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A day of great observations and captures at the station!

lørdag 8. oktober 2022
af Prescillia Lemesle

Hello everyone,

Today, it was "girl power" at the station, Aksel being away with his friends and family, we were all 4. While Solenn and Diana went to observe this morning in Grenen, Hanelie and I opened the nets in Kabeltromlen. Despite the rain which forced us to close the nets early. The ringing was satisfactory, with in addition, the usual captures including a flock of of ten blue tits (Blåmejse) (mostly young birds), a new Fieldfare (Sjagger) and a recapture of Lesser Whitethroated (Gærdesanger) ringed in May 2022. This recapture allows us to deduce that this common migrant in Denmark joins its winter quarters in East Africa probably by passing by Eastern Mediterranean flyway.

Fieldfare (Sjagger)


Lesser Whitethroated (Gærdesanger)

lesser whitethroated

During this time, Solenn and Diana counted seabirds before being interrupted by rain. Diana went to observe with them a potential Siberian Stonechat (Sibirisk Sortstrubet Bynkefugl). Siberian Stonechat is a species very close morphologically to European Stonechat (Sortstrubet Bynkefugl). Still considered as a subspecies of the Common Stonechat, about twenty years ago, DNA analysis allowed to separate it into a distinct species. The observed individual is a young bird which complicates the identification so in order to complete the observed criteria, DNA analyses are necessary. Thus, the team hopes to be able to capture it soon in order to take some feathers for analysis and to confirm this rare observation. Indeed, this Russian and Central Asian breeding bird is a rare bird in Denmark with only less than ten potential individuals observed in Skagen.

Siberian Stonechat (Sibirisk Sortstrubet Bynkefugl)

Siberian Stonechat

Picture of Erik Christophersen (Blog of Erik Christophersens)

The whole team observed this bird which I hope will end up in the nets soon!

Diana saw a Barred Warbler (Høgesanger) ringed a few weeks ago, this migrating and uncommon bird in Denmark seems to like staying in Skagen for a while.

Solenn was later observed at Cormorant Lake where she could see two water rails (Vandrikse) and Common snipes (Bekassine) which had not been seen for several days.

This afternoon, Simon and Lisa, took us to see the parrot crossbills (Stor Korsnæb) present on the parking close to Klitplantage. This species is recognizable by its thick beak unlike the Red Crossbills (Lille Korsnæb).Can you see the difference in the picture?


About ten individuals were observed with attention by the volunteers, because for most of us, it is a new species, this species living in the north of Europe far from our respective countries where the observations are rare.


At the end of the day, while Diana was preparing an excellent dinner for tonight and I was cleaning the laboratory, Solenn and Hanelie went for a last day walk. Solenn observed a Bar-tailed godwit (Lille Kobbersneppe) at Grenen while Hanelie observed more forest species in Batteriskoven (Eurasian treecreepers – Træløber-, goldcrests – Flugekonge -, bullfinch – Dompap - and great spotted whoodpecker – Stor Flagspætte) as well as a Northern Wheather (Stenpikker) near the station.

Now everyone is looking forward to tomorrow, which I hope will bring us some great surprises!

Ringing at Kabeltromle:

Gærdesmutte: 6


Solsort: 1

Sjagger: 1

Munk: 1

Gransanger: 3

Fuglekonge: 1

Blåmejse: 22

Gråsisken: 3

Dompap Lille: 2

Rørspurv: 5

Observations of the day in DOFbasn from observers in the area

People at the station : Diana Sciandra, Hanelie Sidhu, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Simon S. Christiansen, Lisa Vergin and our guests Stig and Grethe