Her på Skagen Fuglestations blog bringes korte nyheder i dagbogsformat om hændelser på fuglestationen.
Our dead seabirds make it into two TV shows and then leave us for Aarhus
The weather was really not good for Monday morning. Simon had suggested an indoor day for me. An indoor day? That didn't sound tempting to me at all. And I was already out of bed early, so I couldn't spend the day indoors. Although I was almost about to turn back when the wind blew the rain in my face, I opened my notebook at Verden's Ende 3 exactly at sunrise. I checked the seagulls again, but at least Iceland "Hvidvinget Måge" or Glaucous Gull "Gråmage" didn't seem to be at the world´s end in this bad weather. Instead, I spotted several resting Kittiwakes "Ride" and also Black-headed Gulls "Hæettemåge" among the gulls. I also counted the seals: 11 Grey Seals "Gråsæl" were lying there, I had only met one Harbour Seal "Spæettet Sæl" on the way to Grenen. When it started to hail after the first hour, I gave up and returned to the station.
Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area (21.02.2022)
Meanwhile, a local reported a dead Fulmar "Mallemuk" to Simon in the north of Kandestederne. The weather had improved a bit and so we went for a walk on the beach. However, without success. Maybe the sea had taken over the Fulmar "Mallemuk" again, or maybe an animal had had a good meal on it. At least we found a nice tennis ball on the beach, which we kicked around for quite a while on the way back. Finally, we left it on the beach instead of bringing Igor this great souvenir from Kandesterne. This pretty rubbish flag was also on the beach and Simon took this great picture of "the new pirate".
Soon it was the moment of truth for the new pirate because on the way back we made a stop at the supermarket to buy new cleaning supplies and then it was time for me to do the "Big Skagen Fuglestation cleaning". After that, it smelled good like Brun Sæbe, and to crown all this new order and cleanliness, Simon sorted out books and put them in order, but also added other books.
This new order was explained to me in the evening and the day ended exceedingly clean and orderly and tidy.
On Tuesday, another Fulmar "Mallemuk" survey was on the agenda. This time I had a lot of company at the beginning from Simon and a local TV crew of TV2 nord, to whom Simon explained the reason for the beach surveys, namely that Aarhus University wants to find out how much plastic is in the stomachs of the Fulmars "Mallemuk". But Fulmars "Mallemuk" don't lie in droves on the beach; the most frequently collected dead birds are Guillemots "Lomvie", which are often washed up dead by the sea and just sometimes die injured or weakened on the beach. We also found Guillemots "Lomvie" with the TV team. While Simon and the TV team drove back to the station after the first Guillemots "Lomvie", where Simon showed and explained the freezer and its contents to the three of them, I still had the most oft he way to go.
To see the TV2 nord feature, click here...
I really did not return empty-handed, because in the lab I was able to stock the freezer with two new Fulmars "Mallemuk", two Puffins "Lunde" and six Guillemots "Lomvie".
Dead Fulmar "Mallemuk"
Now the University of Aarhus could come, which had announced itself for Wednesday. But while I was still busy in the lab, Simon came in. Outside, very close to the nets, we had already observed Partridges "Agerhøne", and they were now flying over the house past the lighthouse. We hope to catch them soon, of course!
Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area (22.02.2022)
Wednesday started early, Simon arrived at the station already at about 5:45, then for him, it went straight on with appearance on TV, today in Godmorgen Danmark. It was again about the dead birds on the beach and the Fulmar "Mallemuk" project. This time the topic was explained together with Sebastian Klein, who was in the TV studio in Copenhagen. I was ready long before sunrise so that I could have a nice breakfast before I left for Grenen. Today the weather was much friendlier than the last time at the world´s end. I observed many Jackdaws "Allike" today, but nothing very exciting, but I left Grenen also after not quite two hours, because at the station a tour took place.
Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area (23.02.2022)
The nets in the garden caught two recaptures, a Great Tit "Musvit" and a Yellowhammer "Gulspurv". Simon explained ringing and birds were fed and the contents of the freezer were shown.
Simon shows blowing fat of a bird.
Feeding the birds at the nets.
Annelise Jensen brought two more birds for the freezer, so the yield for Aarhus was even bigger, thank you! And Aarhus was already there, in the person of Ib Kragh Petersen and a friend, Nico. So Annelise, who had worked at Aarhus University met Ib again after many years, here in Skagen. Simon, Ib, and Nico then met the Nature Agency to agree on a place to catch raptors. They also identified potential places for a radar. I cleaned up the lab, had lunch on last night´s leftovers checked the freezer lists, and prepared something for the ringing folder. Simon meanwhile had picked up his mum from the train station. Now the freezer was emptied, everything was loaded into the car and Ib and Nico left for Aarhus with all the frozen birds. Simons mum had brought cake which we three ate. When it was dark we tried to catch the Partridges "Agerhøne", but unfortunately without success, next time! Now it´s late again, not without reason, I was called I „Night owl“ from an early age. There are just things, as I said, you can not change, even with the best will. I am afraid, that is also one of them. Well, then, there is only to say: See you tomorrow, bright and early and until the next blog soon!
PS: Sorry, because of technical problems this blog could only go online today, Thursday morning.
People: Karin Christiansen, Simon S. Christiansen, Hanelie Sidhu, Ib Kragh Petersen and Nico