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fredag 9. september 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu

Hi everyone!


Today was a very windy and rainy day. In the early hours of the morning bevore sunrise, Frank went out to check if there were Eiders „Ederfugle“ resting on the Seal-Bunker on the beach because we would really like to catch one, but under these windy conditions, the Eiders prefer apparently another place to rest, probably in the harbour. As it was way to windy for ringing and also very rainy, we all stayed inside and slept a bit longer. So today was a inside day, it continued rainig the whole day. I usesd the time to finish analysing, the NocMig, the recording of the nocturnal migration, that we had out at Kabeltrommle a few days ago. Simon checked some mystery calls I was not sure of and now everything is typed in in Trektellen. There were some birds mooving in the nigt from the 29th to the 30th of August, some Waders as Golden Plover „Hjejle“, Common Sandpiper „Muddeklire“ and Dunlin „Almidelig Ryle“ and Turnstone „Stenvender“ and some Passerines, for example Redstart „Rødstjert”, Spotted Flychatcher „Grå Fluesnapper” and Tree Pipit „Skovpiber”.

Click here to see night recording of nocturnal migration


Sonogramm of a Common Sandpiper "Muddeklire"

Frank continued prepareing his presentation about sexing and ageing waders because tomorrow, he will give a seccion for us!

Max wrote the month report for August for the year report of the Bird Observatory and started packing because sadly he will already leave on Sunday.

Diana discovered the game ”KLASK” on the shelf and so Diana and I played quite some games, we got kind of addicted.


Solenn cooked us a lovely meal today, also our guests Anders and Jette also joined.


In the afternoon, Lisa came by and showed the bird observatory to two German friends and colleges, Hella and Yves, who are also working at Nabu, the German Birdlife Partner.

In the morning, Anders gave a guided tour for families, Mini-bioblitz and in the afternoon and evening there was a board meeting.

Tomorrow, the weather is supposed to be good again so we will be out ringing and observing in the morning. See you in the field! Take care,


Observations of the day in DOFbasn from observers in the area

People: Solenn Boucher, Max Laubstein, Simon Christiansen, Frank Osterberg, Hanelie Sidhu, Diana Sciandra, Lisa Vergin, Hella Lemke, Yves Bötch, Knud Pedersen, Anders Østerby, Niels Eriksen, Hans Christophersen, Anders Brinkmann, Peter Kristensen, and our guests Jette & Anders