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Canned Croissants

søndag 24. november 2024
af Thomas Weston

The day started with everyone having a lie in this morning after a night of playing Wingspan late into the night and the weather being extremely wet and windy resulting in a day of no ringing or migration.


This photo pretty much sums up today, wet and windy out so an inside day.

I ended up having a nice breakfast, which included one of Mara’s Canned Croissants – more to come so keep reading. I then inputted some of our nocturnal migration data onto Trektellen. In the two nights we had some great surprises back in October including Redwing (Vindrossel), Blackbirds (Solsort) and even an Olive backed Pipit (Taigapiber) picked up by Emma in the recordings. Our findings for those two days can be found here with the nocturnal counts from that week found on Trektellen too. https://www.trektellen.org/count/view/2601/20241018 & https://www.trektellen.org/count/view/2601/20241019. I then spent the rest of the day counting the ring stock and identifying any missing rings resulting in 28,000+ rings counted. Now to see if it matches up to the ringing data on the database!


The result of Canned Croissants...

For the others, Mara started her day making her canned Croissants, which sound rather weird, but are basically pastry in a can and once rolled and then baked do taste of Croissants. Who would have thought? They may or may not have had the French approval from Emma, I will have to ask for a full review. I found them nice though!

Mara also looked through our ringing data from this year and it’s a bit of a sad outlook for our passerines and big declines over the last five years for most species. More of this to come in a future blog post and on our social media channels. She helped Simon with some of our recapture sheets and our data checking is almost complete with only a few more data bits to check before the end of season.


The only dinosaurs Emma saw today.

Meanwhile, Emma had a very chilled day and spent the morning uploading pictures into the archive and enjoying some gaming in the afternoon making the most of the wet and windy inside day. Ragnar spent the morning writing the blog, had a very quick look outside to try find some birds, without success, and then came back, chilled and cooked a very lovely meal this evening. Simon turned up this evening for evening meeting.

It is looking like another wet one tomorrow so we shall see what happens…

 Highlights from the observatory:

  • 25 Herring Gulls (Sølvmåge) from the observatory

Ringing totals

Too wet and wind today.

Overall total: 0

Today’s observations on Dofbasen from observers in the area

People: Thomas Weston, Emma Fabre, Mara Glane. Ragnar Smith, Simon Sigaard Christiansen.