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Anti climax

tirsdag 27. august 2024
af Frederik Johansen

After the greatest observing succes yesterday with a magnificent BROWN BOOBY (brun sule) found by our very own Ragnar, then our hopes for today were HUGE!

The morning started with Ragnar and I going to world’s end 3 to observe and Ezra, Rosa and Simon going to Skarvsøen for CES ringing.

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The ringing period gave a good amount of birds. They never had a round with less than 10 birds and they caught a beautiful Kingfisher (Isfugl) as one of the first birds. They also had a flock of 14 common buzzards soaring above the site at 11 around the time they had to take down all of the nets for maintenance.

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The observing where quite slow today. There was no migration over the sea today compared to yesterday, but the passerine migration disappointed today even though the weather forecast had said it should have been a good day for it. But we managed to get some good species anyways like a calling wood warbler (skovsanger), which was pretty cool! Later Hans joined us for the migration and sometime after Jørgen and Igor came by.

Hans hadn’t seen much but counted many roosting terns on the beach. And a cuckoo and some arctic skuas.

Over the seas as well as on the beach as mentioned before, there were a huge present of common tern with around 832 in total! 700 over the seas at one point in the early morning.


After ended migration count, Ragnar and I went to look after warblers. We started off at Kabeltromlen where we had a good amount of willow warbler (løvsanger), whitethroat (tornsanger) and more of the common species. When Kabeltrommel warbler mission was completed we went to Ellekrattet and had not one, but two wood warblers foraging in the tree crowns and just a fair amount of warbler individuals.


When lunch had been consumed we went out to the area around Buttervej and looked for passerines there. We had a skulky reed warbler, one of the last red-backed shrikes (rødrygget tornskade) this year, a garden warbler (havesanger) and some wheatears (stenpikker) and stonechats (sortstrubet bynkefugl).

Hans had been on a loooong walk (or several walks) around Skagen. First to count the nice terns and waders at Grenen and Nordstrand and then down to stokmilen to look after the beautiful swallowtails (svalehaler) which had been around the area for a long time until some time last week or the week before. No success unfortunately.

Ezra and Rosa have been on their own individual birding mission but didn’t add many new species to the day’s total.

This late afternoon and evening we have been completing chores that needed to be done and now we are ready for the new adventures of tomorrow!


Today's CES ringing data from Skarvsøen:

Water rail / Vandrikse 1

Kingfisher / Isfugl 1

Blue tit / Blåmejse 5

Willow warbler / Løvsanger 6

Chiff Chaff / Gransanger 3

Reed warbler / Rørsanger 24

Marsh warbler / Kærsanger 1

Garden warbler / Havesanger 1

Lesser Whitethroat / Gærdesanger 1

Whitethroat / Tornsanger 4

Blackbird / Solsort 1

Robin / Rødhals 1

Reed bunting / Rørspurv 3

Total: species (13) and amount (52)


Dagens observationer i Skagen

People: Ragnar Smith, Rosa Hicks, Fredrik Johansen, Ezra Sherwell, Simon Sigard Christiansen, Hans Christophersen.