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A Pied Avocet "Klyde" at the tip of Grenen!

onsdag 6. april 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu
Hi everyone!

Did you stay a little longer in bed today, deterred by the bad weather forecast?  Alice and I, as well as our guests Mette and Jesper, nevertheless jumped out of bed early and we didn't regret it. First, we were rewarded with a beautiful sunrise, which colored the sea, purple. One could not have believed what shitty weather should still come today. And the first two hours at the end of the world 3 were also pretty good. We had more species than in the last days and there were also some highlights: In the first hour we had a Pied Avocet "Klyde", which even landed for a short while at the tip of Grenen, rested very briefly next to a Gull "Måge" and then continued its migration to the southeast.


We found this observation a little cool, but we didn't know how cool yet, because avocets are quite rare in Skagen. There was already one observation of this kind in Skagen this year, last year only one in the whole year! We also had a Red-necked Grebe "Gråstubet Lappedykker" two Long-tailed Ducks "Havlit", one male and one female, on this winter morning in April. After the first two hours, however, we returned to the station because the weather was changing, it was getting windier, and by the time we got to the station it was soon starting to sleet. The weather was perfect for the Kulture-Bike day set up school classes from Skagen, which today cycled stations in Skagen and did various activities there.



One of these stations was the Skagen Fuglestation, they made a quiz in which they had to match different parts of animals, especially birds, to the pictures of the species. The time was stopped and the correctly matched items were counted. A seventh grade class from a private school won. As the children matched the animals to the items, the weather got "better and better." Nevertheless, everyone stayed outside. Marion assisted Simon all morning and noon, I joined them for two of the tours.


Alice made sure we didn't get completely cold  and made us hot chocolate. Thanks! She stayed inside after the Obs, entered the data and continued working on the Nocmig. Simon prepared things in the afternoon for field work for the GPS Raptor project, we can start soon! He also had a meeting with Henning, a member of the board of the Bird Observatory and also Chairmen of the bird ringing society of Denmark. Among other things it was about a test for ringers to get the C-Licence. Our guests Mette and Jesper, inspired by the wonderful light we had this morning, visited the art exhibitions in Skagen, Anchers Hus and Dragmans Hus. 

Also for Marion and me the afternoon, although disappointing because only indoors, was quite successful. I finished my report for the university and Marion finally reached her potential new flatmate in Aalborg. After the Evening Meeting we filled the board at the Birders Club with the last Observations and ringed Birds, because on April 8 the Exhibition will open for the public.


The evening was a little highlight because Simon cooked for us and he is really a very good cook. He made Lemon Sole and Shrimps with butter fried potatoes, eggplant with breading and Kale Salad. We had a small feast meal with eight people, because Robbe had returned in the evening from his trip to Lille Villemose, accompanied by his girlfriend Mathilde, who is visiting him.


But after dinner it was far from bedtime, we went nightcatching in the Skagen area, in two groups, Alice, Robbe and Mathilde took over the secret Lake, surrounding area and Kabeltrommeln, Marion, Jasper, Mette and I went to Grenen and then over the reeds to Kabeltrommeln.


Simon stayed at the station, ready to assist us with ringing. The secret lake group returned home a little earlier, when Marion, Jesper, Mette and I finally set off from Grenen Parking to the station we are amazed to find out that it was 1:30! After 02:00 we finally landed in our beds and I must apologize that this blog goes online only today the next day, but after the nightchatching I really did not keep the time appropriate to sit down at the laptop. Once again an unsuccessful Nightcatching, after so many attempts we must get something soon! I still do not give up hope and you keep your fingers crossed! See you soon!





People: Simon S. Christiansen, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger, Robbe Cool, Mathilde, Jesper and Mette.