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mandag 20. maj 2024
af Seán Walsh

We knew from the forecast yesterday that bird-wise, our day would be pretty boring in our usual day-to-day morning tasks. Magnus and I took care of the observations, from World's End 1 in the morning. Each successive day during the week has gotten progressively worse for migration; a sign it's beginning to slow down in most species, particularly at sea. Though sea and passerine migration was slow, there was an explosion of Mursejler (Common Swift) during the day, not that our morning count included these numbers. Some people reported over 2,000 individuals migrating over Skagen, headed for Sweden and Norway. During our count, Magnus noticed a Tornsanger that had been ringed, probably at Kabeltromlen. We were not able to read such a ring though.

IMG 6965

The highlight of our count was a Grønspætte (Green Woodpecker) which are uncommon as far north as Grenen.

Kabeltromlen had a slow day too, unexpectedly. To continue the streak of Kernibider being caught, two were caught today, and I got to ring one for the first time! I had been feeling a little bit left out of the rarer birds being ringed while I manned the radar with Mads, so this was a nice consolation (but not at all a downgrade despite the biting.)


After our usual, us volunteers were tasked with putting up the rest of the Kabeltromlen nets, 50 more metres that were not able to be used due to high water levels so far. With the sun and complete lack of rain the last two weeks, water levels dropped low enough that we could put up the last of the regular nets. This task took us a little while, but once we got into our groove it went by quickly. These nets should up our chances of catching the rarer passerines as they become more likely coming into June, even if regular migration slows down.


Ringing (Kabeltromlekrattet):

Wren  Gærdesmutte 1
 Common Whitethroat  Tornsanger 2  
 Garden Warbler Havesanger 1  
 Blackcap Munk 1  
Chaffinch Bogfinke 1  
Robin Rødhals 2  
 Willow Warbler Løvsanger 1  
 Lesser Whitethroat Gærdesanger 1  
Bullfinch (ssp. europa) Lille Dompap 1  
 Hawfinch Kernebider 2

Total: 13

A link to today's observations from volunteers and local observers.

Sum of observations of raptors on DOFbasen from today.

People: Seán Walsh, Hayley Land, Isis Khalil, Magnus Houen Lauritsen, Simon Kiesé, Simon S. Christiansen, Kirsten Bregn.