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To nye arter for Skagen og DK kan nu tilføjes listen

tirsdag 25. juni 2024
Sjældenhedsudvalget og IOC Bird List har kommet med nyheder som indebærer at to nye arter kan tilføjes Skagenlisten. Begge fund er desuden de første fund for landet. Det omhandler sidste års fund af Alaskavipstjert samt et fund af Østlig Rødrygget Svale i 2021
af Simon Sigaard Christiansen

The Danish Rarity Comittee has now accepted last years record of Eastern Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla tschutschensis) that was seen at Grenen 28/9 - 1/10.

The IOC World Bird List has updated the taxonmy of Eastern Red-rumped Swallow which means that the bird seen in Skagen on the 2nd June 2021 belongs to the same group formerly known under the species name Striated Swallow (Cecropis striolata). This species is now lumped with the other Asian subspecies under the name Eastern Red-rumped Swallow (Cecropis daurica) and consists of the following subspecies: ssp. daurica, mayri, stanfordi, vernayi and striolata (ssp. japonica is now synonymous with ssp. mayri). While the European Red-Rumped Swallow is split into its own monotypic species: Cecropis rufula.

eastern yellow wag Jorgen Kabel
Photo: Jørgen Kabel 28/9, 2023.

ErikChristophersen4Photo: Erik Christophersen 2/6, 2021.