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When does summer start?

onsdag 12. juni 2024
af Simon Kiesé

At this point of the SPRING season, there is one question we have to dicuss out of the birders point of view. When does the summer start?

After having many very warm days in May, the last days were a bit chilled. This is very typical for June, but is it already summer in anyway?
Weatherwise I would say, that summer starts, when it gets warm after this weather period. But birdwise we can define it different. Therefore we should look at the birds from this morning.


Ringing today still brought some new birds, but the big surprises were missing. We ended up ringing a bit over 20 birds. Even slower days in the ringing are nice, because you have more time to examine the moult of the birds and discuss every single bird. Magnus ringed a lot today and gets better in the ringing process from bird to bird. His measurements are really good!
We also caught and recaught some first calenderyear Chiffchaffs (Gransanger). Young birds, is that a sign of spring?

Seán was counting today. Some Fulmars (Mallemuk) were migrating, otherwise it was really slow. The highlight was a singing Golden Oriole (Pirol), we could also hear from Kabeltromlen. Slow counts - is that a sign of summer?
One Greenshank (Hvidklire) was migrating today, this is the first sign of autumn migration. If autumn has started, springs must have stopped, right?

So is it summer now? I think so!

While we slept, ate and entered data, the bord members of the Bird Observatory had a meeting. It was nice to see them again and Simon Sr's boss Jacob stays with us for one night. He was already a guest in autumn in the apartment and it is really nice to talk to him again.

Ringing (Kabeltromlekrattet):

Blackcap   Munk 10  RI                
 Marsh Warbler Kærsanger 2 RI                  
 Reed Warbler Rørsanger 2 RI                  
 Garden Warbler  Havesanger 1 RI                  
 Chiffchaff Gransanger 3 RI       1K          
 Lesser Whitethroat  Gærdesanger 1 RI                  
 Robin Rødhals 1 RI                  
 Icterine Warbler Gulbug 1 RI                  
 Wren Gærdesmutte 1 RI

Total: 22

A link to today's observations from volunteers and local observers.

Sum of observations of raptors on DOFbasen from today.

Seán Walsh, Isis Khalil, Magnus Houen Lauritsen, Simon Kiesé, Simon S. Christiansen and Søren Leth-Nissen, Jacob Jensen.