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Wednesday is for cake and sleeping in

onsdag 21. august 2024
af Ragnar Smith

Yesterday we said goodbye to Lucas and Joseph (womp womp), now we are three volunteers left at the station so we are waiting for the next volunteers to arrive shortly.

But today we could sleep in a bit, with heavy rain making counting and ringing a difficult task. But at 0930 we went out to the sandworm track to do some counting as the rain stopped. It didn’t result in any notable migration but highlights were a Short-eared Owl (Mosehornugle), the continuing Zitting Cisticola (Cistussanger), Arctic Skua (Almindelig Kjove) and four Mediterranean Gulls. This season is turning into a possible record autumn for this scarce species with at least 9 different individuals having passing through Grenen since 15th July.

 WhatsApp Billede 2024 08 21 kl. 14.02.15 1499766fTwo hours of counting looks like this

 8210036Mediterranean Gull 1k, always good to see this scarce migrant

While we were out Simon was doing a small tour for some visitors, and when he were done with migration count and he was done with tour, we went out to Gyvelmarkerne with the guests next door and after that to Lidl to do some shopping. Gyvelmarkerne didn’t yield anything crazy, but we found a Wasp Spider (Hvepseedderkop) and Natterjack Toad (Strandtudse) as the highlights.

 WhatsApp Billede 2024 08 21 kl. 17.59.16 137ba96eThe stomping grounds of the few and proud: Gyvelmarkerne

After that we had some down time and Simon showed us a game he uses to teach visitors on his guided trips, where you to match different body parts of birds and animals with right pictures, that was quite fun, but we didn’t all of them right and Simon said after he would have gotten us ice cream if we did. Maybe if he told us before, we would have been a bit more motivated.

WhatsApp Billede 2024 08 21 kl. 17.59.27 70acbd94Doing build-a-bird

Dinner was cooked, a cake was baked and sunset trip to the top a lighthouse was a nice way to end the day. Tomorrow we return to normal schedule and we will get a new volunteer, Frederik Johansen, who will help us with the counting for a week. The more the merrier

WhatsApp Billede 2024 08 21 kl. 21.35.11 5e1b42fdSame same but different, still tasty!

Ringing (Kabeltromlen)

Total: 0

Link to today's observations from observers in the area

People at SKAF: Ragnar Smith, Rosa Hicks, Simon S Christiensen, Andrew Commins, Susanne Præst, Torben Præst