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Zello calls over zello calls - the Black-winged Kite "Blå Glente" is still around!

tirsdag 19. april 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu
Hi everyone!

Already in the morning, when we were still opening the nets, the Zello calls started: The Black-winged Kite "Blå Glente" is still in Skagen! As we had already seen it, Alice and I were able to open the nets in a relaxed way. Simon and Lisa also arrived for the first round and shortly afterwards Manuel and Robbe, who did the Morning Obs and the "laser shooting" from Kabeltromle today.


The Morning Obs was quite slow, also the ringing. But we had a Willow Warbler "Lovsanger" in the net again, which was nice. Also, Manuel ringed his first bird today, a Robin "Rødhals". The Wryneck "Vendehals" or the Ring Ouzel "Ringdrossel" Simon had foreseen to catch today did not appear. He blamed it on the weatherman and promised full nets for tomorrow. Let's hope Simon is right and the weatherman doesn't interfere. We actually all enjoyed having ringing, observations and observing with the Laser Binoculars at Kabeltrommeln and spending the morning all together. Like that, also Robbe and Maunel had a bit of ringing and me a bit of exercise for my (laser-) binocular muskles. Manuel and Robbe stayed longer with the laser binoculars at Kabeltromle. And there the Black-winged Kite "Blå Glente" appeared again! Alice and I returned to the station, Alice entered the ringing data and then had a refreshing nap, I still had to work on a long raptor summary, then Simon and I started to check ringing sheets. In the afternoon Simon, Manuel and I did some fieldwork for the Raptor GPS Tagging Project. When we came back we saw some Birders watching the Black-winged Kite "Blå Glente" in the field right next to the road in Storsig. Alice and Robbe enjoyed the beautiful weather by entering data outside.


After the evening meeting, Simon and I checked a few more pages of ringing data. And there was a new species for the Lighthouse Gardens Garden List: a Ring Ouzel "Ringdrossel". While I'm writing the blog, Robbe is cooking and Manuel is doing what a change today - data entry! Data entry is increasing, but so are the birds, increasing data and increasing numbers of birds, unfortunately, go hand in hand with each other.

For tomorrow we are looking forward to more data, but more than that for more birds.


Ringing Kabletromle


Munk: 2

Gransanger: 9

Løvsanger: 1

Gærdesmutte: 4

Jernspurv: 1

Rødhals: 14

Sangdrossel: 3


Total: 34



And here the result of more data analysis and data entry: the nocmig from 12.-13. 04. is in TreKtellen now:



See you then!



People: Simon S. Christiansen, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Manuel Tacke, Robbe Cool, Lisa Vergin