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Until we meet again

tirsdag 25. juni 2024
af Magnus Houen Lauritsen

Now it is my turn to write my last Blog post. - At least for now.


The day started with ringing at the CES site at Skarvsøen. Isis, Junior, Lucas and Mette Christensen headed out to fulfil the task, which turned out to be rather slow. A total of nine birds were caught through the six hours of ringing.


Mette with a chaffinch (bogfinke), male.

Meanwhile at the station, I started cleaning the last bit and packed my stuff - preparing to go back home. I left six days earlier to participate in my girlfriend's (Johanna, an earlier volunteer here at the bird observatory) birthday in Kiel, Germany. I was picked up by my uncle at around 14.00, who would drive me the 35 kilometres back home. An era has come to an end, but only for a new to begin.

The evening was spend on watching the euros in the confrence room: Denmark-Serbia, but without my company, unfortunately.


The match ended 0-0.


Tomorrow, I’ll go by train to Kiel from Tolne Station, to surprise my girlfriend. She’s not aware that I’ll leave earlier, just to surprise her. But first a bit of rest, reflecting about the last four months, before continuing out in the wilderness to explore more species. But I'll be back.

In memory of an unforgettable spring, with new experience and new friends. And thanks to you, for following our daily Blog.

Over and out from:


Update 08/07-2024: The surprise was all worth it.<3

Ringing Skarvsøen (CES):

Reed Warbler (Rørsanger): 4

Marsh Warbler (Sivsanger): 1

Common Chaffinch (Bogfinke): 1

Eurasian Black Cap (Munk): 1

Lesser Whithethroat (Gærdesanger): 1