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Lammergeier Lammergone??

torsdag 15. august 2024
af Rosa Hicks

Hi folks,

We start todays blog with last night. As Simon, Andrew, Lucas, and I went out to the tip for some night catching of waders, dazzling two dunlin (Almendelig Ryle).

The crew started the day with the usual standardized ringing and observations. The ringing team had a good day with a total of – birds, mainly consisting of young common whitethroats (Tornsanger) and willow warblers (Løvsanger). A first-year spotted flycatcher (Grå Fluesnapper) was a first in the hand for Andrew and a lovely final bird for Asia, as she sadly left the station today – her equal passion for birds and toast will be missed by all!


IMG 20240815 WA0004Spotted Flycatcher (Grå Fluesnapper), rung at Kabeltromlen.

While most of us were busy at Kabletromlen, Ragnar was out at the Sandworn Track, desperately trying to pick out some migration from the fog. He managed some waders, including curlew sandpiper (Krumnæbbet Ryle), whimbrel (Småspove), little stint (Dværeryle), Temminck’s stint (Temmincksryle). It was nice to hear news that the zitting cisticola (Cistusanger) remained in the area too. Turning his attention to passerines, Ragnar visited Elle Krattet once the main counting was over, finding pied and spotted flycatchers (Broget Fluesnapper & Grå Fluesnapper), with additional reports of a wood warbler (Skovsanger) coming in from the area too.

After some delicious pancakes cooked by Lucas and a bit of data entry, we headed over to Buttervej to look for passerines, following Ragnars earlier successes. Spirits were high, as Joe performed back-to-back renditions of Taylor Swifts’ red album, which manifested into two juvenile red-backed shrike (Rødrygget Tornskade). Also spotted were goshawk (Duehøg), golden plover (Hjeile), and crested tit (Topmejse).

20240815 142550Joe and Lucas enjoyoing the view and passerines at Buttervej

We then had the exciting news of a possible lammergeier (Lammegrib) a few miles South, so we pedaled our way to Hulsig. After an hour or so of meticulously scanning the dunes, the hunger had kicked in and so we returned to the station for dinner. Fingers crossed the mystery bird gets resighted!

Ringing (Kabeltromlen)

Vandrikse 1

Kærsanger 1

Tornsanger 9

Gærdesanger 1

Gransanger 4

Løvsanger 3

Grå Fluesnapper 1

Havesanger 1

Munk 3

Total: 24

Link to today's observations on Dofbasen

People at SKAF: Lucas Corneliussen, Rosa Hicks, Simon S. Christiansen, Asia Kane, Andrew Commins, Ragnar Smith, Joe Zeno, Grethe & Stig