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A great night for a great snipe

tirsdag 20. august 2024
af Rosa Hicks

Hi folks!

Once again, this blog begins with last night! The team (minus Joe), were off on an intrepid adventure south of Aalborg to catch great snipe (Tredækker)! Filled with instant coffee and optimism, we took to the dark fields with our hand nets and torches like sword and shield. After seeing several great snipe, it was great to be able to catch one – a lifer for the majority of the team. More importantly, catching it allowed us to take biometric data on this cryptic species to add to international databases. This one was an adult, and likely a female based on its shorter measurement of bill and head.



tredaekker 20 08 2024 haleThe adult Great Snipe (Tredækker), showing its profile, upper wing and tail pattern.

Between prospecting fields with the thermal for great snipe, and catching great snipe, we were able to take turns napping in Simon’s car and dreaming of great snipe. After a long night, we finally made it back to Skagen, where we headed straight out for ringing and observations.

Joe had kindly opened the nets, which had caught a first year pied flycatcher (Broget Fluesnapper) in the first round. The following rounds were slow, but luckily, we were kept company with plenty of guests, some of which brought cake! The session finished with a beautiful female yellowhammer (Gulspurv), with many of the team seeing this species up close for the first time.

Ragnor had a quiet day of migration, with waders making up the bulk of the passage birds, including 40 golden plover (Hjejle). He also spotted four mediterranean gulls (Sorthovedet Måge) and a single gadwall (Knarand). However, the star of the show was a yellow legged gull (Middelhavs-sølvmåge), picked out among the gull flock, a species Ragnar has been looking for all month!

After morning ringing, observations, and a few hours of data entry, chores, and admin, it was time to wish our American volunteers well on their long journey back across the pond to the states. Thank you for all the fun memories Lucas and Joe! We look forward to seeing what you get up to in the future.

Ringing (Kabeltromlen)

Rørsanger (Reed Warbler) – 2

Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) – 1

Gransanger (Chiffchaff) – 1

Tornsanger (Greater Witethroat) – 1

Gulspurv (Yellowhammer) – 1

Broget Fluesnapper (Pied Flycatcher) – 1

Ringing (Volsted Kær)

Tredækker (Great Snipe) – 1

Total: 8

Link to todays observations from observers in the area

People at the station: Ragnar Smith, Joseph Zeno, Lucas Corneliussen, Rosa Hicks, Simon Siggaard Christiansen, Andrew Commins, Susanne Præst, Peter Sørensen, Massimo Prosdocimi.