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The cistussanger continues

lørdag 17. august 2024


I was at World’s End 3 today, conducting morning observation with Ragnar. The winds were light and coming from the southwest, bringing a sharp coldness to our post on top of a sand dune.  The morning started slowly, but we were happy to see two Mediterranean gulls and a juvenile Caspian gull on the beach. Barn swallows were making migration attempts, and several western yellow wagtails were flying overhead. A raven also flew overhead and said hello! This was one of our first days where zero fulmars were observed over the ocean. We observed a third calendar year of arctic skua chasing terns around the beach's edge. 

After returning from the CES site yesterday, the ringers were back out at Kabeltromlen. The highlight observation from the ringing site was a continuing Zitting Cisticola heard near the nets. A highlight bird that was ringed today was a Northern Wheatear. Willow warblers, reed warblers, and marsh warblers were among other birds that flew into the nets today. 

Northern Wheatear

A Northern Wheatear was a highlight for the ringers today

After a long morning of ringing and observation, the guests, Grethe and Stig, who had prepared a lovely brunch, welcomed us back to the station. Scrambled eggs, bacon, and avocado bread filled our hungry stomachs. Thank you to the guests for that wonderful brunch!

WhatsApp Image 2024 08 17 at 12.13.00

SKAF guests enjoying brunch

Saturday is the station's weekly cleaning day, so we split up tasks and successfully brushed and scrubbed every nook and cranny of every room. The place is spotless now, and it will hopefully remain that way for a couple of days. 

We are mist netting for storm petrels and nightjars tonight, so hopefully, the winds will bring us good luck!

Ringing (Kabeltromlen)

Stenpikker (Northern Wheatear) - 1

Kærsanger (Marsh Warbler) - 2

Rørsanger (Reed Warbler) - 3

Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) - 2

Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat) - 3

Munk (Blackcap) - 1

Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) - 3

Total: 15

People at SKAF: Joe Zeno, Ragnar Smith, Lucas Corneliussen, Rosa Hicks, Andrew Commins, Simon S. Christiansen, Grethe and Stig, Rosalina Leth-Nissen