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A Skagen spring day like we like them !

onsdag 27. maj 2020
af Fanny Rey

Esben and Frederik went ringing today at Kabeltromlen, they had a very nice morning with a lot of birds and some interesting species that we don’t caught a lot. First a Red-back shrike (Rødrygget tornskade) female a bit panful for Frederik who ring it apparently. Then in the same round a young male Sparrow hawk (Spurvehøg) and a Water rail (Vandrikse), this species is not easy to catch and it was the first time for the season so it was very nice, they are tinnier in hand than when we see them on the field!


They also caught a Garden warbler (Havesanger) with a ring from Norway ! And finally a beautiful male Bluethroat (Blåhals), the second capture of spring.


Martina and I went observing at Grenen, the migration is definitely slowing down with few passerine but still some interesting bird to observe like Skua, Oriole, Short ear owl. Thomas Johansen came to join us and help us for the counting. But the highlight of today migration was not at the observation spot but around, with first a Greenish Warbler (Lundsanger) who became some hours after a probably Green warbler (Kaukasisk Lundsanger) at ellekratette, the two species are very likely so this is why the identification was probably rong at the beginiing it was no execpted to be a Green warbler. The Green warbler is very rare in Danmark ! So now we are expecting all the birder (or at least twitcher) of Denmark to come in Skagen if it’s not already done. As you can see on the picture a lot of people already came to see it and it is indeed a nice little bird.


Another rare bird today was the Blyth’s reed warbler (Buskrørsanger) who was spotted by his song. It was around Grenen singing but not easy at all to see! with a little bit of patience we manage to see it.

This afternoon, Martina and I went to Jennes sø to prepare the ringing site for tomorrow because we are going to do the CES session.

Frederik went away today for a bird trip, he will come back in around 10 day with some new species we wish for him !

Ringing (Kabeltromlen):

  Bogfinke 1                            
  Blåhals, Nordlig (ssp. svecica) 1                            
  Havesanger 4                            
  Tornsanger 1                            
  Munk 5                            
  Gærdesanger 1                            
  Rørsanger 2                            
  Sivsanger 3                            
  Gulbug 2                            
  Løvsanger 12                            
  Kærsanger 3                            
  Grå Fluesnapper 1                            
  Rødhals 2                            
  Gærdesmutte 7                            
  Rødrygget Tornskade 1                            
  Spurvehøg 1                            
  Vandrikse 1  

Sum: 48

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People: Esben E. Hansen, Martina Hillbrand, Simon S. Christiansen, Frederik Johansen, Thomas Johansen and Fanny Rey