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Ringing Kabeltromlen and shot seal cub l in Grenen

onsdag 15. juli 2020
af Amandine Doré

This morning, I went opening the nets with Kristina for 4:45 and we’ve been then joined by Simon, Marc and Rasumus for the first round at 5:15, and for a short time by Lærke and Malthe. After the days of bad wether, it was good to be out again at Kabeltromlen and do some ringing !

It was actually a very good catching day, warm and sunny. Again, we caught mostly juvenile birds from Common Whitethorat (Tornsanger), Lesser Whitethroat (Gærdesanger), Blue tit (Blåmejse), Greta tit (Musvit). We also got a beautiful juvenile Yellowhammer (Gulspurv). Kristina and Rasmus were learning how to take birds out of the nets.

In one of the last net checks, we caught a ”special bird”: a juvenile Green sandpiper (Svaleklire) ! You can tell it’s a juvenile because the wing feathers are new, are from the same generations (different generations in adult) and the spots are brownish, while they are white on the adults.

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We also got a quite interesting recapture, an adult female Blackacap (Munk) with an Italian rings... We should get some more information on this bird very soon !

There were also some cool birds at sea today : two Surf Scoters (Brilleand) and Black Scoter (Amerikansks Sortand) on a visit from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean!

DSC09685 Edit2Photo: Erik Christophersen

In the afternoon, we completed different office tasks as usual, data entering, data checking,etc...

While sitting at the Birder’s club to answer visitors questions about birds, a young couple came to me asking if I could do anything for the seals: apparently there was a seal cub on Grenen tip, that people were petting... I decided to go to have a look and found a huge crowd of people around this very young seal. This baby seal was in fact injured, explaining why people had managed to come so close and ”pet” it. It looked very exhausted, both from the injury and the stress caused by the crowd, who unfortunately did only care about getting pictures with seals, even when this little one was dying.  Signs are put up on the beach to warn people to stay away from the seals, both for their security (seals can bite and carries a lot fo bacteria, who can generates important infection) and for the seals’s tranquility, but very few respect the 50m distance recommended. I tried to get people away from the seal cub and some nice people helped me keeping away the increasing amount of tourists coming to the tip.

20200715 150807Seal cub 

Two reporters, who came to document the area of Skagen, have been of very great help and were truly concern about the seal. We then called for some help from professionnals, but unfortunately they had to put down the young seal, probably too injured and too weak. It was shot on the beach, in the middle of the crowd.

20200715 160122This shows how close people get to the seal in Grenen, while they should respect a distance of 50m. 

Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen):

Green Sandpiper - Svaleklire - 1
Yellowhammer - Gulspurv - 1
Great tit - Musvit - 3
Marsh warbler - Kærsanger - 2
Willow warbler - Løvsanger - 1
Redpoll - Gråsisken, Lille (cabaret) - 7
Reed warbler - Rørsanger - 3
Common Whitethroat - Tornsanger - 19
Blackcap - Munk - 2
Blue tit - Blåmejse - 3
Chiffchaff - Gransanger - 8
Reed bunting - Rørspurv - 2


People:  Simon S. Christiansen, Amandine Doré, Rasmus Matthiesen-Juhl, Marc, Lærke and Malthe Desholm, Kristina Sønderkjær, Uller, Lotte, Maya and Max,
Thanks to Erik Christiphersen for the Surf scoter picture

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