Her på Skagen Fuglestations blog bringes korte nyheder i dagbogsformat om hændelser på fuglestationen.
Foggy but Funny
It was very foggy the whole day today. It was so foggy that we could not see the sea when looking out of the window the whole day. So we could not do the migration count today. Instead we started the day really chilled. Later we cleaned a bit and had a fun ping pong tournament.
Palning the perfect table tennis serve
We noticed some thrushes in the garden and put some apples out. After that we opened the net in the garden to catch some birds. When we checked the net an hour later a female Blackbird (Solsort) had flown in. Roman ringed it. It was his first time he has rung a bird.
Later Lucas and Ragnar went out for a walk. They found a nice Short-eared Owl (Mosehornugle) and more than 60 Rock Pipits (Skærpiber)! Between the Rock Pipits they found a really weird looking bird, which, as it turned out, was a leucistic Rock Pipit!
Wierd looking leucistic Rockpipit
In the afternoon Simon came to take us to the harbour to feed the Gulls. There were not as many Gulls as last time but it was really nice again to see them so close. And we found again a Caspian Gull. Quote from Ragnar “There is no day in Skagen where you don't see a Caspian Gull”.
When we came back we played a nice round of “Wingspan”. Roman won it.
Now the plan is to go night catching later. I’m really looking forward to catching some nice birds. Unfortunately the weather forecast predicts more fog for tomorrow, but we will see.
Ringing (Fyrhavn)
Solsort 1
Short-Eared Owl (Mosehornugle)1
Caspian Gull (Kaspik Måge)1
Rock Pipits (Skærpiber) more than 60
leucistic Rock Pipit (Skærpiber) 1
Link to today’s observations in Dofbasen in the Skagen area
Sum of the Raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen.
People: Lucas Corneliussen, Simon Sigaard Christiansen, Cora Köberle, Janna Ouedraogo, Roman Spilldooren, Ragnar Smith