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Lovebirds and Generosity

onsdag 29. maj 2024
af Isis Khalil

God morgen friends, today I joined Magnus at the count for a change! The extra sleep felt incredible, and the whole walk to World’s End 1 was very scenic. It felt as though my energy had doubled… or maybe even tripled! Unfortunately, I did not have much of an outlet for all my newfound energy, as there was very, VERY, little to count this morning. As Magnus said, “the spring migration is officially over.” But not only that, a couple birds (including a Sparrowhawk - Spurvehøg) were even seen migrating South. Does this mean Autumn migration is already beginning? 


Look how beautiful and green Grenen is now!


A couple of highlights from the count this morning were a Golden Oriole (Pirol) and a Little Stint (Dværgryle - sadly we did not see this one though). I was happy to click away some of the regular Chaffinches (Bogfinke) and Magnus was excited to see quite a few Northern Fulmars (Mallemuk). Magnus also spent some time trying to teach me the Danish æ, ø, and å, and I tried my best to pronounce all the bird names correctly. I also got to hold some fun beetles including two weevils and a Black Snail Beetle (Phosphuga atrata - or Snegleådselbillen in Danish). 


Black Snail Beetle (Phosphuga atrata - Snegleådselbillen).

Magnus counting ALL the birds.


The ringers had a more productive day, with quite a few birds in the early rounds. The highlight of their day being a male Hawfinch (Kernebider - we have only caught females thus far!) along with a female, what a cute pair of lovebirds. 


Female (left) and male (right) Hawfinch (Kernebider). Photo by Simon Kiesé. 


I joined Seán, Hayley, and Simon at Kabeltromlen after Magnus and I finished the count, and got to see a nice adult male Chaffinch (Bogfinke) before helping close the nets. Jørgen Hulbæk, who was birdwatching at Kabeltromlen, also told us there were 6 Black Kites (Sort Glente) passing by and 1 Red Kite (Rød Glente), that was cool to see! A lot of raptors (Rovfugle) were flying rather low around the area. 


Simon (Sr) had a busy day too, joining us at Kabeltromlen and World’s End 1 in the morning, and then meeting up with an old school friend of his (who is also the son of our current guests). They went around and saw some birds - among them a Mantagu's Harrier and a very odd and big falcon without a tail. One that surely has escaped from captivity. It's a bit of a problem that falconeers can't manage to hold their hybrid birds away from escaping into the wild. It's something that happens too often. Anyway, they had a great day walking around on northern part of the peninsula.


Simon (Sr), his friend Rasmus, and our guest Jørn.


We also received news from Simon (Sr) about a great generosity which has been bestowed upon the station (in the form of a donation) from Melsen Fonden. With this donation, we can finally buy new bikes and a brand new scope for the station! We are all incredibly grateful (and excited), mange tak!


In the afternoon, Seán prepared a lovely vegetarian Paella for us, and Simon (Jr) went out on a small adventure. He came across many birds, including the Little Stint (Dværgryle) which we missed earlier today.


This time, unlike the last time I wrote the blog, I really think we will have an early night. We expect (and hope) tomorrow will be a busy day.


Ringing (Kabeltromlekrattet)

Reed Warbler (Rørsanger) - 2

Eurasian Blackcap (Munk) - 8

Lesser Whitethroat (Gærdesanger) - 2

Common Chaffinch (Bogfinke) - 2

Wren (Gærdesmutte) - 2

Robin (Rødhals) - 1

Marsh Warbler (Kærsanger) - 2

Icterine Warbler (Gulbug) - 1

Common Whitethroat (Tornsanger) - 3

Hawfinch (Kernebider) - 2

Total: 25


Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area.

Sum of the raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen the same day.


People: Seán Walsh, Hayley Land, Isis Khalil, Magnus Houen Lauritsen, Simon Kiesé, Simon S. Christiansen, Jørgen Hulbæk, Jørn and Marianne