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3 essential things for a ringer

onsdag 4. november 2020
af Martin Grienenberger

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There’s no better introduction than how Jeppe summarized how he felt this morning : “I’m very tired, but I need a coffee, some fresh air and a bird in my hand and I’m happy.”

The team started the day with such a feeling for a cool and sunny morning. Although the numbers of new ringed birds were quite low, the ringing team enjoyed a good quality time. As always, Simon shared his precious knowledge which was particularly appreciated by everyone, including our guests Lars and Lone. The guys played a little game of how many birds they would get on the first round and the winner was the one with the closest guess, which ended up being Jeppe!

1st bird of the day: Fieldfare - Sjagger

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Since our tent at Kabeltromlen is broken, the guys managed to bring back to the lighthouse al of our stuff there and it was a hell of a ride !

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They closed the nets due to the weather and few birds, only to come back to the lighthouse and open the garden nets! They had only 8 birds but that still included 5 species, such as Greenfinch (Grønirisk) and Tree Sparrow (Skovspurv). It was the occasion for Lars and Lone to take an active part in the station: while Lars took over the net supervision and helped taking care of the GPS-tags, Lone helped Pablo with writing down the ringing data on the data sheets and gave a hand to Jeppe with closing the nets.

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Meanwhile, Simon and Christina went to John Pedersen’s. John generously gave us the bike from the late Mogens Fed. It will for sure get a new life like before, when Mogens used it for birdwatching in Skagen.
They of course stayed a bit at John’s enjoying a coffee (black for Simon and with milk for Christina if you care ;-) and talked about birding in Skagen.

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On my side, I went as usual to World’s End 3 with Knud looking for some migrating seabirds. As the previous days, the numbers of alcids remained low in comparison with those we had 2 weeks ago. But still, we enjoyed a very nice morning with a rather good diversity and some nice of those nice moments I love on migration spots when each spotter is announcing flocks coming from almost everywhere in front of him. And we did indeed, with several nice flocks of Geese, Whooper Swans (Sangsvane) or Hooded Crows (Gråkrage).

The rest of the afternoon was spent doing office stuff. Simon even had some help from Chris the Elephant!

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Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området

Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen+Lighthouse):

Bogfinke - Chaffinch - 1

Gronsisken - Greenfinch - 3

Blåmejse – Blue Tit - 4

Dompap, Lille (europaea) – Eurasian Bullfinch - 3

Skovspruv - Tree Sparrow - 1

Munk - Blackcap - 1

Sangdrossel – Song Thrush - 1

Vindrossel – Redwing - 1

Sjagger – Fieldfare - 3

Total: 18


People: Simon S. Christiansen, Knud Pedersen, Christina Stinn, Martin Grienenberger, Jeppe Overgaard, Pablo Macías, Lars & Lone Madsen, Amelie Zeller