.30 i går aftes, for at sætte nettene op. Vi havde været ude en gang før (for 2 uger siden), hvor vi intet fangede, så forventningerne var lidt forskellige :)

Men klokken 00.15 røg der en Natravn i nettet!!!!! Holy moly den var bare fed!

106451715 697632207696717 3367411055085811647 n

Klokken 02.00 havde Martina kørt med Laila hjem, så Martina kunne sætte nettene op ved Kabeltrommelkrattet.

Vi var faktisk så heldige, at vi fangede hele 5 Natravne i alt!!

Klokken 04.20 havde vi pakket det hele sammen og tog tilbage mod stationen.

Vi takker Lars Bo rigtig mange gange for hjælpen.

Vores lyslokker havde givet en stor gevinst, nemlig en Lille Vinsværmer!! Det er bare en fed sværmer!

106094373 679589532883868 4311054974847462678 n

Derefter tog Amandine ud til Martina for at hjælpe i mærkningen, og jeg gik i seng.

Da jeg stod op ved 10-tiden, skete der noget fantastisk. Rolf Christensen melder en Korttået Lærke ud fra Grenen. En Korttået Lærke er en sjælden lærke-art, som kommer fra sydeuropa og længere østpå.

Korttaet Laerke 3 001L1452 kopi

Den var altså bare virkelig fed!

Amandine og Martina fik sovet nogen par timer efter den lange nat.

Her til eftermiddag har vi lavet lidt praktisk arbejde.

 Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området

Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen

Folk: Amandine Doré, Martina Hillbrand, Simon S. Christiansen, Lars Bo Jacobsen og Laila Neerman.

More and more juveniles birds !

onsdag 24. juni 2020
af Amandine Doré

This morning, Martina and me went out ringing at Kabeltromlen. The weather was very nice, warm and sunny, as it should be in summer ! We were unsure about how good the day will be for catching birds but we ended up having some nice species in the nets. We caught a female Bullfinch (Dompap Lille) as well as one juvenile and one adult male Reed Bunting (Rørspurv).

Web 4A nice male Reed Bunting (Rørspurv)
Web 3

And on our last round, we were lucky and caught a juvenile Grey Wagtail (Bjergvipstjert) !

Web 1
Grey Wagtail (Bjergvipstjert)

We also got juveniles Common Whitethroat (Tornsanger), Great tit (Musvit), Crested tit (Topmejse). Soon we should see some Blackcaps’ (Munk) hatchlings in the nets !

While Martina and I were doing the net checks, Simon and Frederik showed to Pernille’s class how the ringing works via the phone. Frederik ringed a Chiffchaff (Gransanger) in front of the pupils which seemed to be very interested !

Web 2Chiffchaff (Gransanger)

In the afternoon, we set up a trap for moth that we will try overnight. We’re looking forward to see what we catch there tomorrow.

This evening, we are going out trying to catch nightjars with Lars Bo. This should be an exciting night outdoors ! More on this tomorrow in the blog!

Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen):

Great tit – Musvit – 1
Lesser whitethroat – Gærdesanger – 10
Wren – Gærdesmutte – 1
Marsh warbler – Kærsanger – 2
Reed warbler – Rørsanger – 3
Crested tit – Topmejse – 2
Grey wagtail – Bjergvipstjert – 1
Common whitethroat – Tornsanger – 4
Blackap – Munk – 6
Bullfinch - Dompap, Lille (europaea) – 1
Reed bunting - Rørspurv – 2
Chiffchaff – Gransanger – 4

Total: 38

People : Martina Hillbrand, Amandine Doré, Simon S. Christiansen, Frederik R. Johansen, Pernille Roed

Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området

Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen

En Blæsende Dag

tirsdag 23. juni 2020
af Frederik Johansen

I dag blæste det for meget til ringmærkning ved Kabeltromlen, så i dag sov vi længe, og fokuserede på en masse praktisk arbejde.

Men inden vi kommer til det, så vil jeg lige starte med i går aftes. For i går aftes tog vi ned til en gård syd for Skagen, for at ringmærke Slørugler!105320144_306488054075476_1656966322557078191_n.jpg

Vi var så heldige og ringmærke hele 5 Slørugle unger! Det var fedt, vi fik også en fed og spændende rundtur rundt omkring ude på engene. 

I morges tog jeg ud til Skarvkolonien. Det så godt ud for ungerne, de var blevet store og sunde. 

Simon var så heldig at se Steppeørn lige over huset. Det er cool!

Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området

Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen

Folk: Simon S. Christiansen, Amandine Doré, Martina Hillbrand og Frederik R. Johansen


mandag 22. juni 2020
af Martina Hillbrand

The last of the rain fronts passed through Skagen this morning. We were not sure originally if there would be time to open the nets between sunrise and the rain. Also we had no idea if there would be migrating birds trapped between the fronts or not. By now, I have gotten used to check the rain radar as the first thing I do after my alarm goes off. It promised at least two dry hours to catch birds so we went to open the nets at the usual time (3:15). By the way, as of today the days get shorter and sun rises later which means that we can sleep longer. For now, around 40 seconds per day…

We did catch birds, however, mainly local breeding birds, many of which already had a ring too. Catching ringed birds is always nice because that way you can see that the bird is still in the area, still alive, and we can follow the development of the brood patch when it is incubating eggs and then the moult (like in the willow warbler/løvsanger below).

