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Winds of fortune

mandag 26. august 2024
af Ezra Sherwell

Hi everybody

The day started off rather stormy with strong winds leading to a decision not to open the nets. However, Ragner, Frederik, Hans and I decided to brave the weather out at World End 3 for a count. Some of the species highlights from the count included several Arctic Skuas (Almindelig Kjove) and Great Skua (Storkjove), a shearwater (Skåpe), a black tern (Sortterne), a few little gulls (Dværgmåge) and good numbers of gannet (Sule) and kittiwake (Ride) migration along with a few migrating waders. Just before we started packing up we had one final surprise for the survey. A flurry of excitement ensued as a brown booby (Brun Sule) was spotted by Ragnor flying southeast, quite close to shore. As a third record for Denmark, and the first from Skagen, this was very exciting. Having never seen this species before I was also very happy to get to see this bird.

Following the success of the morning I decided to try my luck with the zitting cisticola (Cistussanger), another species I had not encountered before, which, after a short period of searching, I managed to locate.

Meanwhile, Rosa and Hans, on separate trips both found increasing numbers of waders on the pools with species present including curlew sandpiper (Krumnæbbet Ryle), turnstone (Stenvender) and dunlin (Almindelig Ryle).

After a second report of the brown booby we once again ventured out to try and re-find the bird, this time in the pouring rain, to the north beach, although our efforts were not rewarded with any further sightings of this bird.

20240826 150827

Walking out to Højen Fyrvej to try for a resighting of the brown booby.


Ringing (Kabeltromlen):

Total: 0

We asked you yesterday to tune in for an update on the “meringue Nutella cake with a biscuit bottom”; and we can confirm that it was unanimously described as a success!

Link to todays observations in Dofbasen from the Skagen area

People at the station: Ragnar Smith, Rosa Hicks, Fredrik Johansen, Simon Sigard Christiansen, Ezra Sherwell, Hans Christophersen.