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Kirstens last day

lørdag 21. august 2021
af Augustin Sticksel

Ulysses and me opened the nets at Kabeltromlen at 5:30 o’clock today, we had a successful morning with a lot of birds. We had some local visitors at the ringing site, Jan Spiermann, Jørgen Kabel his wife Agnete and their dog Igor as well as Erik Christophersen. Kirsten got to ring her last bird of her stay, a beautiful male Redstart (Rødstjert) she will leave us tomorrow after she stayed at the lighthouse for one week and helped us with the ringing. Rosalina went out observing with Knud and they counted some Razobills (Alk) and Red-Troated Divers (Rødstrubet Lom).



In the afternoon we cleaned the apartment and the laboratory after that we had our evening meeting and finished our planning for our mission to catch and ring some Storm Petrels (Lille Stromvale) tonight.

Ringmærkning – Kabeltromlen

Rørsanger – 3

Gærdesanger – 4

Løvsanger – 9

Tornsanger – 4

Skovskade – 1

Rødstjert – 3

Skovpiber – 2

Munk – 1

Broget Fluesnapper – 1

Ringmærkning - Fyrhaven

Rødstjert - 1

Total – 29

Folk på stationen: Simon S Christiansen, Ulysse Reverre, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Kirsten Bregn, Erik Christophersen, Jan Spiermann, Jørgen Kabel.

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