2020 06 22 Willow warbler moulting 9CY3175 2k 10

If you catch a bird that you ringed in a different year, of course, it is still more interesting as then you can also study things like site fidelity and survival. Even though we again caught many blackcaps (munk) we haver very few recaptures of those. The recaptures are mainly lesser whitethroat (gærdesanger) and common whitethroat (tornsanger). This might suggest that the blackcaps are not spending a lot of time in this area but only move through probably foraging. This would also explain why we catch so large numbers of blackbirds which is definitely more than the number of territories the small area where we have set up nets can provide.

We had two very interesting birds in the net today as well: redwings (vindrossel). They are regularly caught here on migration in early spring and later in the fall, however, at this time of the year it is unusual to catch them here as they do not breed in the close surroundings. It is even more surprising then that we caught not only one but two of these. Maybe they do breed in the near surroundings after all? Or they lost their nest and decided to give up on the breeding for this year and explore the north of Denmark some more.

2020 06 22 Redwing 239048 3k 20

A little later than predicted the rain came and we had to close the nets much earlier than we normally would. This meant we had the chance to catch up on some sleep which was very welcome. Well rested and with sunshine after the rain we went out in the afternoon to the north beach to see if maybe the weather has brought us any rare birds. We could not find rare birds, however, we found another nest of a ringed plover and we saw several more plovers without chicks which are probably still incubating as well. Therefore we still have to advise visitors to the beach to be careful and watch your step. As you can tell, the eggs are really hard to spot!


Also on the beach are large numbers of gulls (lesser black-backed (sildemåge), greater black-backed (svartbag), and herring gull (sølvmåge)) and some sandwich terns (splitterne).


In the evening we have been invited by Lars Bo to help him with the ringing of barn owl chicks. Since we expect to get home late we will share the pictures in tomorrow’s blog. Also in the evening Frederik came back, so now we are back in full strength and ready for lots more birds. Raptor migration should pick up again from tomorrow noon when the wind slows down.


Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen):

Havesanger – Garden Warbler -  1

Munk – Blackcap – 8

Løvsanger – Willow Warbler – 1

Gærdesanger – Lesser Whitethroat – 2

Bogfinke – Chaffinch -  1

Vindrossel  - Redwing - 2

Total: 15

People : Martina Hillbrand, Simon S. Christiansen, and Amandine Doré

Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området

Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen

After the storm – migration continues

søndag 21. juni 2020
af Martina Hillbrand

We learned in the last few days that the weather forecast should not always be trusted so despite the bad forecast I woke up early this morning to check if it was still raining and what the rain radar said. It was not raining and according to the rain radar the rain, after all, had passed much faster than initially expected and we could go out ringing at the normal time. So we got up and went to Kabeltromeln as usual. We opened the nets but knew that after a rainy night probably not a lot of birds would be in the nets.

To our surprise actually it seems like warbler migration might have picked up a little again, despite the weather. More birds are expected next week with continuous southerly winds. This should also let raptor migration pick up again. We caught both reed warblers (rørsanger) and marsh warblers (kærsanger) today, which is nice because they are very difficult to distinguish unless you hear them singing. Seeing them next to each other always helps a lot in distinguishing two species.

We also caught the by now mandatory blackcaps again, but not as many as the last few days. However, we caught a really interesting one, which, once again, proves what I said here earlier: catching lots of birds of one species can give you some very interesting insights in many topics.

We caught a female blackcap that was showing a streak of black in its cap – probably male colouration. It is not often seen in the wild, but also it is only obvious in birds with strong sexual dimorphism, but birds with both male and female plumage have been reported before and studies on captive birds show that birds can actually completely reverse their sex and female birds can even develop male gonads (Riddle, 1924, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society). It would be really interesting if this bird is on its way to change its sex or if it just has a little genetic “defect” that causes this colouration (note: the black was only on one side of the head, the other side looked normal female).

munk male fem

Next to the “usual suspects” we also had a couple blue tits (blåmejse) recently fledged. Both of them flew very well, although you could tell from the flight the lack of experience. It is always amazing, though, to think how quickly young birds learn to fly. After all, it requires a very good coordination – especially the landing.


A nice surprise was the pied flycatcher (broget fluesnapper) which we normally only get during migration a lot earlier or much later in the year. This one was probably a male that either decided that it doesn’t want to breed this year and still enjoy its youth a little bit more, or it has arrived at the breeding grounds but didn’t find a partner (since females tend to choose males with stronger coloration, which, in this species, comes with older age) and then decided to start its way back to the wintering grounds earlier. Or it was just lost on the northward migration and is now just really, really late – which means that probably anyway he won’t breed this year. Of course, flycatchers are among our favorite birds here, since they eat mosquitos, which we are very happy to sacrifice to the birds.


We did not catch many birds and after six hours we wanted to close the nets as usual. On the closing round, we found a very big surprise in the net: a green sandpiper (svaleklire). Shorebirds have a very long and generally very early migration season. It is also well know that the spring and fall migration of shorebird overlap – so while some of them still migrate to their breeding grounds, others are already on their way south. This bird was probably already on its way south. Green sandpipers winter in the Mediterranean and in subtropical and tropical Africa.


In the afternoon we welcomed the new guests for the apartment and we had a meeting with Simon since he had not been here the whole week.

Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen):

Havesanger – Garden Warbler -  1

Tornsanger – Common Whitethroat – 1

Munk – Blackcap – 7

Kærsanger – Marsh Warbler – 7

Rørsanger – Reed Warbler – 6

Blåmejse – Blue Tit – 2

Broget Fluesnapper – Pied Flycatcher – 1

Løvsanger – Willow Warbler – 1

Svaleklire – Green Sandpiper - 1

Total: 27

People : Martina Hillbrand, Simon S. Christiansen, and Amandine Doré

Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området

Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen

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