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Stretched thin

torsdag 16. maj 2024
af Seán Walsh

The team at the station this morning was spread thin, with ringing taking place at both of our regular sites, Kabeltromlen and Skarvsøen for CES (constant effort scheme). Even though we were physically spread thin, it didn't feel like it as there were not many birds to ring. 


One of very few birds ringed at Kabeltromlen, a Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat)

On the closing round, Isis found this lovely Horse Leech on some reeds north of the dune trail. She ntoed that it had a pale belly and that it was very squishy.


Horse Leech at Kabeltromlen

At Skarvsøen, there was slightly more birds caught during the 6 hour CES session but nothing too exciting. Brood patches on birds at this site are becoming more common, which is a good sign for the breeding season gearing up.

Magnus and I went observing at World End 1, the site we chose for best chance to see passerines as well as get a decent overview of some raptors. There were counts of over 200 Hvepsevåge throughout the morning, all migrating to sea, and some nice passirines included Karmindompap (Common Rosefinch) and Stor Korsnæb (Parrot Crossbill.

Tonight, Simon and I will attempt to catch some waders by the lighthouse beach and also Natravn (Nightjar) in the old lighthouse garden.

Ringing (Kabeltromlekrattet):

Willow Warbler Løvsanger 4
Reed Warbler Rørsanger 1
Bullfinch Bogfinke 1
Lesser Whitethroat Gærdesanger 1
Blackcap Munk 1
Wren Gærdesmutte 1




Ringing (Skarvsøen):

Reed Warbler Rørsanger 5
Goldcrest Fuglekonge 1
Lesser Whitethroat Gærdesanger 1
Chiffchaff Gransanger 1
Bullfinch Bogfinke 2
Reed Bunting Rørspurv 1
Common Whitethroat Tornsanger 1

 A link to today's observations from volunteers and local observers.

Sum of observations of raptors on DOFbasen from today

People: Seán Walsh, Hayley Land, Isis Khalil, Magnus Houen Lauritsen, Simon Kiesé, Simon S. Christiansen, Karen Marie Holk