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Unfulfilled high hopes
Because of the snowfall in Central Europe, no new birds are arriving. This meant a very slow morning again for Marion and Hanelie who went to World End 3. Their only motivation was the black-browed albatross “sortbrynet albatross” that had been seen at Hanstholm yesterday. Unfortunately, the only thing that kept them concentrated was a series of Simon imitations they made during the observations. Alice and I took a morning off. Alice looked for the possibilities of taking a boat somewhere and began looking for new studies. I went to see Marion and Hanelie with the hope that I could see the albatross as well. Unfortunately, I didn’t see anything either but had some talks with Jørgen and Eric. My cousin and girlfriend joined us too and said goodbye before going to Råbjerg Mile.
The rest of the day, Jørgen give us a nice road trip and brought us to some other good places to watch the raptor migration.
In the afternoon, we went to an oak and beech forest, agricultural fields and a stream. Jørgen told us about all the rarities that were found there, but today we were not lucky to see any of them. Instead, we saw some curlews “storspove”, a kestrel “tårnfalk” and marsh tits “sumpmejse”. Along the beach, Jørgen also showed us the hostplant of an endemic subspecies of the northern brown argus “Sortbrun blåfugl” (Aricia Artaxerxes subsp. vandalica).
(curlew “storspove”)
Once we came back, we were all up for a delicious snack. Alice made some nice cookies we could enjoy today. Hanelie continued entering data while Alice and I explored some new bunkers. The tide was low so we could enter the bunkers close to the sea. It was quite an adventure and it resulted in some really nice pictures. While recovering from our last climb in a bunker, the Icelandic gull “Hvidvinget måge” flew along to its sleeping place in the harbour, wishing us a good night.
Now we are waiting for the guests with our stomachs full of Hanelies delicious meal.
Good night!
Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area
Sum of the Raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen the same day
People: Robbe Cool, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger, Simon S. Christiansen, Erik Christophersen and Jørgen Kabel