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King of the Castle

søndag 8. december 2024
af Ragnar Smith

It has ended, autumn season has ended as Emma boarded the train to Aalborg. Normally it would be mean that the observatory has been closed down and the next you’ll hear from the blog is when the first of the spring team arrives. But I will stay at the observatory till around mid January, still birding in Skagen and taking care of the observatory, which means the blog will be updated semi-regularly depending on what is happening, hopefully some pictures of a nice Ross’s Gull (Rosenmåge) or Ivory Gull (Ismåge) will be featuring on the blog, but we will see.

 C060008 2A group-photo of the team before they all left, except me - Highlander-rules, there can only be one

Today started with Emma going out to Worlds End 3 to see the place for the last time this season, but hopefully not for ever, while I did some obs from the lighthouse, though nothing noteworthy was seen. After that we all went to the station to drop off Emma, so she could catch her train, I did some light shopping. The harbour got a quick once over, to see if we could find the White Wagtail (Hvid Vipstjert) that was seen at the harbour, but no dice. I was then dropped off at the station again, now completely alone at the station for the first time since ever. A little bit of cleaning and washing up and contemplating watching the “The Lighthouse” by Robert Eggers to see what is in store for someone that has to stay at a lighthouse for 1 ½ - 2 months, I heard it’s about two men having a lovely time at a lighthouse with nothing bad happening.

The next coming days the weather will finally be fit for proper birdwatching as the wind is slowly going down and tomorrow the sun might be peaking out from the clouds.

People at the station: Ragnar Smith, Simon S. Christiansen, Emma Fabré