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Pullli Nightjars Have Arrived!

søndag 14. juli 2024
af Lucas Corneliussen

Today was started out quiet abrupt. After stay up far longer than I probably should have, given the poor weather forecast in the morning - the station was woken up at 08:00 by Simon with the announcement of a Terek Sandpiper (Terekklire) at Grenen. We immediately got on our bikes and practically flew out there as fast as we humanly could, but were unable to make it in time before the bird departed. Truly a shame. I suppose to pays to be out even in the worst weather conditions possible - a good find regardless for Skagen (the first for Skagen).

Although the disappointment of missing the Terek Sandpiper stung, we continued on with our day. Simon came to the station early in the morning to prepare a few things before his well deserved vacation and we planned to meet him at Sandmilen at 11:45 to check out the nightjars and try to ring them - THEY HATCHED (a day and a half before). Unfortunately, due to rain we were unable to leave until the mid afternoon. The volunteer crew joined by Malthe arrived about an hour early and detected an early Parrot Crossbill (Stor Korsnæb). When Simon arrived we were happy to find both chicks were doing well, but unfortunately they were still too small to ring. We will have to return to do it another day when Simon returns. Afterwards, Myrthe and I made a trip to Hulsig Hede to search for raptors (unsuccessfully). We would also like to thank our sponsors for the funding need to purchase new bicycles and a new scope! We are extremely grateful.



The remainder of the afternoon was fairly relaxed. Some of us went to the store to go grocery store to pick up much needed groceries and restock on our most mandatory item: Nutella. We also picked up some things for the Euros Final. Halla España!  Benjamin made a nice dinner and we spent the evening watching the game with our new guests! Wow what a game. Thank god Spain won!


Vi Ses!

People at SKAF: Lucas Corneliussen, Asia Kane, Myrthe Van Brempt, Simon S. Christiensen, Benjamin Bech, Malthe Delholm

Link to obserservations in Skagen today