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All good things come to an end

fredag 6. december 2024
af Mara Glane


A great last day was ahead of me, when I woke up this morning, I just didn't knew it at that time. A little bit sleepy I got ready and after some office work and packing my stuff, Simon came by to pick us up for a special ringing project. At Batteriskoven a Kingfisher/Isfugl was spotted and together with Michael Ancher we wanted to catch and ring it. The set up was fairly easy, as we just put up a short net across the creek. Thomas volunteered to step through the water, that got dangeroulsy close to flowing inside the boot. After the net was up, Michael walked along the water to get the bird to fly in our direction. It did not even take 5 minutes until we saw the net move and Thomas then jumping into the water to get the blue cristal out of the net. It was a beautiful young female. What a nice bird to see so close and thanks to all for the great teamwork!

06 12 24 Blog IsfuglBatteriskoven

Young female Kingfisher/Isfugl

On our way back to the lighthouse we spotted some Crossbills/Lille Korsnæb feeding in the pine trees and Emma was able to take some photos. She wanted to photograph them all season and finally got a good chance.

06 12 24 Blog ThomasEmmaCrossbills

Emma giving everything for a good photo

Back at the station - dry thanks to a lift from Simon - we had a nice pasta lunch and decided to spent the afternoon going to the harbour to look for some gulls. Just as we where getting ready and putting on our jackets we recieved a Zello message from Knud, and while Ragnar was translating for us, he realised that we have to move quick. So he just yelled: "Guys, you need to go out now, if you want to see an Iceland Gull!". So of course, no questions asked, we put on our shoes and hurried outside. Knud saw an Iceland Gull/Hvidvinget Måge from World's End 3 flying into Kattegat close to the shore. So that was what we where looking for and that is what we saw indeed. All four uf us had really nice views of the Iceland Gull flying amongst other gulls. It flew in the direction of the harbour, turned around and followed the coastline back to Grenen. That was a proper cool last new bird species for me from my stay here!

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Niceland Gull/Hvidvinget Måge

The plans to go to the harbour where not off the table yet, even though it already gor dark when Emma, Thomas and I arrived at our gull feeding spot. We had again quite the competition, but managed to attract a small flock of gull for our own. Some Black-headed Gulls/Hættemåge where amongst the Herring Gulls/Sølvmåge. And behind us was a pair of Rock Pipits/Skærpiber socialsing with a White Wagtail/Hvid Vipstjert.

06 12 24 Blog harbourGulls

Ships, gulls and the smell of fish

Because we all had some Kroners left in our wallets, we went on a little shopping trip and good some food. After dinner we sadly had to say goodbye to Thomas. He is the first one of us 4 leaving. Have a good trip home, Thomas! The remaining three of us ended the evening with a new card game I bought, Uno - no mercy, and oh boy I should have known that Ragnar takes that literally.

With this being my last day I want to thank everyone I met along my stay for the amazing time. And maybe this is not the last blog I will write on this page. So, vi sees!

Highlights from the observations:

Iceland Gull/Hvidvinget Måge

Ringing (Batteriskoven):

Isfugl - 1

Ringing (Nordstjernvej - Michael Ancher):

Bogfinke - 1

Grønirisk - 1

Totals = 3

Today’s observations on Dofbasen from observers in the area

People: Thomas Weston, Mara Glane, Ragnar Smith, Emma Fabre, Simon Sigaard Christiansen