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Sooty Shearwater day!!!!

lørdag 12. oktober 2024

af Emma Fabre


Last night, Thomas and I went night catching. Many birds saw us in the moonlight and flew away. At the end we successfully caught a Dunlin (Almindelig Ryle).

12 10 sunrise

Sunrise at World's End III

Today was a great day for the migrating seabirds! The south wind brought many interesting species. We started with a small auk species. Then, a Sooty Shearwater (Sodfarvet Skråpe) appeared, then an other, and an other… Throughout the day we recorded 41 Sooty Shearwater (Sodfarvet Skråpe)! Additional 4 individuals was seen by others bringing the total up on amazing 45 birds! This is the third highest record for Skagen. The first was November 19, 1978, with 59 birds and the second was October 10, 1997, with 52 birds. Among the Sooty Shearwater (Sodfarvet Skråpe), one Cory's/Scopolis Shearwater (Kuhl's Skråpe) flew far away. There was also a nice migration for the Kittiwakes (Ride).
We also had nice passerines, 8 Horned Larks (Bjerglærke) roosting on the beach and 1 Lapland Bunting (Lapværling) flying into the dunes.
In the afternoon, Ragnar and Thomas continued the counting, joined by Rosa after the ringing. They saw other nice seabirds like a Little Auk (Søkonge), a Great Northern Diver (Islom) and a Pomarine Skua (Mellemkjove).

12 10 Sooty S

Sooty Shearwater (Sodfarvet Skråpe) 

For the ringers, the first hours were nice, before they had to close the nets because of the wind. They had a total of 32 birds with 6 Blue Tit (Blåmejse), 2 Blackbirds (Solsort) and one Song Thrush (Sangdrossel).

12 10 ringingMara ringing a Blackbird (Solsort)


Highlights of the observation:
Sooty Shearwater / Sodfarvet Skråpe - 45 migr. NV  - Highest count in Skagen since the 90's and the third highest ever!
Little Auk / Søkonge - 1 migr. SE
Great Northern Diver / Islom - 1 migr. SE
Cory's/Scopolis Shearwater / Kuhl's Skråpe - 1 migr. NV - 20th record for Skagen
Lapland Bunting / Lapværling - 1 roosting
Pomarine Skua / Mellemkjove - 1 roosting/Migr. SE
Horned Lark / Bjerglærke - 8 roosting

Firecrest / Rødtoppet Fuglekonge - 1 roosting

Ringing (Kabeltromlen):
Sangdrossel - 1
Solsort - 2
Musvit - 2
Gærdesmutte - 8
Rødhals - 4
Jernspurv - 1
Munk - 2
Blåmejse - 6
Gransanger - 4
Fuglekonge - 1
Dompap, Lille (europaea) - 1



Today’s observations on Dofbasen from observers in the area 


People at the station: Ragnar Smith, Rosa Hicks, Thomas, Mara Glane, Emma Fabre, Simon Sigaard Christiansen, Mette Møller Christensen, Lisa Vergin, Kevin and Nina Kuhlmann Clausen + kids