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Purple in the thermal

onsdag 7. august 2024
af Rosa Hicks

Hi all!

We were busy last night with another storm petrel (Lille Stormsvale) and nightjar (Natravn) catching attempt. While we put the nets up, Ragnar led a night tour, showing some guests species of Grenen by night. The tour used a thermal monocular to spot harbour seal pups, roe deer, natterjack toads, and even a purple sandpiper (Sortgrå Ryle) - which we were able to hand net and show to the guests up close, once the bird had been rung and its biometrics recorded. As the sun was rising, Sean and I went to close the nets, where an unringed juvenile nightjar (Natravn) was waiting for us, making a nice end to a long night.


Purple Sandpiper (Sortgrå Ryle)


Today’s ringing team were out at Kabeltromlen for sunrise, and caught 12 birds, with 8 new birds – a little better than the past few days.  Hopefully the coming winds over the weekend will encourage some more movement and leave empty net rounds in the past!

Meanwhile, the observation team was out at Worlds End 3. They had a quiet morning, with a little wader migration including greenshank (Hvidklire) and bar-tailed godwit (Lille Kobbersneppe), as well as a few fulmar, (Mallemuk) and a single great skua (Storkjove).

After returning home for lunch and a few admin tasks, some of us went on afternoon walks, seeing grey plover (Strandhjejle), tree pipit (Skovpiber), spotted flycatcher (Grå Fluesnapper) and a redwing (Vindrossel).

Lucas and Joe cooked us some pasta, as the rain begun for the evening – luckily it should blow over before morning observations and CES ringing tomorrow.

Ringing (Beach at Det Grå Fyr)

Sortgrå Ryle (Purple Sandpiper): 1

Ringing (Fyrhaverne)

Natravn (Nightjar): 1

Ringing (Kabeltromlen)

Solsort (Blackbird): 1

Rørsanger (Reedwarbler): 3

Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat): 1

Tornsanger (Greater Whitethroat): 3

Gransanger (Chiffchaff): 1

Total: 12

People at the station: Simon S. Christiansen, Lucas Corneliussen, Rosa Hicks, Ragnar Smith, Robbie Lawler, Joe Zeno, Asia Kane, Nils and Jette

Link to today’s observations from observers in the area