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Nightcatching in the fields around Lindenborg

mandag 22. august 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu

Hi everybody!

I hope today I can please you once again with a long detailed blog. I start already in the evening of yesterday. After Elena, who will spend two weeks with us here as a volunteer, and our new guests arrived, Manuel, Frank, Max and I made our way to the train station. We took the train to Skalborg. It was a long ride, almost two and a half hours that we spent partly with bird sound quizzes and thus entertained the other passengers on the train. The ride dragged on and on, but finally, we arrived and Niels was there immediately to pick us up at Skalborg station and drive us to a field in the Lindenborg area. There we met Lisa, Simon and Lars Bo, we prepared the ringing equipment in the trunk of Lisa's car and then we set off in two teams equipped with thermal binocular, flashlight and net to two different fields. Lars Bo, Frank, Max and I came back after the first round in the field with more birds: we had caught three Skylarks "Sanglærke". Lisa, Simon, Manuel and Niels came back with one Corn Bunting "Bomlærke" and one Skylark "Sanglærke". Actually, we had expected no Larks or Buntings, but the young Larks, all first calendar were also very cute and cool in the hand and after all a nightchatchig success for us. And the Corn Bunting "Bomlærke" was a little highlight for the first field round.


Corn Bunting "Bomlærke"

Then we headed back out into the fields. There were Great Snipes "Tredækker" there, Frank, Lars Bo, Max and I saw three, two flew up way too fast when we pointed the flashlight at them. But to one Frank and I got really close! Great excitement, we could have had them.... but we missed the right moment and finally the bird flew up. Disappointment. But a little later success, mission Great Snipe fulfilled. It was Team Lisa, Simon, Manuel and Niels who brought us the longed-for bird. Team Lars Bo, Max, Frank and Hanelie contributed two more young Skylarks.


First calender year Skylarks "Sanglærke"

So it turned out to be a successful night. Simon had his first Corn Bunting "Bomlærke" in hand and the Great Snipe "Trædekker" was a Lifer for all of us volunteers.

IMG_3329.JPGFrank ringing the Great Snipe "Tredækker"

IMG 3342

 IMG 3356

Great Snipe Male 2cy.+ with moulted primaries

This was a perfect farewell night for Manuel, because he unfortunately left us after this night. Niels drove Manuel, Frank, Max and me after the ringing to Aalborg to the train station and then there was unfortunately only a short goodbye, because Max, Frank and I had to run to catch our train. Dear Maunel, it was very nice to have you here and for me to meet you here again. It was always cool and educational to go observing with you, you are great at explaining bird calls and identification. And finally you made our bat detector work as well! Hope to see you soon, take care!

For Frank, Max and me the trip home felt much shorter, we slept in very uncomfortable postures and with wet feet, because the fields were wet, and when we arrived in Skagen it was already light and at ten to eight we finally all lay in our beds and slept into the afternoon. Elena was up earlier than us and visited them exhibition and climbed the lighthouse. She also went shopping with our guests. We were unfortunately not yet up to give her a list, because even us voracious volunteers once again ran out of supplies and especially the Koldskål. But Karin was grocery shopping  for us today and cooked for us. Tak for mel! Now we have the evening meeting and tomorrow we are all back in the field in Kabeltrommle and World's End 3. See you then!

Ringed Birds in the fields around Lindenborg:

Sanglærke: 6

Bomlærke: 1

Tredækker: 1

Total: 8

Observations of the day in DOFbasn from observers in the area


People: People: Simon S. Christiansen, Lisa Vergin, Lars Bo Jakobsen, Niels Eriksen, Max Laubstein, Frank Osterberg, Hanelie Sidhu, Manuel Tacke, Elena Turac, Karin, Alfrida, Berit