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Persistence for petrels pays off

tirsdag 6. august 2024
af Robbie Lawler

Today’s blog starts last night. We set the nets for Storm petrels once more this season, we were optimistic despite the lack of success thus far this season. At c.01:30 this morning we struck gold with a European Storm-petrel (Lille Stormsvale) flying into a net. For several at the station it was a lifer and for others it was the first time they had seen one in the hand up close and personal. With the news going out on Zello we had some local birders coming to the station whilst some - including Thomas Buus Nielsen and Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen - were traveling from far away waiting from the beginning of the night hoping to glimpse this mysterious and diminutive Seabird. With measurements taken and a small crowd gathered round it was time for pictures. This was a rare chance to get close to this species with Skagen being the only place in Denmark that undertakes Storm petrel ringing outside of breeding areas. The bird early this morning was the 9th petrel for the station with 3 European Storm-petrels (Lille Stormsvale) in 2021 (one being a recapture from Norway), 2 in 2022, two in 2023 and one thus far in 2024: there was also a Leach’s Storm-petrel (Stor Stormsvale) caught in 2022. Hopefully the success will continue.


European Storm-Petrel (Stormsvale)

With the nets closed Simon, Joe, Asia, Rosa and Lucas all headed out to Kabeltromlen for ringing, whilst me (Robbie) and Ragnar undertook the observations. Migration was slow today with only 4 birds in the ringing and few birds over the sea. There was a small movement of some wader species over World’s End Three, including some Golden Plover (Hjejile). The only notable movement out to sea were modest numbers of Fulmars (Mallemuk) and Terns (Terner) migrating out of Kattegat.

On a personal note, it has been great to be back after a two-year absence since August 2022 and I have enjoyed my short visit. Hopefully my being here is a good omen as I have had Storm petrels on my last two visits. The birding here is a nice relief from overcrowded and underperforming London nature reserves, and hopefully the next few days will continue to supply some exceptional species.

Ringing (Kabeltromlen):

Munk (Blackcap): 1
Kærsanger (Marsh warbler): 1
Gransanger (Chiffchaff): 1

Total: 3

Ringing (Beach at Det Grå Fyr)

Lille Stormsvale (European Storm-petrel): 1

Total: 1

People at the station: Simon S. Christiansen, Lucas Corneliussen, Rosa Hicks, Ragnar Smith, Robbie Lawler, Joe Zeno, Asia Kane, Nils and Jette

Link to today’s observations from observers in the area