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3 Nightjars caught and ringed

onsdag 24. juli 2024
af Asia Kane

Hello everyone!

In the early hours of the morning, the volunteers were hard at work checking the nets for Stormsvale (Storm Petrels) and Natravn (Nightjars). As usual, there was a good turnout of interested local people and the lively atmosphere kept us all in high spirits. Seán also came over from Aalborg to join us for the night, and we were very grateful for his help checking the nets as it allowed the rest of us to get some sleep. Mette brought her delicious cakes again to help us keep going, and everyone at the station appreciated it!

Like last time, no Storm Petrels were caught. However, we did catch 3 Nightjars early in the morning, 2 adults and 1 juvenile. We were able to age the adult male as a second-year bird. This was a new species for some, and everyone enjoyed seeing these unique birds up close. With the birds in the hand, it was possible to see details such as the bristles around their beaks and the distinctively shaped toes that they use to comb them.

2nd nightjar 24th july

nightjar blog 24th july


After the Nightjars had been ringed, Rosa and I headed straight to Kabeltromlen to open nets. We had a slow morning of ringing, but we did catch a male Rørspurv (Reed Bunting) which was a nice highlight. We also managed to change an old net, which was necessary as the old one had a large hole in it. We were joined in the ringing by our keen guest Kirsten and an interested family – the two young boys especially liked being able to see birds in the hand.

While we were ringing, James and Ragnar were carrying out observations. Highlights included Storkjove (Great Skua), Topmejse (Crested Tits) and 2 Toplærke (Crested Larks) – the first ever double record for Grenen!

When the ringing was over, we opened the nets in the lighthouse garden for Lisa’s guided tour.  Then most of us decided to have a rest after a very early morning. In the evening, Lucas, Rosa, James, Ragnar, and I headed out to the dunes and saw a Krumnæbbet Ryle (Curlew Sandpiper). These beautiful birds are in their breeding plumage at this time of year, and often stick out among the Almindelig Ryle (Dunlins) when foraging in the mud.

blog july 24

Tomorrow we will be ringing again at Kabeltromlen. After 2 slow days, we will see if the number of birds picks up.


Ringing (Kabeltromlen)

Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat): 1

Gransanger (Chiffchaff): 7

Munk (Blackcap): 2

Musvit (Great Tit): 2

Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat): 2

Total: 14


Ringing (Fyrhaven)

Natravn (Nightjar): 3


People at the station:  Ragnar Smith, Joe Zeno, Alfred G. Geckler, Asia Kane, Rosa Hicks, Lucas Corneliussen, Seán Walsh, Simon S. Christiansen, Mette M. Christensen, Kirsten Bregn, James Leone


Link to today's observations from observers in the area