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Sometimes We Sleep, Sometimes We Dont

torsdag 27. juni 2024
af Lucas Corneliussen

Although most species sleep in the “night,” the birds we were after last night thrive in the darkness (though in this case, darkness is rather relative). Lars Bo, Simon2, Isis and I departed from Det Grå Fyr for Skagen Klitplantage in hopes of catching Eurasian Nightjar (Natravn). Arriving just after 22:00, we quickly set up the nets and waited for nightfall. Right before we had set up the nets, however, we were joined by the “Nightjar Man” and he pointed out a Nightjar nest! Wow - what an incredible find.IMG_7825.jpeg


Heading back to the cars to wait for the first round, we had seen a few individual nightjars flying around, giving us hope for what was to come. Around 11;30, we made our first round and found a female Nightjar in the nets! Success! This was only the beginning, over the 5 hour period, we caught four individuals! Two males and two females. Unfortunately, because of the lack of moult limits we were unable to specifically age three of the four nightjars, and the fourth, a male - we suspect may be a 2-0 individual because of the moult limit on the outer alulas. What a successful evening!


The biggest surprise of the night came around 1 AM when Simon Kiese and I walked out on our third round of the evening and found not one but TWO Eurasian Woodcocks (Skovsnippe) hanging in the nets! This was my first time seeing them rather than hearing them and I was simply amazed by their size and strength.


After closing the nets at 03:30 we returned to Det Grå Fyr at 4 AM, just as the sun was rising and we hopped into our beds for some much needed rest. Simon Kiesé, braver than I, woke up at 8 AM and biked over to Flagbakken in search of raptors, however, despite spending four hours did not find the quantity or quality of birds he was searching for. Later in afternoon, we got a Zello message stating that the previously reported Lille Skrigeørn had been refound. Too bad for Simon after all the work he put in. ;(

At 15:00, Simon, Sean, Isis and I walked over to the hotdog stand after Isis had been asking all morning (but the hotdog plans were continuously interrupted by previous occupations). What happened next is best told from the one who lived through it, so here is a little Isis interlude:

“We sat on a bench enjoying some hotdogs, they were absolutely delightful, I felt no form of regret for taking everyone out here today. I even considered indulging in gluttony of the highest degree and getting a second hotdog, but eventually talked myself out of it. I did, however, feel a need to buy a nice Skagen beer mug, so I hopped into the Grenen Kiosk and had a gander at their selection. Just as I’d made me choice, I noticed the staff was looking a little panicked. They were speaking in Danish, so I didn’t really understand what was happening, but I could understand their gestures (they were asking me to come over and look). I peered over the counter and there sat a cutie little Crested Tit (Topmejse)! Just my luck! I’ve been wanting to have one in hand all season! Naturally I asked the staff if it was okay if I took the bird and informed them that I worked at the observatory, so they were very pleased the bird was safely escorted out. The timing could not have been more perfect. As I walked towards the bench where Simon, Sean, and Lucas were sitting (without yet paying for my beer mug) I exclaimed, “anyone want to ring a Crested Tit (Topmejse)?” They were a bit confused, and somewhat in disbelief, when I rolled out of the store holding a bird rather than a souvenir. Anyway, I handed the bird off to my talented coworkers, and ran back inside to pay for my souvenirs (I am not a thief!). We ringed the young bird, showed it to a few curious onlookers, and sent it back on its merry way.

All that because I wanted hotdogs and a beer mug, great success.” - IK


Thank you Isis for that wonderful interjection! And now after eating dinner and entering in some data from last night: we head downstairs to the jazz concert!

Ringing (Sandmillen)

Eurasian Nightjar (Natravn) - 4

Eurasian Woodcock (Skovsneppe) - 2

Total: 6

Ringing (Fyr)

Crested Tit (Topmejse) - 1

Total: 1

People: Isis Khalil, Seán Walsh, Lucas Corneliussen, Simon Kiesé, Simon S. Christiansen, Lars Bo, Henning S.