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Guess Who’s Back, Back Again

lørdag 22. juni 2024
af Isis Khalil

Hello everyone! It’s good to be back, I hear Rika did a wonderful job filling in during my absence, and I’m sure no one even noticed a thing. Although the day yesterday was chill, we got busy catching during the night… and we managed to get one beautiful little House Martin (Bysvale)! Magnus, Simon, and Lucas (full of hope) then bravely put on swimming trunks and rushed off to the shore to try to catch some waders, props to them for their effort! They were almost successful. 


Western House Martin (Bysvale).


The Swim Team.


Either way, the day dragged on through the night, until we started to see the morning light shining through the windows. We were almost inclined to rush to Kabeltromlen to open the nets, but then we remembered: the standard period is over! So we submitted to our exhaustion and crumbled into bed. I must admit, seeing “No Alarm” on my phone felt very, very, VERY nice. But once the morning came, we were somewhat at a loss. If we can’t go out, what do we do? Well, we enter and check data sheets of course! Until those ran out… and we were again lost. Simon did a wader count (highlights being 17 Dunlins (Ryle) and 1 Bar-tailed Godwit (Lille Kobbersneppe)) and Magnus was out celebrating his little brother’s birthday.


Seán tried to do some catching during the day, but to no avail. 


We shared a lovely meal with our guests Jesper and Anne, mange tak! It was delicious. 


Since the day was so slow, Simon, Lucas, Seán, and I decided to go set up nets to catch waders. 


Setting up nets. 


Seán fighting off demons (mosquitoes) as we wait for birds to fly into the nets.


Although we ran a couple times, we only ended up catching one Dunlin (Ryle). It was very cute! Our efforts did not feel wasted. We also recaught several of the Common Ringed Plover (Stor Præstekrave) chicks (pulli). Nice to see them so grown! They used to only be as small as half our palm or less!


Dunlin (Ryle).


Common Ringed Plover (Stor Præstekrave).


We also got to see a Fox (Rød Ræv) which was cool! I also heard some deer bellowing by the Sandormen Track, which was a little intimidating. 


Anyway, it is very late now, so we must try to get as much sleep as we can.




Ringing (Fyr)

Western House Martin (Bysvale) - 1

Total: 1


Ringing (Grenen)

Dunlin (Ryle) - 1

Total: 1


Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area.

Sum of the raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen the same day.


People: Isis Khalil, Seán Walsh, Lucas Corneliussen, Magnus Houen Lauritsen and Simon Kiesé, Simon S. Christianen, Jesper & Anne