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A Diamond in the Rough

mandag 24. juni 2024
af Lucas Corneliussen

Another day, another early wakeup. Despite having done the 02:30 AM wakeup almost everyday since the middle of May, it does not get any easier (at least for me). At 3 AM, we once again headed out to open the nets at Kabeltrommelen. The sunrise was remarkable this morning and one of the things I love most about the mornings. They make the day so much better!


Ringing was fairly successful the first few rounds considering the late date. We were able to catch a nice Lesser Redpoll (Lille Gråsisken) and several Munk which made Isis very happy. Then the highlight came: As I was walking around the north loop, I had not caught any birds up until that point in the round and while I was walking by I initially did not notice the bird. Then as I got closer, hanging in the lowest net ring was a female Common Rosefinch (Karmindompap). I immediately called over Simon who was not far away and we hastily brought it back to the ringing site once we had finished our round. I (somewhat embarrassingly) made a Zello call and in my excitement, made many mistakes (oops!). Later in the morning, Mette and Simon joined the rest of us for the remainder of the morning.


Of other note, while we were waiting between rounds, the crew spotted two Arctic Skuas (Almindelig Kjove) and a Black-throated Diver (Sortstrubet Lom) and a singing male Rosefinch!

3d353081-5b99-427e-82f0-f1731802d2c0.JPGBatman is occupied! Call the Joker!

The afternoon was full of much needed rest and data entry!


Ringing (Kabeltrommelen)

Common Reed Warbler (Rørsanger) - 5

Marsh Warbler (Kærsanger) - 1

Icterine Warbler (Gulbug) - 2

Blackcap (Munk) - 3

Lesser Whitethroat (Gærdesanger) - 2

Common Whitethroat (Tornsanger) - 1

Lesser Redpoll (Lille Gråsisken) - 1

Common Rosefinch (Karmindompap) - 1 

Total: 16

People: Lucas Corneliussen, Isis Khalil, Simon Kiese, Simon S Christensen, Sean Walsh, Mette Møller Christiansen, Magnus Houen Lauritsen 

A link to today's observations from volunteers and local observers.