Her på Skagen Fuglestations blog bringes korte nyheder i dagbogsformat om hændelser på fuglestationen.
Open Freezer Day
Today was a good day for ringing, with the northern winds and the recent rains, we caught several Willow warblers (løvsanger) and chiffchaffs (gransanger). Mathilde and Augustin opened the nets for a first round around 5h30. The threat of rain sadly cut our session short around 9h30. This left us plenty of time to catch up on sleep, clean around the flat and log in data.
Simon held an open freezer presentation, showing off the impressive collection of birds that we accumulate over the years (falcons, owls, blackbirds, finches, etc./falk, ugler, solsort, finke, etc.). A small crowd gathered in the courtyard of the lighthouse for over 45 minutes.
We welcome Niels Eriksen, head of the board of the Skagen Bird Observatory, who will join us until tomorrow to attend a Friends of the Observatory meeting here in Skagen.
Ringmærkninge – Kabeltrommlen
Tornsanger – 5
Gærdesanger – 3
Kærsanger – 1
Gransanger – 2
Munk – 2
Løvsanger – 5
Rørsanger – 3
Gulbug – 1
Total - 22
Folk på stationen: Mathilde Ducroz, Simon S Christiansen, Ulysse Reverre og Augustin Sticksel.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen