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Fulmars and the last Harrier migration

tirsdag 4. juni 2024
af Magnus Houen Lauritsen

Simon and I woke up by 03.30. Sunrise these days are around 04.20. And due to the lack of bikes, I have to leave 15 minutes earlier than the rest of the volunteers to make it in time for sunrise. We headed for WE1, where three birders had already arrived. The amount of mosquitoes has lowered significantly to a more tolerable level.

The migration of Canada Goose is at it’s highest right now. We usually have a few hundreds during the day. Today was an exception, though. We only had four individuals. And they even headed in the wrong direction! But not even the direction was strange. One of the individuals was as well. It was clearly smaller than the rest. Approximately only ¾ the size of a normal Canada Goose. So maybe a subspecies or a escaped Cackling Goose.

What might be the last Montagus harrier of spring showed up as well. Otherwise, it is clear to everyone, that spring-migration already has passed by, and autumn migration kind of already has begun.


Isis with a Væver/Weaver Beetle (Lamia textor). Photo: Isis Khalil

It was rather slow in the ringing as well. A late redwing were among the birds. A total of 16 birds were ringed. Half of them black caps.


Red wing. Photo: Isis Khalil


One of the many black caps. Photo: Isis Khalil

Ringing (Kabeltromlekrattet):

Wren Gærdesmutte 1
Red Wing Vindrossel 1
Reed Warbler Rørsanger 2
Bullfinch Dompap 1
Common Whitethroat Tornsanger 2
Garden Warbler Havesanger 2
Blackcap Munk 8

Total: 17

Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area.

Sum of the raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen the same day.

People: Hayley Land, Isis Khalil, Magnus Houen Lauritsen, Seán Walsh, Simon Kiesé, Simon S. Christiansen, Henrik Knudsen, Karen-Marie and Søren Leth-Nissen, Knud Pedersen.