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End of the first autumn week

søndag 15. september 2024
af Mara Glane


The day started with a very majestic sunrise as Rosa and I finished opening the nets. Ringing was slow, with a total of 19 birds. Between handling a cute Goldcrest/Fulekonge and a feisty Great Tit/Musvit and Reed Bunting/Rørspurv we had time to practice our ageing skills with Esben.

15 09 24 Blog SunriseKT

A picture worthy sunrise at Kabeltromlen

15 09 24 Blog Goldcrest

Cute madame Goldcrest

The morning with Augustin and Ragnar found a Horned Grebe/Nordisk Lappedykker at World's End 3. Also the Black Tern was still around. As a nice change the boys got bamboozled by a calling weasel that sounded like a wader.

After lunch, we said goodbye to Esben, and he and Ragnar hurried to the train station. Ragnar joined because he had to do a little trip to Hjørring. Augustin went on a long walk to Nordstrand over Skagen Vest Fyr. He spotted a Bar-tailed Godwit/Lille Kobbersneppe on the way. Rosa also went on a walk and saw a lot of Meadow Pipits/Engpiber, Jays/Skovskade, Adders/Hugorm and a friendly cow. My afternoon was much like yesterday - I stayed in to write page after page, determined to finally finish my uni assignment.

15 09 24 Blog Cow

Enjoying the sun, animals and nature on a nice walk!

Highlights from the observations:

Horned Grebe/Nordisk Lappedykker - early and unusual record; last sightings in Skagen 0-2 annualy and then later in the autumn

Black Tern/Sortterne - still around

2-3 Little Gulls/Dværgmåge

Ringing (Kabeltromlen):

Musvit - 1

Gærdesmutte - 3

Jernspurv - 1

Rørsanger - 1

Rødhals - 1

Munk - 3

Tornsanger - 1

Blåmejse - 1

Rørspurv - 1

Gransanger - 5

Fuglekonge - 1

Total = 19

Link to today's observations from observers in the area

People at the station: Ragnar Smith, Rosa Hicks, Augustin Sticksel, Mara Glane, Esben Hansen.