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5,46 birds in the bushes and new arrivals

onsdag 2. oktober 2024
af Ragnar Smith

Today didn’t start as usual, as Emma left for Estonia very early in the morning, so it was only me going out to the obs while Rosa and Mara went to Kabeltromlen. The morning seemed promising at first, but got quiet fast, though there were six Horned Larks (Bjerglærke) to keep me company. I was soon joined by schoolmates from UCN whom came out to do some birdwatching, which was nice and soon after three other birdwatchers also joined us, so suddenly I wasn’t very alone. The sea didn’t bring much migration same with the land, but still we ended with some nice birds as Simon found a Red-throated Pipit (Rødstrubet Piber) that came by calling and soon after I found a Caspian Gull (Kaspisk Måge) and a Yellow-legged Gull (Middelhavssølvmåge), both 1k.

 A020011Yellow-legged Gull 1k at Grenen, looks like all the other gull

The highlight was though when the ringers caught a Firecrest! I called Simon and asked they could bring it to the edge of the dune Kabeltromlen sits on, so I could see the Firecrest in the scope. He obliged and soon after I could see him hold up a firecrest 640 meters away. I could actually ID it, but I don’t think I would be able to ID one in a bush from that distance.

WhatsApp Billede 2024 10 02 kl. 09.08.11 9872ee89How it looked from Kabeltromlen, blue arrow is us at Worlds End 3

WhatsApp Billede 2024 10 02 kl. 09.08.12 c9c41bb2Looking at a firecrest from Worlds End 3

After the obs I went to the area west of the Sandormsvinget to look for the Red-throated Pipit, but I didn’t succeed, though I refound one of the Crested Larks (Toplærke) that have now been in Skagen for aprox. Two and a half months. Kabeltromlen were busy in contrast, with 41 birds and plenty of people visiting, 15 to be exact, which equals to 2,73 birds pr. Person, and if we go by the saying “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” it equals to 5,46 birds in the bushes. Some the people visiting were a group of sound enthusiasts from Finland who came to Skagen to study the soundscape and nature, so Simon showed them around.

WhatsApp Billede 2024 10 02 kl. 22.01.46 be0dd344Simon taking a refreshing sip at Kabeltromlen

I went back to the observatory tired and exhausted and almost immediately took a long nap, not before saying hello to Thomas Weston, one of two new volunteers that are arriving today, he will be with us until end of the season. But I missed saying goodbye to Rosa, as she went on a much-deserved vacation to Sweden! So, if you are reading this, goodbye Rosa and hope you enjoy your time in Sweden. After the nap I went for a short walk and when I came back the second volunteer had arrived, Rasmus Matthiesen, who will be helping with the observations for 8 days until Emma comes back. A quick evening meeting and a dinner, cooked by Mara, later, we are now relaxing and reloading for tomorrow, the weather forecast looks good with mild winds from due north, so we will definitely have something exciting to write about!

Highlights from today:

Yellow-legged Gull – Middelhavssølvmåge 1 1k, third record this season and third since 2021

Caspian Gull – Kaspisk Måge 1 1k

Red-throated Pipit – Rødstrubet Piber 1, second this season

Firecrest 1 female 1k, first this season, scarce autumn visitor

Crested Lark – Toplærke 1, still hanging around, very rare visitor in Skagen

Ringing (Kabeltromlen):

Gærdesmutte – Wren: 12

Rødhals – Robin: 2

Munk – Blackcap: 2

Gransanger – Chiffchaff: 6

Fuglekonge – Goldcrest: 6

Rødtoppet Fuglekonge – Firecrest: 1 1k female

Blåmejse – Blue Tit: 2

Træløber – Treecreeper: 2

Dompap – Bullfinch: 2

Rørspurv – Reed Bunting: 6

Total: 41

Link to today's observations from observers in the area

People at the station: Ragnar Smith, Mara Glan, Thomas Weston, Emma Fabré, Rosa Hicks, Rasmus Matthiesen, Simon Sigaard Christiansen, John Stenum, Iben Jørgensen