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What's better than 1 yellow browed warbler?

torsdag 10. oktober 2024
af Rosa Hicks


As we are now well into autumn, once again we can start the blog with some night catching success - as Thomas, Mara and I went out to Grenen last night. We caught a dunlin and jacksnipe, with no sign of any of the larks and bunting species seen during the morning observations, unfortunately.

The morning then rolled around and we headed out to Kabeltromlen and Worlds End Three. The ringing brought Wrens (Gærdesmutte), Blackcaps (Munk), Robins (Rødhals), and Chiffchaffs (Gransanger). Joined by Carl again, between us we processed 36 birds, with 24 newly ringed today.

Meanwhile the guys out at Worlds End Three were being treated to some great birds, starting strong with the rear end of a White-Billed Diver (Hvidnæbbet Lom). This was later followed by another which flew right over their heads as well as a Gret Northern Diver (Islom). Alongside Red and Black Throated Divers made for a 4 diver species session. They also had a Yellow Legged Gull (Middelhavs-sølvmåge), Lapland Bunting (Lapværling), Slavonian Grebe (Nordisk Lappedykker), Arctic Skua (Almindelig Kjove), a Fulmar (Mallemuk), a handful of Shore Larks (Bjerglærke), 7x Caspian Gulls (Kaspisk Måge), 3x Little Gulls (Dværmåge), and the first 2x Water Pipits (Bjergpiber) of the year. If that wasn’t good enough, they heard a Yellow Browed Warbler (Hvidbrynet Løvsanger) and saw a distant Minke Whale (Vågehval).


White-Billed Diver

The group then said goodbye to Rasmus – thank you for all your help if you’re reading this! After, we went on a bike ride, and only went and saw ANOTHER Yellow Browed Warbler (Hvidbrynet Løvsanger)!! While it is likely the same as yesterday, two in one day is still an incredible record for Skagen.

Bringing more good news to the day, we had a reply from the Ringing Centre about our Norweigan recaptured Blue Tit (Blåmejse), caught on October 8th.  It was rung 377km away on Utsira, an island in West Norway…. Exactly a year before it was recaptured! Very cool!

blamejse recap

Recaptured Blue Tit / Blåmejse / Blåmeis, celebrating its one year ringing birthday with us at Kabeltromlen.

Just as we thought the day couldn’t get any better, we have been treated to a spectacular show from the Aurora Borealis (Nordlys)!


Good night!


Ringing (Kabeltromlen)

Gærdesmutte - 7

Munk – 5

Rødhals - 4

Blåmejse – 3

Gransanger – 2

Fuglekonge - 2

Rørspurv -1

Total = 24


Ringing (Jens Sø)

Gransanger – 4

Gærdesmutte – 2

Lille Grasiskin - 2

Rødhals – 1

Munk – 1

Fuglekonge – 1

Musvit – 1

Blåmejse – 1

Total = 14


Highlights from the Observations

  • White-Billed Diver (Hvidnæbbet Lom)
  • Great Northern Diver (Islom)
  • Yellow Legged Gull (Middelhavs-sølvmåge)
  • Lapland Bunting (Lapværling)
  • Slavonian Grebe (Nordisk Lappedykker)
  • Yellow Browed Warbler (Hvidbrynet Løvsanger)
  • 7x Caspian Gull (Kaspisk Måge)
  • 3x Little Gull (Dværmåge)
  • 2x Water Pipit (Bjergpiber)

Today’s observations on Dofbasen from observers in the area

People at the Station: Thomas Weston, Ragnar Smith, Rosa Hicks, Mara Glane, Rasmus Matthiesen, Simon Sigaard Christiansen, Michael Ancher, Carl Simonsson, Natacha Gaedecke.